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house mice...

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where's winter?

Member since 11/05

2209 total posts


house mice...

anyone have this problem and successfully remove them without using poison?

not looking forward to setting up traps, but not liking the idea of poison even more...

Posted 10/16/06 9:44 AM
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Re: house mice...

Yes! We use glue traps. They don't kill the mice but they catch them, and then you can make your DH dispose of them.

Seriously, it's the only thing we've found that works. It happens to us when it gets cold. A week later, they're all gone.

The only thing is, that glue is impossible to get off if you mistakenly get it on your hands, carpet, etc.

Posted 10/16/06 9:59 AM

my girls!

Member since 2/06

1491 total posts


Re: house mice...

we had this problem early last year - we did NOT use any poison because of my daughter but honestly, I wouldn't want to anyway b/c if they die and you don't know where they are, they will STINK and that is so grossChat Icon

I agree that the glue traps are best - you can buy them at a hardware store, etc and they are easy to use. That's the best way to get rid of them, and you may want to find where they came in and plug up the hole - we had a huge hole in our kitchen that has since been fixed - we gutted the whole damn thingChat Icon

Posted 10/16/06 11:07 AM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

2209 total posts


Re: house mice...

Posted by greenfreak

Yes! We use glue traps. They don't kill the mice but they catch them, and then you can make your DH dispose of them.

what did DH do with them? chuck them in the garbage outside? Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/16/06 12:24 PM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

2209 total posts


Re: house mice...

Posted by Teri

we had this problem early last year - we did NOT use any poison because of my daughter but honestly, I wouldn't want to anyway b/c if they die and you don't know where they are, they will STINK and that is so grossChat Icon

I agree that the glue traps are best - you can buy them at a hardware store, etc and they are easy to use. That's the best way to get rid of them, and you may want to find where they came in and plug up the hole - we had a huge hole in our kitchen that has since been fixed - we gutted the whole damn thingChat Icon

we have an infant, that combined with them dying somewhere in the walls is why i don't want to touch the poison.

they are living in the basement and the garage. i noticed some droppings in the kitchen and thus have started the freak out Chat Icon

Posted 10/16/06 12:26 PM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: house mice...

Last year my parents had mice. I set up the humane traps (I just can't kill animals for no reason) and would let them out outside when they went in the traps.
There was a hole in the wall, and when my dad plugged that up, no more mice. You need to find where they are coming into the house, thats really the best way to solve the problem.

Posted 10/16/06 12:33 PM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

2209 total posts


Re: house mice...

Posted by SweetTooth

Last year my parents had mice. I set up the humane traps (I just can't kill animals for no reason) and would let them out outside when they went in the traps.
There was a hole in the wall, and when my dad plugged that up, no more mice. You need to find where they are coming into the house, thats really the best way to solve the problem.

i'm on the hunt! Chat Icon

we know they are coming from the basement. don't know if they are getting in through the garage and/or outside. how they are getting up to certain parts of the kitchen are a mystery, but we are going to search and search til we find and plug up the holes Chat Icon

as for the suckers already in, well, they need to be taken care of Chat Icon

Posted 10/16/06 3:06 PM

my girls!

Member since 2/06

1491 total posts


Re: house mice...

Posted by anon

Posted by SweetTooth

Last year my parents had mice. I set up the humane traps (I just can't kill animals for no reason) and would let them out outside when they went in the traps.
There was a hole in the wall, and when my dad plugged that up, no more mice. You need to find where they are coming into the house, thats really the best way to solve the problem.

i'm on the hunt! Chat Icon

we know they are coming from the basement. don't know if they are getting in through the garage and/or outside. how they are getting up to certain parts of the kitchen are a mystery, but we are going to search and search til we find and plug up the holes Chat Icon

as for the suckers already in, well, they need to be taken care of Chat Icon

these buggers climb up the walls! They can fit threw openings the size of a dime! It's amazing. Once they're in the house they can have free reign. The key is finding how they get in and sealing off their entrance! Easier said than done, I knowChat Icon

good luck to you

Posted 10/16/06 4:04 PM

Should be working

Member since 5/05

2824 total posts


Re: house mice...

Be careful with glue traps!Chat Icon I used them once in my apartment in Brooklyn...and a mouse tried to BITE OFF HIS OWN FEET to get off the trap. It was hours before my DH came home and I was freaking out.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/16/06 8:00 PM

Welcome 2010!

Member since 2/06

8879 total posts


Re: house mice...

Yeah, the glue traps are nasty. My landlords used them once and the mouse was going nuts. I couldn't watch it, so I wound up sweeping it into a bucket and drowning the mouse, which wasn't great either, but I thought it was kinder than letting it chew its feet off.

I wouldn't use poison either, esp. if you have children even visiting your home or any pets. It's poisonous to them too. Plus, the mice often die in the walls and then they stink.

The best thing to do is plug up any holes you can find with steel wool, or if leading to the outside, plaster, and use the old-fashioned snap traps in the meantime.

Posted 10/16/06 9:33 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1162 total posts


Re: house mice...

what about a cat?

Posted 10/17/06 8:37 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/06

633 total posts


Re: house mice...

You really need to have a good inspection of your home starting from outside. Look for foundation openings, cracks, close up the bottom of entry and garage doors etc. Setting glue traps in the house will only catch them once they're in and will not stop the invasion each season.

Posted 10/17/06 8:59 AM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

2209 total posts


Re: house mice...

Posted by MsG

Be careful with glue traps!Chat Icon I used them once in my apartment in Brooklyn...and a mouse tried to BITE OFF HIS OWN FEET to get off the trap. It was hours before my DH came home and I was freaking out.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

oh yuck! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

DH bought the glue ones and we are going to put them out tonight, then before DH goes to work he'll check them in the morning. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

i actually SAW one of the suckers last night and almost Chat Icon. we didn't realize the problem until too late, now i don't know how many there are and i'm afraid to even guess.

our basement is not finished and there are TONS of places where the little buggers could possibly sneak in. i'll leave the plugging up to my father and DH. if all else fails we'll have to get someone in to do the job... Chat Icon

i'm so grossed out by all of this!

Posted 10/17/06 1:49 PM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

2209 total posts


Re: house mice...

Posted by Freddie

what about a cat?

we have an infant and i'm alergic to most Chat Icon

Posted 10/17/06 1:50 PM

My 3 Blessings

Member since 3/06

6551 total posts


Re: house mice...

Posted by Freddie

what about a cat?

This is what I was going to say....I have a really good mouser if you need to borrow her, LOL

Posted 10/17/06 2:23 PM

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