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Home study?

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Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05

32475 total posts


Home study?

Who did it?

What did they do, ask?

How much did you pay?

Posted 8/1/12 4:33 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

5435 total posts


Re: Home study?

ours was done by a social worker through our agency. She came to the house twice. it actually wasn't half as bad as i thought it would be. she lives in our town and has kids that are close to our age... so the whole time she was talking to DH about people she remembered her kids being friends with and stuff like that LOL
i spent days cleaning but she just walked around quick to check out the place. Cole's room at the time was FULL of tools because DH was redoing our bathroom... she didn't care at all Chat Icon
before she came, we each had to fill out a very detailed questionaires. about our marriage (what attracts us to the other person, what we might change about the other person...) we had to write about our families (types of discipline our parents used, anything we would change about how our parents raised us. our relationship with our paernts now) and about how we plan to raise our child (types of discipline, things we look forward to doing with them, how we see religion fitting into our lives, what we hope for our kids education).
I like talking about myself, so it wans't bad LOL
I remember reading that the social workers WANT to approve you and want the homestudy to come out well. they're really not out to "get" you Chat Icon lol that helped me calm down alittle bit about the whole thing. good luck!!

Posted 8/2/12 10:57 PM

Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05

32475 total posts


Re: Home study?

Ok, well the baby's room is a mess filled with crap. My bedroom carpet is a cat disaster and needs replacing badly. Other home improvement stuff I wish I could do immediately.

The questions and answers will be weird.

When do the financials come into play?

Posted 8/3/12 10:44 AM

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