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is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05 14266 total posts
Name: Jes
how can i raise money????????
maybe you guys will have some good ideas.
long story short: my best friend has cancer (leukemia) and she has no insurance.... (and no one will take her since she has cancer)
anyway, so, her medicaid ends in a few weeks. (mid to end of july)
its very expensive ($4k a month)
is there ANY way i can try to raise money for her??? any ideas whatsoever?
thanks in advance
Posted 6/26/07 1:10 PM |
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my loves...

Member since 5/05 9129 total posts
Name: guess
Re: how can i raise money????????
First thing that came to mind was something with the bar. Maybe you could speak with area bars and sponsor a pub crawl? They're always fun & always turn out a big crowd.
Posted 6/26/07 1:12 PM |

Member since 9/06 9532 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: how can i raise money????????
Posted by ~Colleen~
First thing that came to mind was something with the bar. Maybe you could speak with area bars and sponsor a pub crawl? They're always fun & always turn out a big crowd.
That's an excellent idea!!!!
Posted 6/26/07 1:13 PM |

Member since 8/06 7945 total posts
Name: M-lo
Re: how can i raise money????????
Posted by ~Colleen~
First thing that came to mind was something with the bar. Maybe you could speak with area bars and sponsor a pub crawl? They're always fun & always turn out a big crowd.
Def. Can you have a fundraiser where you work? You can get local places to donate goods for auction. You can also get local restaurants to donate food for the event.
Posted 6/26/07 1:13 PM |
Re: how can i raise money????????
I just wanted to let you know that some doctors take on patient pro bono and their are a ton of organizations that can help her out. She really needs to contact a social worker at the hospital she is recieving treatment from to help her sort all this out.
As for fundraising how about doing a chinese auction, or maybee even through a party at the bar you work at and charge a per person price.
Posted 6/26/07 1:14 PM |
Laugh-Live-Love LIFE!

Member since 10/06 14432 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: how can i raise money????????
talk to where she works, they might want to match.
A bar or comedy club
Get items donated and that can be an auction.
Get friends together to brainstorm.
Bar crawl is a great one too!
Posted 6/26/07 1:15 PM |
is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05 14266 total posts
Name: Jes
Re: how can i raise money????????
all great ideas. i will brainstorm.
i work with her. unknowingly, our owners (her friends) had a silent benfit for her. they didnt tell her, but all the money they made one day went to her. it was before i started to work there, so i didnt know. she didnt know they were doing it, they just sent her a check. she said it was so touching and helped so much.
i feel bad asking them to hold another one for her. is that weird?
Posted 6/26/07 1:21 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 3/06 1093 total posts
Name: M
Re: how can i raise money????????
My sister has cancer and was pretty much in a similar situation. What I did was I called some bars and I ended up getting the 56 Fighter in Farmingdale. The people there were awesome. Granted it was winter when they are extremely slow but they gave us a free buffet and drink specials. Through word of mouth of family and friends we had all kinds of things donated to raffle off. We had Met/Yankee tickets, restaurants, Tattoos, there was so much I really cant remember. We charged $20 to get in, which all went to my sister, and then the raffle tickets we sold 5/$10, 20/$20, etc... It was absolutely awesome and we raised almost $20,000 in one night. All I kept doing was sending out emails to all of my family and friends and the word just continued to spread. It ended up being a really nice night to celebrate her and it gives her peace of mind not to worry about spending so much money.
If you need any help or advice please feel free to FM me.....It may take a little bit because I am bad with my emails lately but I promise I will get back to you.
Good Luck to you and your friend.
Posted 6/26/07 1:34 PM |

Member since 1/06 6887 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: how can i raise money????????
What about getting a permit to use a park. Invite everyone you know. Charge them like $30. $15 for the food and $15 to go for her. Same for drinks.
You can do a 50/50 raffle (or maybe a 70/30) while there. Maybe some door prizes.
Posted 6/26/07 1:36 PM |
Ohh... baby

Member since 5/06 2527 total posts
Name: D
Re: how can i raise money????????
Def. host a fund raiser.
A friend of mine was in a terrible accident at work (NYPD) and we hosted a huge benefit at a local bar. Tons of local restaurants & business donated items to raffle off. Everything from signed sports items to Prada bags!
They raised over $40k! It was a Sunday day in the summer.
Contact hotels, golf courses,even airlines, restaurants, limo company's every store & shop in the area that sells something. I've even heard of people having success with Mets & Yankees donating also.
Posted 6/26/07 2:09 PM |
The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06 24849 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: how can i raise money????????
def contact the organization dealing with her kind of cancer
when my Mom was sick- the leukima/lymphoma society was constantly trying to give her money- for anything esp. to cover my Dads parking at the hospital- which was $50 per day-
Of course she would never take any of it- and would ask them to give it to someone who needed it more- which was just the kind of person that she was
Message edited 6/26/2007 3:38:51 PM.
Posted 6/26/07 2:15 PM |
is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05 14266 total posts
Name: Jes
Re: how can i raise money????????
so much to think about~ thanks!
those stories are amazing!
Posted 6/26/07 3:25 PM |
Member since 8/06 8652 total posts
Name: Tracy
Re: how can i raise money????????
Chinese Auctions usually turn out pretty good. We did one for my cousin who has MD and raised a signifcant amount.
Posted 6/26/07 3:33 PM |
boys will be boys =)
Member since 9/05 7205 total posts
Name: :)
Re: how can i raise money????????
Posted by Beth1210
def contact the organization dealing with her kind of cancer
when my Mom was sick- the leukima/lymphoma society was constantly trying to give her money- for anything esp. to cover my Dads parking at the hospital- which was $50 per day-
Of course she would never take any of it- and would ask them to give it to someone who needed it more- which was just the kind of person that she was
Posted 6/26/07 4:32 PM |
boys will be boys =)
Member since 9/05 7205 total posts
Name: :)
Re: how can i raise money????????
Posted by ThusSpokeLaLolita
i feel bad asking them to hold another one for her. is that weird?
maybe ask them for advice on doing one of your own, and from there you will see who wants to be involved again.
Posted 6/26/07 4:33 PM |
Now Zagat Rated!

