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How did your pets fare with the fireworks?

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Member since 11/06

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How did your pets fare with the fireworks?

This was our first July 4th with Zena, so we didn't know what to expect. She wasn't happy with the noise, but she wasn't doing too bad. She wasn't stressed or anxious, just upset.

Darwin, our previous dog, was highly stressed. We had to give him a mild sedative from the vet to help him deal with it. He was about 50lbs, but he would just shiver like a tiny dog most of the night, and try to hide under anything, even the 2" gap under the couches.

How did your pet(s) do?

Posted 7/5/16 9:40 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/11

589 total posts


Re: How did your pets fare with the fireworks?

our dog is 4. her first two years she didn't care at all. never flinched. the last two, she follows us around the house and has to be near us all night. if we go out she hides under the table. nothing SUPER crazy though, but i still feel horrible for her. she wouldn't leave the deck this morning ot go to the bathroom, so i had to take out the leash and walk her around the backyard so she would go. I think she was still afraid Chat Icon

Posted 7/5/16 10:54 AM


Member since 12/12

6656 total posts


Re: How did your pets fare with the fireworks?

Our collie mix never cared. Our pit used to stress about thunder and fireworks but she couldn't care less this year. And they were shooting them off right down the block from us. She gave a few half hearted barks but mostly just relaxed. I was so glad she was okay! I think it might be since we moved we have a big yard and she has room to run and get her energy out. They've both been so much calmer.

Posted 7/5/16 12:58 PM

It's 5 o'clock somewhere!

Member since 11/10

2139 total posts


Re: How did your pets fare with the fireworks?

My boy isn't phased by anything... he just slept through it.

My Delilah stressed. Even with giving her a tranquilizer - she was still hiding in the shower shaking like a leaf.

Posted 7/8/16 3:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

9141 total posts


How did your pets fare with the fireworks?

We got our dog at the end of July 2 years ago, so this was our 2nd 4th with him. In the past, he was never bothered by fireworks, thunder etc., so I was expecting the same this year. We went out on Sunday night (the 3rd) and when we got home, I could tell he had been stressed out - he was very anxious and when I took him out into the backyard (with fireworks going off in the neighborhood), he got pretty scared. His stomach acted up later that night (he has a very sensitive tummy). We were also going to a BBQ on Monday (the 4th) and I was worried about him, so I gave him 1/2 a Benadryl before we left (vet approved) and it worked wonders. When we got home, I could tell he was just waking up because he heard us come in, so I think he just slept most of the evening while we were out.

Posted 7/11/16 9:38 AM

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