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How do you get your DC to sleep/nap.

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Member since 5/06

3808 total posts


How do you get your DC to sleep/nap.

Im just curious what to do. Any advice would be great. I feel like whatever I do for the past two days hasnt really worked. Thanks

Posted 2/22/07 10:16 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: How do you get your DC to sleep/nap.

how old is DD?

When DD was very young we just went with her flow and a sched kinda formed from there. I don't think you can force a newborn to nap, they are wayyy too young for CIO or other sleep techniques.

It wasn't til she was 6 months old or so that she had her programmed nap times.

Hang in there
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DD's relflux before we diagnosed it at 4 weeks made sleeping awful for her and us! Once she got diagnosed and was put on meds she slept much better.

Posted 2/22/07 10:23 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/06

614 total posts


Re: How do you get your DC to sleep/nap.

I didn't really start putting DD "down for a nap" until she was about 4 months old. Before that, she mostly napped in her swing. Now, she is fairly predictable and takes naps at around 10am, 2pm and a short one around 5pm. I put her in her crib when I notice she is getting tired (rubbing her eyes, pulling at her hair and ears and getting fussy.) She usually goes right to sleep or plays for 10 minutes and then goes to sleep. I think the key for us is catching her when she is tired, but not overtired, and putting her in bed while she is still awake. Good luck.Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/07 10:25 AM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: How do you get your DC to sleep/nap.

He just kind of falls asleepChat Icon

If we are playing and I see he's getting tired, I put him in his chair and he falls asleep. If the chair doesn't work, I rock him for a few minutes to calm him down and put him in the crib.

Posted 2/22/07 10:37 AM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: How do you get your DC to sleep/nap.

Keep in mind that my son didn't nap anywhere but in my arms for 10 whole months, I used to wait until he got tired and I would rock him to sleep. But now that he naps regularly, I just put him into his sleeping back and put him into his crib and give him Mr. Blue Shirt and he just goes right off to sleep!!!

Posted 2/22/07 10:39 AM


Member since 5/06

3808 total posts


Re: How do you get your DC to sleep/nap.

Posted by pmpkn087

He just kind of falls asleepChat Icon

If we are playing and I see he's getting tired, I put him in his chair and he falls asleep. If the chair doesn't work, I rock him for a few minutes to calm him down and put him in the crib.

I cant tell if she is tired. She does yawn, but most of the time she just loves to look at me and never looks tired.

Posted 2/22/07 10:39 AM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: How do you get your DC to sleep/nap.

What about these tell tale signs...she is only 3 weeks old right? So really, you only just met her!!! You have to get to know her signs...Okay, so some are eye rubbing, moaning, wringing hands, writhing around like you are torturing them...

Anyone else??

Posted 2/22/07 10:56 AM

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