How is a scheduled c-section different from an emergency c-section?
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How is a scheduled c-section different from an emergency c-section?
I am debating whether or not to try for a vbac or go for the scheduled c-section. Part of me feels jipped out of the birth experience but I never progressed, I was induced, got to 10cm but every time I pushed the heart rate went down. Turns out DS has a huge, I mean huge head and he just couldn't come down. Even though I feel I missed out, I feel like what if I try for a vbac, go into labor and all that painful jazz only to have another c-section? I'm still trying to decide.
So, I asked a lot of questions on vbac now I want to know the other side. How is a scheduled c-section different from an emergency one besides you already knowing when it's going to happen?
-How far in advance did they schedule it?
-Was the recovery different?
-Was it easier because you knew when the baby was coming so you can plan everything around it like time off for you or DH or both, babysitter situation for DC#1, have everything ready to go, etc?
-Was it weird picking the birthday?
-Was it weird the weeks and days leading up to the scheduled c-section because this time you knew exactly when you were having the baby as opposed to the first time when you just waited and it could happen any moment?
-Did you regret not trying for a vbac?
-Unless your dr pretty much said "no vbac" what else made you choose to go the scheduled route?
Sorry for all the questions, I'm just really confused. I really thought I wanted a VBAC now I am second guessing myself.
Posted 12/2/11 10:51 AM |
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Name: Erica
Re: How is a scheduled c-section different from an emergency c-section?
How far in advance did they schedule it? Around 34 weeks I want to say. Maybe soon -Was the recovery different? YES!! So much easier. I also had a crash c-section with my first so the recovery from being under anestesia was horrible. Took two days to walk and could barely move. With the scheduled c I was up and walking later that night!
-Was it easier because you knew when the baby was coming so you can plan everything around it like time off for you or DH or both, babysitter situation for DC#1, have everything ready to go, etc? B/c I had a toddler it was great to have everything scheduled. I dropped off the toddler at my parents then headed to the hospital. My IL's came to my parent's house then they all came together to the hospital
-Was it weird picking the birthday? - for DH it was. I still said you never know if this kid wants to come early then he will. He stuck to the sched date. LOL
-Was it weird the weeks and days leading up to the scheduled c-section because this time you knew exactly when you were having the baby as opposed to the first time when you just waited and it could happen any moment? THey changed my time, which was great. Originally it was 3PM. I guess the morning girl went early so I got the 10AM spot. Came in at 8AM. Since it was early didn't give me much time to think. Also, I worked so I was able to pick when my last day of work would be. Easy with HR
-Did you regret not trying for a vbac? NOT at all. For some reason I never felt labor pains or ever dialated. This was best for us. I was awake to hear the baby cry the first time. I wasn't with #1. That alone was huge!
-Unless your dr pretty much said "no vbac" what else made you choose to go the scheduled route? Just b/c first experience was so scary. This time was easy breasy.
Posted 12/2/11 11:03 AM |
One day at a time
Member since 11/07 7397 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: How is a scheduled c-section different from an emergency c-section?
I only have one DC that was a scheduled c-section, but then came early, so I answered some of the questions.
-How far in advance did they schedule it? At 34.5 weeks
-Was the recovery different? I’ve only had the one c-section, but I would imagine the recovery for an emergency c would be a little more difficult given everything the body goes through trying for a VB.
-Was it easier because you knew when the baby was coming so you can plan everything around it like time off for you or DH or both, babysitter situation for DC#1, have everything ready to go, etc? I am a planner by nature, so I did feel slightly better having a set date and being able to try to plan around that. But I knew the whole time I was going to go early so even the plans I made were tentative.
-Was it weird picking the birthday? I hated the idea of this, but the doctor’s office actually gave me the date so I didn’t have to pick it. And obviously DD had her own date in mind.
-Was it weird the weeks and days leading up to the scheduled c-section because this time you knew exactly when you were having the baby as opposed to the first time when you just waited and it could happen any moment? Not really. It’s like having a new due date. I had everything done and was just waiting for DD…very impatiently.
-Unless your dr pretty much said "no vbac" what else made you choose to go the scheduled route? I had to have a scheduled C the first time because of back issues. Any future children will be by c-section as well. I’ll never be able to even try for a VBAC.
Posted 12/2/11 11:23 AM |
Member since 5/05 7550 total posts
Name: M
Re: How is a scheduled c-section different from an emergency c-section?
-How far in advance did they schedule it?
I think I scheduled mine 8 weeks out
-Was the recovery different?
The only thing that was different was that I had a 2yo at home to take care of so I couldn't sleep during the day at all (their naps did not ever coincide) so I felt like it took a little longer for me to feel 100%
-Was it easier because you knew when the baby was coming so you can plan everything around it like time off for you or DH or both, babysitter situation for DC#1, have everything ready to go, etc?
