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How long did your child use their Highchair
I ask because I read on another board that moms with children the same age as Aidan (15 Months) are packing away their highchairs because they are finished with them. The thought honestly never crossed my mind! He eats well in his HC and seems distracted anywhere else. He does use a booster seat at other peoples houses, but I fear a huge mess if we try it at home.
I mean, I pictured him climbing into the HC himself before I would be considering putting it away!
So I'm curious, what did everyone else do?
Message edited 8/19/2005 12:34:21 AM.
Posted 8/19/05 12:26 AM |
Member since 5/05 6265 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: How long did your child use their Highchair
I won't be able to personally answer this question because I haven't had my little baby yet...but, my sister has a 3 year old who occasionally uses her high chair.
15 months and already packing away their highchairs seems a little young...
Posted 8/19/05 6:28 AM |

Member since 5/05 15167 total posts
Name: Tracy
Re: How long did your child use their Highchair
I agree WAY to young. I know some kids just don't like highchairs & they to get out of them. But my motto if they are content using the item LET THEM!!!
Posted 8/19/05 7:46 AM |
My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05 5777 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: How long did your child use their Highchair
Caiden still uses his and he's a a little over 19 months old. We have one that reclines back so he sits in there at night and in the morning while he drinks a sippy cup of milk. He does still eats in it everyday also. He can however get out of it. He only tries to do that when he's done eating. I was worried about the weight limit actually because he's at least 30lbs, and almost 36 inches so he's pretty big in it. We have a booster seat, but haven't even opened the package yet. We also still use the highchairs in the restaurants too. Maybe we should use the booster seat?
Posted 8/19/05 8:28 AM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: How long did your child use their Highchair
Wow, I plan on using the high chair for a long time!! 15 months is way too young!
Posted 8/19/05 9:42 AM |
Life is berry good!

Member since 5/05 1229 total posts
Name: Debbie
Re: How long did your child use their Highchair
Emily isn't a fan of her HC. She'll be fine in it if she's hungry. But, otherwise she wants out and quickly. I have been thinking about taking her out of it and using a booster seat at home. But, I haven't yet and I am hoping it is just a phase.
Posted 8/19/05 10:42 AM |
Stop 2 smell the roses

Member since 5/05 2048 total posts
Name: Maxine
Re: How long did your child use their Highchair
We used it till he was about a year old. Then we moved to a booster seat, and now he sits by himself ( except at my MIL's house b/c the table is too high)
Posted 8/19/05 11:13 AM |
5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05 2642 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: How long did your child use their Highchair
Marissa gets in her moods sometimes she likes to eat in her high chair and sometimes she likes to sit in her hook on chair
Posted 8/23/05 1:35 PM |