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LIF Infant
Member since 5/07 197 total posts
Name: Jaclyn
how long???
I have a ? how long is everyone waiting until they move onto a re for help getting pg the second time. I am out for the fourth month ttc and I am already getting anxious to go to the re. It took me ten months ttc to get pg first time and I had a miscarriage that they cant explain. My gyno says just keep trying and see him after six months . I am curious what he will say to me then. sorry so long
Posted 10/7/08 5:48 PM |
I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08 6549 total posts
Name: Patty
Re: how long???
I think it would depend on how old you were. If you are over 35, I would recommend to make an appointment in an RE in 1 or 2 more cycles...
I would recommend to see an RE, even if it's after 6 months of trying or more rather than just going with an obgyn who may just write a rx for clomid. An RE will do a full panel of tests and blood work, which is more comprehensive than what most obgyn's do.
Posted 10/7/08 8:40 PM |
Thankful for our miracles!

Member since 2/07 7254 total posts
Re: how long???
I was seeing an RE before I got pg. I would make an appt w/ an RE now. Only b/c your dr. doesn't know why you had a miscarriage- and it could be that it just happened, as some of them do, or it could be that maybe you have a clotting issue or some other issue that's easily fixable w/ medication. I have only had 1 miscarriage (1 too many) and my dr. actively had my bloodwork sent to another state to a dr. to make sure there are no clotting issues w/ me- which I'm thankful for, b/c if there is a problem I want to know now, rather than after another miscarriage. I'm still waiting for my results... It can't hurt- you could go for a 2nd opinion and get some bloodwork done. If nothing's out of the norm then at least you know- and you can stick w/ your dr. if that's what you feel most comfortable doing. HTH!
Posted 10/7/08 10:52 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/07 1430 total posts
Re: how long???
i had a 5 mo mc in januaury....we have been trying for 5 months and i went to see and RE maybe 4 months into it b/c i wanted someone to help.....
Posted 10/7/08 11:27 PM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: how long???
i know why i had my miscarriage.. (IC) i have been trying now for 5 months... i am debating also if i should see an RE.. OR if my body just needs more time to heel.. since i was 16W along.. i have no idea
Posted 10/8/08 8:59 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 5/07 197 total posts
Name: Jaclyn
Re: how long???
thank you for all your advice I really appreciate having all of you to talk to
Posted 10/8/08 5:35 PM |
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