Yes I liked the planning aspect of it. My DH could only take a certain amount of days off from work. I planned my c-section for a Friday. He took Friday off, then I came home Monday so he took off that whole week as well. My mom and ILs took care of DD#1 so we didn't really have to worry about arranging anything. It was nice to be able to tell my mom what day I was going in so she could request off from work in advance.
-Was it weird picking the birthday?
It didn't feel weird to me at all. My 1st c-section was essentially scheduled as well. My babies did not want to come out on their own.
-Was it weird the weeks and days leading up to the scheduled c-section because this time you knew exactly when you were having the baby as opposed to the first time when you just waited and it could happen any moment?
Again I liked the planning aspect of it. I liked being able to get everything ready at home and at work. I knew exactly what day I was going out on maternity leave.
-Did you regret not trying for a vbac?
Sometimes I feel wistful. My OB was ok with my going VBAC so we scheduled my c-section for 2 days before my due date. I didn't want to go past my due date. Up until my c-section date nothing was going on. I wasn't dliated, the baby hadn't dropped, I wasn't having strong contractions. The OB believed that I would end up with a c-section even if I was induced so I was ok with the decision.
-Unless your dr pretty much said "no vbac" what else made you choose to go the scheduled route?
As I said both OB and I were open to VBAC so we scheduled the c-section as close to my due date. I know with DD#1 I never dilated, she never dropped, I never really had any meaningful contractions. Same thing was happening with DD#2 so I really thought I'd end up with a C anyway.
Posted 12/2/11 11:40 AM |
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Member since 8/05 14470 total posts
Name: Veronica
Re: How is a scheduled c-section different from an emergency c-section?
Like previous poster I only have one child but it was scheduled C/S (tho she came early)
-How far in advance did they schedule it? About 34weeks we scheduled for week 39 (she came week 37)
-Was the recovery different? Don’t know but I can’t imagine rushing INTO that kind of surgery would be better than planned. With a planned one everyone (doctors, patient, etc) knew what to expect and handle. I would think moving from plan A lets say to plan B can’t be ‘simple’.
-Was it easier because you knew when the baby was coming so you can plan everything around it like time off for you or DH or both, babysitter situation for DC#1, have everything ready to go, etc? Easier? Um, I have no frame of reference, but yes. I was planning for her date so I had my Dad fly down, worked remote from an office had all these plans LOL. Too bad she had her own.
-Was it weird picking the birthday? I didn’t pick it. The office picked it for me. It was the first slot after labor day. End of story. Frankly I would have preferred the next day so I could have gotten more vacation/sick days due to our accrual method at work. I needed to ‘work’ one day in Sept to get 3 more days off. Didn’t make a difference since she came in August.
-Was it weird the weeks and days leading up to the scheduled c-section because this time you knew exactly when you were having the baby as opposed to the first time when you just waited and it could happen any moment? Again no real frame of reference but I think it was less stressful. I didn’t have to worry about pain and the experience. Or so I thought. Ironically I still had pain (9hrs of it) but ignorance is bliss so I had no worries leading up to the date.
-Did you regret not trying for a vbac? Again.. not so much VBAC but I have never ever EVER regretted a C/S. I never wanted a Vaginal birth anyway. The whole idea to me is repulsive and primitive. Heck I’d stand in line for a C/S if I had to. Considering my experience, I wish I had made it to my C/S date! Because even tho I had an appt, she came early so I wallowed in pain and suffering for 9hrs waiting for the doctor to arrive. I will NEVER forget that pain. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
Posted 12/2/11 12:36 PM |
Member since 3/09 7721 total posts
Re: How is a scheduled c-section different from an emergency c-section?
I can't tell you much about how one feels having planned vs unplanned CS... I had a vaginal delivery (but almost had a CS due to a very long labor with ruptured membranes and my baby's heart rate kept going up & I had a fever).
A planned CS gets a spinal (a deeper numb feeling), so your delivery experience will be more comfortable.
A planned CS also not an emergency. A true emergency CS happens when your baby is in distress... the baby's heart rate going down can at times (why you have an OB who can read fetal tracing & why one delivers in a hospital) be an indicator that your baby is not getting enough blood flow. This can effect blood flow (and oxygen) to the brain.
Often there is the "unplanned CS"... which is when the person labors & fails to deliver. This is often the case for people going for a VBAC.
Of course, the goal is to avoid the true "emergency" CS.
Posted 12/2/11 1:32 PM |
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Name: L
Re: How is a scheduled c-section different from an emergency c-section?
Posted by 2boys4me How is a scheduled c-section different from an emergency one besides you already knowing when it's going to happen?
