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How should I approach my doctor?

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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How should I approach my doctor?

OK, to sum everything up in a nutshell, here goes. When I was only 28 weeks pregnant my doctor mentioned to me that if the baby did not switch positions, I would need a c-section. At that time, the baby was in transverse postion. Fast forward to 32ish weeks. He tells me that he is definately scheduleing me for a c-section because even though the baby has turned positions, the baby is still very high. I always thought there was still plenty of time for the baby to drop. At my 34 week appointment he says that 100% I have to have a c-section because of the size of the baby. According to the sono from that day, the baby is measuring very large. All along the baby has been right on schedule and now all of a sudden the baby is very large. I am not against getting a c-section if this would be best for the baby. This past Friday I was not feeling as much movement as usual so I call the office and they tell me to go to L&D and get everything checked out. It just so happens that there was a perintologist (sp?) on call there and my office asked him to do a NST and BPP on me. We started talking and he asked me when my due date is. I said the 25th of November, but I have a c-section schedule for a week and a half earlier. He was questioning me a lot about it and was wondering why the doc would schedule one so far in advance. I told him all the reasons that my doctor told me. We talked for about another 1/2 hour and he asked me to please not go back and tell my doc about the conversation we had. He also told me he is very pro-c-section but that I should be given the opportunity to deliver natural if I wanted. Meanwhile the only thing I said to him is I want what ever is safe for the baby. He then asks me if I was ever tested for GD. I told him I had the one hour once and the 3 hour two times and there were no problems. I did tell him that all along after the 3 hour test I was really unsure about it because it seemed like they would not draw the blood at the correct time. For instance they would draw at 9 am and then not again until 10:15 and then 11:30. I kept asking them if that was ok and they said ok. So now this doctor from the L&D has me thinking that I have GD. He estimated the weight of the baby to be over 7 pounds and I am just a little over 35 weeks.

So after all that babbling. This is what I want to know. Was anyone diagonsed late in pregnancy with GD? Also, can you tell me what your diet consisted of.

Also, I have my regular appointment tomorrow morning at 8 am and I really want to ask my doctor if they could repeat the test for me. How do you think I should go about asking for this?

I just am at a loss right now.

Thanks for listening!Chat Icon

Message edited 10/23/2005 8:20:42 PM.

Posted 10/23/05 8:13 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: How should I approach my doctor?

I am sorry you are dealing with that!

I hate doctors- they just assume you will do exactly what they say and get insulted when you question them.

I would tell him the truth and why you have concerns, if you are worried about getting that other doctor (who was very nice to take all that time with you) in trouble then don;t use his name.

I have gd, basically the diet is low sugar/low carbs. Let me know if you have any specific questions. Good luck!

Posted 10/23/05 8:55 PM

Balancing act on a highwire

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Re: How should I approach my doctor?

He was asking if you have GD because your baby is measuring a little big and that is one reason why. The other reason for a "big baby" is the calculations are incorrect (very common) and the baby is just large.

Why did you have a 3 hours twice?

I wouldn't worry though - GD doesn't usually pop up that in pregnancy. If you are concerned and won't stop thinking about it maybe you can have your blood sugar checked again. not a 3hr test though - just a spot check.

Doctors aren't terrible - it's just hard for them to know what you're thinking unless you tell them...I don't know any docs that get insulted when you question them - they just get irritated at the source when the info is misinformation that can lead to a bad decision.

And for that reason I'd let your doctor know you'd like to try natural. Find out why they are so animate for c-section. Maybe he/she doesn't feel comfortable with larger babies and their colleague (if they are in a group) has good experiences and would feel more comfortable...

ETA: your baby is not too big for delivery yet - you shouldn't be written off as a c-sectrion until your baby is large when you're in labor. Maybe his/her growth will slow down or calculations will reveal that your baby is 7.5 lbs on delivery day!

Message edited 10/24/2005 11:05:24 AM.

Posted 10/24/05 11:00 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: How should I approach my doctor?

I was diagnosed late but only because my test results were lost. I failed the first time - and they were I didn't find out until until about a month or so after I should have. So I only had 2 months (little less of my pregnancy left).

Babies go thru growth spurts and can measure big one week and then it all catches up in a few weeks and I wouldn't get too over concerned with the size. My baby always measured big and I had GD and he was early and only 7lbs 2oz. My SIL was told her baby huge all along and they even were thinking maybe she developed GD late and the they scheduled to induce her she was weighing in at over 10lbs and her drs argued to give her a c that day and she did not get one and the baby was a little over 8lbs (a week late too!!) - totally normal!!! So those sonos can be off - even when they are closely monitoring it. So I wouldn't get too caught up in the numbers just yet.

As far as the GD diet, it consisted of 6 small meals at regular times in the day - balancing the carb with protein and fruit and veggies. The portions were very small and all should be measured. No sugar pretty much at all - no cookies, cake, candy, fast food, pizza, etc. No high carbs foods - no bagels, no pasta, etc. If you are concerned about GD, I would just limit sugar and carb intake.

Posted 10/24/05 11:35 AM

We made it to 8 years

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Re: How should I approach my doctor?

hey how did the Dr go?

Posted 10/24/05 2:18 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: How should I approach my doctor?

Whatever concerns you have definitely talk to your doctor. Don't let those estimates concern you too much. I was told that there was no way that my daughter could be more than 5-6 pounds because of her position well she was 8lbs 13 ounces! I knew I was having a c-section because she was in an unusual position and there was no way for her to turn. You have EVERY right to try and deliver naturally if the baby is in the right position and not in distress. If that is what you want and they are monitoring the baby and he/she is fine than that is YOUR right!

Good luck!

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Posted 10/24/05 3:59 PM

Happy New Year

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17334 total posts


Re: How should I approach my doctor?

This is JMO but I don't think you have GD at all - I think you are running into the same issue I did -- because your Due Date is the day after Thanksgiving, they want you to deliver prior (preferably scheduled) so they don't have to be on call.

It's sad but true. When a woman is due around a holiday, they will try to induce or schedule a c-section before the holiday so as not to risk having to work those days. I would give this likely possibility alot of thought before you schedule a c-section.

I was due July 5 and I was told everything from my baby is too big to my fluid levels were too low... they estimated my baby at over 8 lbs around 38 weeks and he ended up being born 7lbs 11oz at 41 weeks. The Dr tried everything to get me to schedule an induction or c/s prior to my due date. I stuck to my guns and although I did end up needing a c-section, at least I know I didn't pull my baby out too soon because my ob/gyn wanted the weekend off.

Just watch out for this is all I'm saying. Go ahead and order another GD test if you think that's the issue, or get another opinion from another OB. Just my opinion, but I don't think GD is the issue here at all. Especially for him to be talking c/s sooo early on. The only thing he could've been sure about at that point were his plans for Thanksgiving.

Posted 10/24/05 4:29 PM

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