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Laugh-Live-Love LIFE!

Member since 10/06 14432 total posts
Name: Jennifer
how do I find out rights/benefits etc as a sub?
I heard that if you teach 40 consecutive days you go salary, but I have not heard my district mention this. I gont my position letter to sign but it only mentions my daily rate. I was going to talk to my director, but I feel stupid knowing nothing concrete.
Thank you!
Posted 1/7/07 8:24 AM |
Be happy

Member since 5/06 1359 total posts
Name: Me
Re: how do I find out rights/benefits etc as a sub?
Are you hired as a permanent sub? Or are you replacing one person for an extended time?
I am not sure what your situation is, but I would say to contact your union rep and talk with them.
Posted 1/7/07 10:16 AM |
summer fun!

Member since 3/06 4962 total posts
Name: Jaime
Re: how do I find out rights/benefits etc as a sub?
Usually your rate will only go up if you are in for someone for 40 consecutive days. Is there another teacher you can ask - usually teachers who have been in your situation know. Or you can play dumb and call the secretary to find out. I don't think they would mind if you asked.
Posted 1/7/07 10:53 AM |
Laugh-Live-Love LIFE!

Member since 10/06 14432 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: how do I find out rights/benefits etc as a sub?
I was hired as a permenant sub,,,,because 2 techers in the department (2 different schools) will be going out on maternity leave. So now I have been in for one teacher, and then in march I will go to the other school. I got a letter stating I was hired from (dates) for permenant sub at high school. However the dates do not match when and where I will be. I don't even know the union rep, no one's told me anything.
Posted 1/7/07 11:58 AM |

Member since 5/05 15952 total posts
Re: how do I find out rights/benefits etc as a sub?
Every disrtict is different.
Yes, you need to speak with a building union rep. Have all of your paperwork with you.
I know my district doesn't pay any benefits to permanent subs, even after 40 days
Posted 1/7/07 12:07 PM |
Laugh-Live-Love LIFE!

Member since 10/06 14432 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: how do I find out rights/benefits etc as a sub?
I have no paperwork, beside that letter, the school protocols and handbook they gave me, and my teachers retirement booklet.
I don't want benefits, but to go salary would be nice.
How do I find out who my union rep is?
Posted 1/7/07 12:20 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/06 5435 total posts
Re: how do I find out rights/benefits etc as a sub?
Posted by NewlyMrs
How do I find out who my union rep is?
i would ask another teacher... or even just call the secretary at the school and tell them you are a new hire and just want to know who the union rep is... the union rep should be able to answer your questions and help you out
Posted 1/7/07 12:41 PM |
Laugh-Live-Love LIFE!

Member since 10/06 14432 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: how do I find out rights/benefits etc as a sub?
I'll take to the ladies in the office monday!
Posted 1/7/07 12:59 PM |