My emergency c/s was due to the fact that DS was a footling breech baby. My water broke before my scheduled CS. I did not get my obgyn to deliver DS. It was after hours and I got someone I never met before. It was scary because it was my first time giving birth. I had a complicated pregnancy. I had a difficult recovery. The one thing I am extremely thankful for is that with DS I got to feel contractions/transition. I made it to 10 cm/fully dialated. If you eat before you have a c/s they make you wait a bit. I had a spinal. I don't really feel that things were that much different other than you don't pick the birthday and you might not get your doctor.
-How far in advance did they schedule it? I want to say 26 weeks. -Was the recovery different? I had a much easier recovery with DD. I had a much easier pregnancy with her too. I had muscle atrophy with DS from long term bed rest. I am not sure if my experience is typical in this regard.
-Was it easier because you knew when the baby was coming so you can plan everything around it like time off for you or DH or both, babysitter situation for DC#1, have everything ready to go, etc? Planning was much easier. I loved being able to know that DS was going to be taken care of. It made my life so much easier.
-Was it weird picking the birthday? No. I am happy that I have a healthy child. It does not bother me that I got to pick her birthday. In fact, I am really happy I had that option. DD was transverse breech. I thought about vbac too but she never turned. I also developed preeclampsia the morning of her birth. Her birthday was meant to be for many reasons. -Was it weird the weeks and days leading up to the scheduled c-section because this time you knew exactly when you were having the baby as opposed to the first time when you just waited and it could happen any moment? Not for me. -Did you regret not trying for a vbac? No. DS was a footling frank breech and DD was transverse breech. These things were out of my control. I am ok with it.
-Unless your dr pretty much said "no vbac" what else made you choose to go the scheduled route?
My OBGYN would have let me go vbac if DD had turned the correct direction. She did not so I was unable to have a VBAC. I am not a good candidate for a version.
Sorry for all the questions, I'm just really confused. I really thought I wanted a VBAC now I am second guessing myself.
Posted 12/2/11 2:13 PM |
My miracles!
Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: How is a scheduled c-section different from an emergency c-section?
I had both. My first was an emergency. My second was a scheduled section.
-How far in advance did they schedule it?
I don't remember exactly when I scheduled it but it was as soon as the hospital had its calendar open and available. It may have been three months before. I had BOTH of my children at LIJ and that hospital asks you when your LMP was. They make sure you are to be at least 39 weeks based on that or they send you home.
-Was the recovery different?
Hard to say. My first was a NICU baby and I toughed out the pain in order to be awake to either pump for her or nurse her once I was able. I did not want to pump myself full of pain meds. I needed to be awake and alert for her. For my second, I had a seroma (open draining wound) so the incision itself was harder to heal from - Much harder.
-Was it easier because you knew when the baby was coming so you can plan everything around it like time off for you or DH or both, babysitter situation for DC#1, have everything ready to go, etc?
I had both kids at the end of the summer - not much to plan. I had everything I needed from baby #1 except clothes.
-Was it weird picking the birthday?
No. but we did choose our date to make sure he was not delivered on Rosh Hashanah because his bris may have been on Yom Kippur and that would have been a logistical nightmare.
-Was it weird the weeks and days leading up to the scheduled c-section because this time you knew exactly when you were having the baby as opposed to the first time when you just waited and it could happen any moment?
No. I was much more relaxed. at times I did worry that I would labor the second time around because my first c-section was a bit traumatic.
-Did you regret not trying for a vbac?
It was not an option. I almost lost my first child and my uterus and quite possibly my life because I couldn't dilate to deliver.
-Unless your dr pretty much said "no vbac" what else made you choose to go the scheduled route?
My doc said no VBAC.
Posted 12/2/11 2:48 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 12/07 233 total posts
Re: How is a scheduled c-section different from an emergency c-section?
Posted by 2boys4me
Turns out DS has a huge, I mean huge head and he just couldn't come down. Even though I feel I missed out, I feel like what if I try for a vbac, go into labor and all that painful jazz only to have another c-section? I'm still trying to decide.
My first c-section was due to the fact my dd was breech. I did have a date for a c-section but went into labor 2 weeks early.
I planned on having a v-bac with my 2nd child. My Dr was very supportive about it. He was so supportive when I asked to have a 38 week sono to make sure the baby wasn't too big, he didn't think I needed to have one. He said, they don't give sono's at 38 weeks unless they feel it's needed. I really needed to know how big it was, so I did have a sono.
After the sono, the doctor comes into my room, he tells me I should have a repeat c-section. They estimated my ds to be 9lbs 15oz, with a large head. Hearing this, there was no doubt, I wanted to have a repeat c-section. I really would suggest you have a 38 week sono, then decide whether you can/should v-bac. I'm so happy I did! Good luck with your decision!
Message edited 12/2/2011 2:57:51 PM.
Posted 12/2/11 2:55 PM |
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