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Keep passing the open windows

Member since 10/06 3627 total posts
Name: Meaghan
How much $$ do you spend on birthdays?
I know this is kind of a personal question, but it's really been bugging me lately.
We don't have a lot of extra funds. We generally do a family birthday for the kids, and once the kids are school aged we let them invite a few friends to this. THe birthday kid gets presents from us. We usually spend about $75-$100 on presents, and then whatever the party costs. We usually just do cake and coffee in the backyard kind of thing, so all told we spend $100-200 on each child per birthday.
I've been paying attention to other kids/parents lately and realizing that other people seem do be spending waaaaaay more $$ than I am on my kids birthdays. Just curious..... about how much do you spend, and what do you do for them? What kind of parties, presents, etc??
Posted 6/6/10 10:02 PM |
Re: How much $$ do you spend on birthdays?
My son has a winter birthday, 11/29, he will be 4 this year. As of now I've just had my family over for cake and pizza. So it's been pretty cheap, maybe $75-$100.
For Birthday I usually do 1 large present. Last year it was $150, we bought a train table.
This year I'm not sure. Maybe we will do something at a place, but they all run around $400 for 2 hours, and I just don't think it's worth it honestly.
Posted 6/6/10 10:09 PM |
Big sister!!!!!!!!!!
Member since 12/05 17450 total posts
Re: How much $$ do you spend on birthdays?
Ive been doing parties every yr since shes born
1- J&R steakhouse 700-900 2-pump it up parties -won a gift cert for 500 bucks. Still paid 200 OOP 3-ice cream party shop 400-500 this yr she will be 4. No clue yet. These parties are crazy $$$$
Posted 6/6/10 11:20 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Message edited 9/1/2011 3:50:33 PM.
Posted 6/6/10 11:32 PM |

Member since 8/06 13803 total posts
Name: Jeannie
Re: How much $$ do you spend on birthdays?
We don't do a birthday party every year because they are so expensive! We always do a family barbecue/party with cake and food and presents. Every other year we ask if they want a party or a present. Robbie ALWAYS chooses party, Noah never really does.
This year we spent $500 between the party itself, the pizza and the cake (bought at Lazerland) and the goody bags (Dollar Store). We also had a family bbq and I don't even want to think about how much extra that was. Thinking back.. I'm pretty sure this is typical of what we've spent on 'school' parties. Before they were in school it was MUCH less expensive!
I've told both kids that I won't be doing parties 'out' anymore once they are 10!!
Message edited 6/7/2010 7:10:34 AM.
Posted 6/7/10 7:09 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 11767 total posts
Re: How much $$ do you spend on birthdays?
last year I combined both kids at White Post Farms. Good thing I did b/c it was $800!
this year, I went with gymnastics, b/c the cost was initially $260...but after food, drinks, cake, extra kids it was about $500
Posted 6/7/10 7:32 AM |
Love these kids!

Member since 10/05 4708 total posts
Name: Tammy
Re: How much $$ do you spend on birthdays?
First 3 birthdays we did backyard parties. After the 1st one I swore that I wasn't going to do it again. So much work and ended up not saving any money. Last year we spent a fortune - probably like $600 or so. So this year she wanted a karate party. Its under $300 for basically as many kids as I want to invite, all paper goods, and pizza. I just have to bring juice boxes, cake, and party favors. This is also the first year she is in school and we invited both kids from class and also my friends kids that she plays with. I called a jump place and for the amount of kids I wanted to invite it would have been over $700. I buy her a few little presents to open the morning of her bday but not much. So I guess what I am trying to say is that either way, I want to keep it under $500 for both party and presents. And that is still alot.
Posted 6/7/10 9:52 AM |
My children are a blessing!

Member since 5/05 2598 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: How much $$ do you spend on birthdays?
Around $500 a party, not including presents for DC.
Posted 6/7/10 9:53 AM |
Member since 5/05 6530 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: How much $$ do you spend on birthdays?
We've always had backyard parties - they don't save me any money but I can have a larger guest list, and more food. This year (2 and 4) they're having a joint party (due to some scheduling conflicts) so I get 2 for 1 on the cost
The party will cost ~ $500-750 for 30-35 adults and 15-20 kids. food & drinks paper goods & decorations favors/games cake waitress (so I can enjoy rather than "work" the party, and avoid clean up ) Its on Sunday, so I need to finalize a bunch of stuff!
For gifts I try to do one special item, and maybe a few small things. Erik got a tricycle and some puzzles, and Ella is getting a ballerina music box and strawberry shortcake stuff. Gifts this year are ~$100. But it really varies.
Message edited 6/7/2010 12:58:04 PM.
Posted 6/7/10 10:24 AM |
Where does time go?
Member since 12/05 9747 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: How much $$ do you spend on birthdays?
Her first b-day was just a family party at a restaurant but it was a couple hundred bucks, second birthday was like 3-400 bucks, her third birthday was ridiculously expensive for a few reasons and we didn't have a party last year because of that....
We don't go crazy on presents because she gets so many from our family and from her friends. Plus she thinks coloring books and puzzles are the ultimate...and she is beyond her years appreciative of all gifts she receives.
I do it because I didn't have it growing up. I was the third of six and my Dad struggled right up until I was in HS. I like being able to give her the joy 
I agree with Barb, I can't wait until we just invite people she is close to.
Posted 6/7/10 12:41 PM |
My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06 4018 total posts
Re: How much $$ do you spend on birthdays?
Normally we spend $100 each on gifts, give or take.
1st Bithday - the party was about 600, in the backyard 2nd - 600 in the backyard 3rd - White Post Farms about 700 4th - Trains at Southaven about 500 This year they want Chuck E Cheese so I would assume probably the same amount.
Posted 6/7/10 12:56 PM |
All of My Dreams Came True

