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My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05 5777 total posts
Name: Melissa
how do you put your little down to sleep?
Connor is 10 months old now and for him to go to sleep I have to rock him with or without a bottle and he plays with my hair. I want to be able to just say it's naptime and put him in his crib and he lay down (at least eventually) without crying and screaming. And yes at night he's been also doing the standing up thing and not wanting to sleep. During the day he naps in his highchair. Any suggestions? Thanks so much!
Posted 7/15/07 3:15 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: how do you put your little down to sleep?
When Noah was 10 months old we started him really truly napping. It all happened quite by accident. I went to take a shower one day and I put him in his crib (as I did a lot of the time) and when I came back, he was asleep. So nowadays, I just plop him down in his crib and walk away. He often does cry for 2/3 minutes (but he does that every night for the most part) and then he goes off to sleep!
I would try just putting him down, give yourself a time limit on how long you would let him cry, and just try it!!
Posted 7/15/07 5:11 PM |
Soccer Baseball Lax Mom
Member since 10/05 11240 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: how do you put your little down to sleep?
When we want to put DD down for a nap (11 mths) I give her a bottle about 10 minutes before and just put her in her crib. If she cries, I let her be for a while.
Posted 7/15/07 5:14 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: how do you put your little down to sleep?
We put her down awake, we started that early on. She never really needed to be rocked to sleep. She puts up a little fuss but as soon as we close the door she lays down and stops her crying. I would just start a bedtime routine with him and work on putting him in his crib awake and soothing him to sleep in his crib until he learns to fall asleep on his own.
Posted 7/15/07 5:43 PM |
Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07 12683 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: how do you put your little down to sleep?
We have a routine of watching one of her DVDs, reading a couple of books and then in the crib she goes. DD cries for a minute b/c she watches me leave the room but she stops pretty quickly. It takes her a few minutes to wind down on her own but she doesn't cry during that time.
Posted 7/15/07 7:09 PM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: how do you put your little down to sleep?
I just give her a kiss, say night night and put her down.
Posted 7/15/07 7:32 PM |
Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
Re: how do you put your little down to sleep?
Always put her down awake, say good night and off I go
Posted 7/15/07 7:34 PM |
They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05 13848 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: how do you put your little down to sleep?
We rock and have a bottle but usually I put her down awake and she puts herself to sleep. This didn't happen though until we did CIO.
Posted 7/15/07 7:46 PM |
This is how I play basketball!

Member since 6/05 1980 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: how do you put your little down to sleep?
Sorry, no advice here. DD is almost 1 year old & I have to swaddle her for naps (which is a huge battle)- she cries & fights for five minutes then falls asleep. At night, she CIO for 1/2 hour - 1 hour every single night. She is absolutely horrible at falling asleep. She has not fallen asleep without crying in many months. I wonder if this will ever improve...
ETA: I am insanely jealous of all the moms who can just put their baby down & they fall asleep! How nice that must be!!
Message edited 7/15/2007 9:53:42 PM.
Posted 7/15/07 9:52 PM |
Member since 5/05 6530 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: how do you put your little down to sleep?
I just put her in her crib with her blankie, and thats it. Sometimes she'll play for awhile before falling asleep.
I miss the days where'd she'd fall asleep in my arms!
Posted 7/15/07 9:56 PM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: how do you put your little down to sleep?
We still struggle with naps a bit (DS is 6 months today). For bedtime, he has been sooooo good...(knock on wood). At 8:30 we bring him up, put him in his crib with his mobile, he watches it and falls asleep.
We set the pack N play up downstairs tonight, so, I am hoping that will help contribute to longer nap times.
Posted 7/15/07 10:00 PM |
Love these kids!

Member since 10/05 4708 total posts
Name: Tammy
Re: how do you put your little down to sleep?
Hailey is 1 year old and I usually rock her until she is almost asleep and then put her in the crib but I have been slowly trying to just put her down.
Posted 7/15/07 10:09 PM |
I'm a Big Brother

Member since 5/06 8041 total posts
Name: D
Re: how do you put your little down to sleep?
Posted by prncss
I just give her a kiss, say night night and put her down.
Same here. We learned his sleeping clues early on. As soon as he starts rubbing his eyes and pulling his ear, we have about a 5-10 minute window to put him down and he goes right out, otherwise he hits a second wind and that's just not fun for anyone
Although, I also miss the days where he'd fall asleep in my arms!
Posted 7/16/07 6:59 AM |
My girls

Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: how do you put your little down to sleep?
I just put her in the crib... She has been falling asleep on her own for a long time...
Posted 7/16/07 7:06 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 2/06 1893 total posts
Name: Janine
Re: how do you put your little down to sleep?
DD is 9 months now and about a month ago (maybe a little bit more) we started just putting her down and using CIO. Before that the only way she would go to sleep is if we rocked her and patted her back - then we would put her in the crib and pat her back until she fell asleep. If she woke up in the middle of the night, we would have to go and pat her some more. It was getting to the point of being rediculous, so we started CIO - it only lasted a few days and now we just put her down awake and she goes to sleep. I do leave a stuffed bear in the crib with her.
Posted 7/16/07 11:42 AM |