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How do you get them to take their vitamin?

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


How do you get them to take their vitamin?

Sidney absolutely refuses to take the Poly-vi-flor (sp?). She spits every last drop out when I give it to her with the dropper. I have put it in her rice cereal but I worry that will ruin her taste for the cereal (she makes a face when i give it to her that way). Plus the Dr. said something about mixing it with the cereal negates some of the vitamins??? I need a new please Chat Icon

Posted 2/10/06 9:31 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: How do you get them to take their vitamin?

Aidan likes his vitamin drops so sometimes it goes right into the mouth.

But sometimes I will just put it in his juice/water - I remember reading something about not being taken with milk so he doesn;t get it at breakfast but at lunch instead.

Posted 2/10/06 9:46 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: How do you get them to take their vitamin?

My doctor told me to mix in into her food, he said many babies vomit it up if given straight. He never said not to put it into her cereal. Chat Icon It's so confusing when it seems like every doctor has a different opinion.

Posted 2/10/06 10:06 PM

Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05

1955 total posts


Re: How do you get them to take their vitamin?

Oh, I always had put it in food.. Im sure if I didnt he would spit it out too.. it doesnt taste to good.

It MIGHT negate it but when they spit it out doesnt that make it worse?

Message edited 2/11/2006 8:40:53 AM.

Posted 2/11/06 8:39 AM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

29064 total posts


Re: How do you get them to take their vitamin?

When I give Julia the Poly-vi-flor, I tilt her head back a little bit and then squeeze the dropper, she seems to get more of it down that way. Chat Icon

Posted 2/11/06 8:48 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

178 total posts


Re: How do you get them to take their vitamin?

We always put it in her morning sippy cup.

Posted 2/11/06 1:14 PM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

1706 total posts


Re: How do you get them to take their vitamin?

I give Joseph the tri-vi-sol and he LOVES it! It's like a snack to himChat Icon I put the dropper in the corner of his mouth and give a little bit at a time...

Posted 2/11/06 1:20 PM

Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05

5133 total posts


Re: How do you get them to take their vitamin?

We give it to Jesse after a meal. He didn't like them at first and used to spit the whole dose out. He's better now - I put him in the highchair and tilt the chair back. I stand behind the chair so he tilts his head back to look at me and then use the dropper. It all stays in this way (and he got used to the taste).

Posted 2/11/06 10:02 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: How do you get them to take their vitamin?

He puked everytime I gave it to him in his mouth.

My dr said if they won't take it straight mix it with food but not in bottles (not sure why). I always mix it in his fruit. At first he made faces and resisted a little but after a few days he was use to it and fine with it.

Posted 2/12/06 12:20 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: How do you get them to take their vitamin?

Posted by lele4me

We always put it in her morning sippy cup.

Thats what I do. Thats the one that she is always sure to finish 100%. My gf whose son is 16m said his teeth are discolored from the iron from giving it to him straight. I never even thought to give it to them straight.

Posted 2/12/06 3:57 PM

Love my son!

Member since 6/05

1468 total posts


Re: How do you get them to take their vitamin?

Michael thinks it's a treat when he gets his vitamin - he gets it right from the dropper. I never even thought of his teeth getting discolored (they are not).

Message edited 2/12/2006 5:09:59 PM.

Posted 2/12/06 5:09 PM

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