Member since 3/07 13217 total posts
Name: They call me "Tater Salad"
Re: how can i raise money????????
Posted by anna
Posted by ThusSpokeLaLolita
i feel bad asking them to hold another one for her. is that weird?
maybe ask them for advice on doing one of your own, and from there you will see who wants to be involved again.
You could do the fundraiser where you charge admission at the door and also have raffles. Maybe the bar could offer drink specials or appetizers or something... but the bar would still keep its profit and you'd collect the $ at the door and the raffle $ for your friend.
Posted 6/26/07 4:34 PM |
i run for bacon

Member since 5/05 20584 total posts
Name: julz
Re: how can i raise money????????
I just planned and held my first fundraiser. It was this past Saturday. I am not going to lie, it was A LOT of work and stress, but totally worth it. We had a bar "donate" 4 hours to us. They provided staff for the event, free soda, and discounts on the alcholoic drinks. We went around to local restaurants and told them about the benefit and most were happy to donate food. We had buffet style foor with salads, pasta, heroes, pizza, chicken wings, and more. We had a 50/50 raffle and a chinese auction. For the chinese auction, we went around to lacal businesses and thold them about the event. Like the restaurants, most wanted to donate something. I also received some donations from people on here and friends and family. I purchased a lot myself also. Putting together the baskets was a lot of work. Thank god my mom helped me with this part. In the end we had about 50 baskets. My friend's husband is in a band and they played for the first 2 hours. The last 1.5 hours were all about the auction. We charged $20 per ticket in advance and $25 at the door. The 50/50 tickets were $1 and the chinese auction was 10 tickets for $10 or 25 tickets for $20. I have to count eveything up still, but we had 66 pay in advabce and about 50 pay at the door. Since all of the food and prizes were donated, ALL PROFITS went to the family. The bar made their money on alcoholic drinks, and the event was held on a sat. afternoon (4pm-8pm) so it was a time when they were usually closed. We raised a lot of money!!! And everyone seemed to have a good time. If you decide to do this please let me know and i can send you all my stuff (list of baskets, pamphlets) and give you some help. We planned it in 6 weeks.
Message edited 6/26/2007 5:51:18 PM.
Posted 6/26/07 5:50 PM |
Re: how can i raise money????????
-community garage sale
-comedy night at firehouse
-golf outing
-5K run
Posted 6/26/07 6:06 PM |
Member since 11/05 8749 total posts
Re: how can i raise money????????
My co-workers & I held a fundraiser for my dear friend that has breast/liver cancer. we had it at Wantagh bowling alley on April 29th. We had a 50/50 & about 20 donated baskets for a chinese auction. we raised just under $20,000. We are publishing a cookbook with all of our recipes that we will sell as another way to continue to raise money. Let me know if you have specific questions, I'd be happy to help
Posted 6/26/07 9:27 PM |
Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05 20046 total posts
Name: Gerty ®
Re: how can i raise money????????
This is long, but hopefully it will give you some ideas. When my brother was sick we did a few things. We had a fundraiser at a bar - everyone involved made food and we did a pay one price. The owner of the bar donated the first three hours and then everyone paid for their drinks after. We charged $25 per person and did a couple of chinese auctions. We also had a garage sale and posted it on here, in the Pennysaver, etc. Soooo many people donated stuff for the garage sale and we ended up making over $1000 in one weekend. We bought Marfan bracelets off the website and resold them for $3 each. And I set up a website for my brother and sent it around, put it on my myspace, etc. and linked it to Paypal so a lot of people either sent checks or gave donations through Paypal. We ended up being able to cover my brother's expenses for about six months until he was able to work and get back on his feet.
Posted 6/26/07 9:46 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/06 1861 total posts
Re: how can i raise money????????
if you do a fundraiser with raffles or a basket, please FM me --- my mom is a vendor on here who paints murals and does other decorative work and she would be happy to donate something!
Posted 6/26/07 10:00 PM |
Living the DREAM!!!

Member since 7/06 2646 total posts
Name: Kimmer
Re: how can i raise money????????
~ Guest Bartender Crawl
~ Bowling Tourney
~ Golf outing
Many for your friend and to you for being such a good friend!!!
Posted 6/26/07 10:09 PM |
is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05 14266 total posts
Name: Jes
Re: how can i raise money????????
thank you guys.
im still not sure how i can put something together, but i want to.
she is going away next week for 3 weeks so i am hoping to do somehting in that time. like right before she gets back.
how do you get people to go????
the thing is BARELY anyone knows she has cancer. only her very best friends, so not too many people i can tell.
do you think i could ask my dads fire department to help out???
maybe i could use their firehouse party room and bartend and all the tips and stuff can go to her? and we could do auctions and people can just donate? maybe we can get a DJ to donate his time. i think my dad knows one.
what do you think of that idea???
Posted 6/27/07 9:53 PM |