Member since 2/09 1989 total posts
Name: Kimmie
Re: How much $$ do you spend on birthdays?
uggh this party is getting out of control! this party is going to be over 1,000.
Posted 6/7/10 4:06 PM |
Member since 5/05 11726 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: How much $$ do you spend on birthdays?
We actually had Nate's 5th Bday party yesterday at one of those indoor inflatable places. It was about $650 with taxes and gratuities. It was the first time we spent that kind of money on a party.
We normally do small get togethers at home with family and our friends. It was usually BBQ or pizza, so pretty low key and inexpensive.
Posted 6/7/10 6:55 PM |
Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
Re: How much $$ do you spend on birthdays?
Kerri just turned 4 and I have only had backyard BBQ parties for her. I only spend about what you do and Kerri enjoys herself immensely!
I also don't go crazy on gifts. This year we just got her a bike and that was it.
Message edited 6/7/2010 7:33:04 PM.
Posted 6/7/10 7:24 PM |

Member since 6/06 9370 total posts
Name: Valerie...aka...Do Me A Favor?
Re: How much $$ do you spend on birthdays?
I just had Joey's 5th birthday party.
In my backyard.
Had a petting zoo and pony rides.
Had 98 people there!
Party was about $900.
These things get more out of control every year.
Posted 6/8/10 11:58 AM |
I am all the Me I will ever Be

Member since 5/06 9746 total posts
Name: She who shall remain nameless
Re: How much $$ do you spend on birthdays?
This year we spent about $500 on DS birthday party and that was in our basement w. a magician and just pizza/drinks for adult and kids and goodie bags with just candy. Candy that I saved from Halloween.
Since DS bday is the end of November we never get any good weather for outdoor parties. We got lucky this year since we were renting a house with a basement. Since his birthday we moved into a condo. So we have no choice but to pay party places. Winter birthdays are so hard in my opinion if you don't have the room at home.
Almost all his bday parties are in entertainment places but we make sure we do a strict budget. I don't think we have ever gone over $500. We never get the huge packages from the party places. Guest list is limited to his friends from school. We don't have many cousins his age so we get lucky on that part. We have a cake at home afterward for adult family.
I agree that these party places charge way too much and that each year it gets crazier.
ETA: We buy one big gift. Usually about $100 and something small.
Message edited 6/8/2010 4:34:12 PM.
Posted 6/8/10 4:33 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 4189 total posts
Name: Doreen
Re: How much $$ do you spend on birthdays? I don't consider myself cheap by any means, but I can't imagine spending $500 or $900 on a kids birthday party. We don't do huge parties for our kids birthdays. We have cake and decorate and play "old fashioned" games. Once my kids are in school we've decided they can have parties every few years. They can choose a party (at home) or maybe take a friend to the movies/dinner, etc.
I know I'm in the minority here, but I think its way out of control that 6 year olds are having $600 parties.
Posted 6/8/10 10:43 PM |

Member since 2/07 15928 total posts
Re: How much $$ do you spend on birthdays?
Over the years I have definitely cut down on my spending with the kids.
As far as gifts are concerned. Each child gets 1 gift for their birthday. (Example: The twins each got netbooks for their birthday..last year it was their cell phones)
Big parties are saved for key ages that I have essentially made up in my head..
1st Birthday (Obvious) 3rd Birthday (1st Birthday where they really get it) 5th Birthday (That whole kindergarten big kid thing) 10th Birthday (Double digits) 13th Birthday (They're teenagers now) 16th Birthday (Self explanatory)
Every year we do a small GTG or something for the kids. I just dont spend a ton of money on it. Just some key friends and family....get some pizza...and have coffee and cake.
I dont really set a certain amount I just make a point of keeping it inexpensive.
Posted 6/9/10 7:42 AM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: How much $$ do you spend on birthdays?
I'm so bad, and I am not consistent. I said after my son's 2nd birthday party I had at a gym, and I missed it (was hospitalized), I wasn't spending money on having a party at a place again.
And I didn't. I have had family-only parties for the past few years. Just order some catering (less than $200) and have it at home.
This year my son was in Kindergarten and had a small class, and he won a gift certificate to have a party at the place he takes karate. So he had a party, but even with the gift certificate, after the food, goody bags, etc., I still laid out over $300.... and it was just for my son and not my DD She has never had a party at a place.
I will probably stick with it. Until my DD gets to K and wants a party
Posted 6/9/10 8:53 AM |