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LIF Infant

Member since 2/07 199 total posts
How do I tell my mom? (long) (Update 1)
UPDATE 1: Thanks ladies...I haven't told her as yet..ARGH! It was on the tip of my tough and I was ready to do it but she had company over so timing wasn't right. So I took my package out of the fridge and smiled. UGH!!!! I have to tell her this weekend! I will let you gals know how it goes.
Message edited 8/3/2007 1:06:11 PM.
Posted 7/27/07 1:00 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 8/06 13103 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: How do I tell my mom? (long)
I think the best thing is to just be honest with her. I'm sure she will be very supportive and both you and her will feel better after you let her know
Posted 7/27/07 1:10 PM |
<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: How do I tell my mom? (long)
Maybe when you pick it up, you can ask her if she has any questions about the package as sort of a get the topic out there starter?
Posted 7/27/07 2:03 PM |
Member since 1/07 1226 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: How do I tell my mom? (long)
I had to just tell my mom also and i just started by saying there was something i wanted to talk to her about. and then just explained that we are having some trouble and what steps we would be taking. i had to explain what an iui was, she wasn't familiar with the procedure. we have only told a select few what we are going through and it's nice to actually be able to talk to my mom about it, even though i dont want to stress her out.
Posted 7/27/07 2:21 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3372 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: How do I tell my mom? (long)
she is your mom and loves you. I am sure she wants to hug you and cry with you and be there to support you every step of the way. I don't think you can "start" this converstaion in one way or another. I think it might just happen and the right words come out. Moms don't mind being stressed out over their comes with the territory! You are never a burden to your mom.
Posted 7/27/07 2:50 PM |
I love my sister!!!!!!

Member since 3/06 2100 total posts
Name: Me
Re: How do I tell my mom? (long)
Posted by michele31
she is your mom and loves you. I am sure she wants to hug you and cry with you and be there to support you every step of the way. I don't think you can "start" this converstaion in one way or another. I think it might just happen and the right words come out. Moms don't mind being stressed out over their comes with the territory! You are never a burden to your mom.
I couldn't agree more!!!!!
Posted 7/27/07 3:28 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/07 759 total posts
Name: Allison
Re: How do I tell my mom? (long)
I wasn't going to tell my mom at first either... but since I have been on meds and feeling sick, I didn't want her to worry that it was something else, so I told her. She was very supportive and very happy I told her. Like the others said, she is your mom, she loves you and cares about you.
Posted 7/27/07 3:50 PM |
My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: How do I tell my mom? (long)
Mothers worry - thats what they do. My mom wanted to come with DH when I had my surgeries but we told her that we would call her when I was finished. If you can anticipate how she will react, prepare yourself with responses to her questions so you are not caught off track. You may be better off telling her everything and then saying that you and your DH are dealing with things together and you will share with her at your level of comfort. Your first priority is to you and your DH. Ask him what he thinks.
Posted 7/27/07 4:15 PM |
Love my little ladies

Member since 2/06 1225 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: How do I tell my mom? (long)
When i was going through IVF my mom came with me to every appointment..we would have to go into NYC every other day wake up at 5:30am to get to the office by 7am and she was with me everystep of the way. My DH had to work so my mom stood by my side through every test and every sonogram (HSG) everything. As soon as I found out my DH had a problem i called her not even thinking about what I was saying JUst HOLY CRAP I have no options just IVF..thinking back my mom was not expecting me to say that to her..she probably fell over. Anyway, Tell your mom..moms don't judge and who needs the extra stress of the NOT TELLING people...Good luck it will be worth me.
Posted 7/27/07 6:29 PM |
C & J are 10!

Member since 6/05 5914 total posts
Name: Stacey
Re: How do I tell my mom? (long)
Just be truthful.....You are lucky that she isn't prying and saying things like, "We sure would like some grandchildren some day" or other insensitive statements!
My mother was so clueless about everything and I felt really uncomfortable telling her anything (We are your typical Irish-Catholic family where you don't speak about your feelings or anything at all really..LOL) and then I just had to be truthful because I knew that I would need her help along the way.
Now, 5 years later, she is thrilled and overjoyed to be an expectant grandmother! She has also respected our privacy and when people ask her "Do twins run in your family?" She replies "They do now!"
I wish you much luck in the future, I know how difficult this can be!
Posted 7/27/07 8:13 PM |
2 under 2...whew!!
Member since 2/07 9876 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: How do I tell my mom? (long) (Update 1)
any updates?
Posted 7/30/07 9:40 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 2/07 199 total posts
Re: How do I tell my mom? (long) (Update 1)
Not yet...its def. going to be this weke though when I see her I have my final IUI this week before moving onto IVF so I can tell her everything! Thanks for asking!
Posted 7/30/07 9:53 AM |
I love my daughter!

Member since 7/07 3061 total posts
Name: Carlie
Re: How do I tell my mom? (long) (Update 1)
Good Luck, we are all praying for you!
Posted 7/30/07 7:44 PM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 1/07 422 total posts
Name: M
Re: How do I tell my mom? (long) (Update 1)
I finally told my mom this month, although we are only beginning to get tested. We are best friends and it was so hard keepig this from her. I feel much better now that she knows, even though her initial response was far from what I was hoping for (yes, she told me to stop trying and it would hapen ). Now I probably tell her way too much, but it feels good to have someone else on our "team".
Posted 7/30/07 10:07 PM |