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if kids are sledding on my property..

Forum Opinion Poll
I let them. Looks like fun. 5 9.26%
I say something & kick 'em out. 45 83.33%
I think people who say something are overreacting 2 3.70%
other 2 3.70%

homeowner issue - kids using your yard as a sleigh ride area

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Member since 5/10

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homeowner issue - kids using your yard as a sleigh ride area

came home to find 4 or 5 boys sledding around my front yard, between a few trees.

a) I don't like anyone on my property
b) I don't want to get sued
c) I also don't want to be "that" neighbor

so, what do you do?

am i overreacting?

what are you SUPPOSED to do?

and, how do you say something (if you choose to) so you don't sound like biotch?

I don't know any of my neighbors. I don't even know if these are my neighbors kids.

Posted 12/27/10 4:54 PM


Member since 8/05

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Re: homeowner issue - kids using your yard as a sleigh ride area

In this sue happy age, i would give them the boot. All it takes is one bonehead to slam into a tree and then you habpve mamabear on your lawn. No thanks. Get the steppin'

Posted 12/27/10 4:57 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: homeowner issue - kids using your yard as a sleigh ride area

My first concern would be liability- if a kid is hurt, who's at fault? If that wasn't an issue, I probably would not care. But I too would not want to be sued.

I once caught a neighbor kid riding his bike down a small set of concrete steps on our property- I didn't say anything- and his mom and another neighbor standing right there thought it was funny. Chat Icon I also don't want to be "that neighbor" so I said nothing- but fortunately it was a one-time thing.

ETA- if the kids damaged something, would the parents pay up, I wonder?

Message edited 12/27/2010 4:59:26 PM.

Posted 12/27/10 4:58 PM

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Re: homeowner issue - kids using your yard as a sleigh ride area

you are NOT overreacting. I've had major issues with two of my neighbors using my backyard at their own leisure. I put an end to it and put up a fence.

Yes, I am THAT neighbor, but you know what? I am NOT going to get sued because one of their kids gets hurt on my property.

Posted 12/27/10 4:59 PM


Member since 5/10

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Re: homeowner issue - kids using your yard as a sleigh ride area

Posted by JennZ

In this sue happy age, i would give them the boot. All it takes is one bonehead to slam into a tree and then you habpve mamabear on your lawn. No thanks. Get the steppin'

They have left. I think I scared them. Chat Icon

what happens though if you aren't home and had no idea they were sledding and someone got hurt? are you still held as responsible? Both DH & I have been locked away at work and haven't been home.

Posted 12/27/10 5:00 PM

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Re: homeowner issue - kids using your yard as a sleigh ride area

Posted by MrsRbk

you are NOT overreacting. I've had major issues with two of my neighbors using my backyard at their own leisure. I put an end to it and put up a fence.

Yes, I am THAT neighbor, but you know what? I am NOT going to get sued because one of their kids gets hurt on my property.

We have a pool in the yard and I am PARANOID about kids sneaking back there in the summer.
We have fences and locked gates.
Sorry but you have to be a hard @ss in this day and age!

Posted 12/27/10 5:00 PM

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Re: homeowner issue - kids using your yard as a sleigh ride area

Posted by JennZ

In this sue happy age, i would give them the boot. All it takes is one bonehead to slam into a tree and then you habpve mamabear on your lawn. No thanks. Get the steppin'

agreed. the only kid getting hurt on my property is my own!Chat Icon

Posted 12/27/10 5:00 PM

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Re: homeowner issue - kids using your yard as a sleigh ride area

I think it also depends on the kids. I have some great neighbors and their kids are wonderful. If they found a great hill to play on (which we don't have one), I wouldn't mind as long as their parents knew they were over and were unsupervised. But that's me. I grew up in my neighbor's backyards and thought NOTHING of going over to their house to play even if they weren't home. I know it was 35 years ago, but still..... I guess that's why it wouldn't bother me now.

Posted 12/27/10 6:17 PM

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Re: homeowner issue - kids using your yard as a sleigh ride area

Posted by JennZ

In this sue happy age, i would give them the boot. All it takes is one bonehead to slam into a tree and then you habpve mamabear on your lawn. No thanks. Get the steppin'

I have to agree. When I was growing up our backyard had a great hill for sledding. A few years after we moved in a developer built a house. The people who bought that house installed a fence to prevent us from going down the hill onto property that wasn't ours - in the middle of winter.

Posted 12/27/10 6:30 PM

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Re: homeowner issue - kids using your yard as a sleigh ride area

Posted by JennZ

In this sue happy age, i would give them the boot. All it takes is one bonehead to slam into a tree...

Actually, in that situation being a bonehead would actually help! Chat Icon

I do agree though: I would definitely tell them that what they are doing is dangerous and you can't allow it on your property!

Posted 12/27/10 6:35 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

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Re: homeowner issue - kids using your yard as a sleigh ride area

I would ask them where they live. If they said somewhere in your street, tell them to go back to their backyard. So...Kick them out. Why are they using YOUR yard?

Regardless, I would tell them that their parents should have taught them not to use other people's property.

Posted 12/27/10 6:49 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/09

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Re: homeowner issue - kids using your yard as a sleigh ride area

Funny. This was in yesterday's Newsday. i forgot what Ann Lander's advice was for this same exact situation. Chat Icon

Posted 12/27/10 6:58 PM

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Re: homeowner issue - kids using your yard as a sleigh ride area

I would and have said something. My back yard neighbor's home burnt to the ground three years ago. The day after the fire I came home to strangers in my back yard. Three adults and 2 kids. One of the kids was rollerblading and destroyed my lawn. I was really angry and told them to get off of my property. My lawn was completely torn up and did not grow back until the next year. I also have a small retaining wall and the kid was also rollerblading on it, if he got hurt, I am sure they would have sued me. You would think adults would know better but they don't. They actually yelled at me.

Posted 12/27/10 8:32 PM
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