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Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
I am pizzed off at daycare - UPDATE
Ever since Alex moved out of the infant center, everything has gone downhill.
They've lost 3 of our sippy cups, one of her bathing suits, told us we didn't give them things that we have, and her teacher keeps questioning me on why I tell her not to feed Alex certain things. I'll send in a note saying please no french toast and syrup, and she'll write a note home saying "why not" - why not? Because I don't think that's a healthy, appropriate lunch for a 2 year old and I shouldn't have to explain myself.
THEN, camp ended on 8/17 and school starts 9/4, so Alex is in multi-age daycare at the school in the meantime. The menu they gave us provided a schedule that lasts until 8/31 even though camp officially ended on 8/17. I just assumed that meant they give the kids lunch until 8/31 and stop once school starts. DH asked yesterday and they said NO, lunches ended on 8/17.
OK THEN,, PLEASE TELL ME WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN FEEDING MY CHILD FOR THE LAST WEEK AND WHY DIDN'T ANYONE SEND A NOTE TELLING US SHE NEEDS LUNCH? Considering she is vegetarian, and the multi-age teachers likely do NOT know that, I'm scared to think of what they were feeding her.
And THEN, just now, the school calls to tell me they are closing on Friday at 3pm instead of 5:30pm. She said it was a misunderstanding, that the school was supposed to go back to normal hours (which is 3pm on Fridays) at the end of school. But last week they were open until 5:30 and school was closed, so why the change this week? I pressed her further and it's because Alex is the only kid that needs to stay that late and they don't want to pay staff for one kid.
ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?? I blew up on her, and instead of apologizing, she made up every excuse under the sun.
So the Director called me back - very apologetic. She is new, and just started a few weeks ago, so she explained a big part of this is her fault in that she's still learning how everything works. Ok, I can give you a little leeway there, especially considering you are far better than the previous director.
As for the food, the CAMP director was in charge of that, so the SCHOOL director didn't know anything about it. I said that's fine, but why didn't anyone call us once they realized Alex wasn't coming to school with food, and most importantly, WHAT WAS SHE EATING? She told me she has already placed a call into the teacher who was watching Alex all week to find out,and assured me it couldn't have been meat, as they keep kosher (yes, but what if it was a non-dairy day??).
As for Friday - part of it is my fault - apparently they sent home a form asking all parents to tell the school if they plan on using the multi-age daycare last week and this week. I don't know if I lost it, or more likely, DH threw it out without thinking, but anyway, we never signed up Alex - no one else said they would need the daycare on Friday past 3pm so they never hired anyone.
To her credit, she assured me that they will arrange to have one of the teachers watch Alex on Friday after 3pm despite.
I didn't raise the other issues with her regular teacher because (1) during the school year we provide the lunches, not the school, and (2) I want to wait to see how the new co-teacher works out - she apparently has a wonderful reputation so I'm willing to test the waters.
In the meantime, DH and I are scheduling visits to the other schools - just in case. It can't hurt.
Message edited 8/28/2007 3:24:19 PM.
Posted 8/28/07 11:36 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/06 7376 total posts
Re: I am pizzed off at daycare
Unacceptable!! Call the director!! Let us know how it turns out.
Posted 8/28/07 11:42 AM |
Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06 8069 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: I am pizzed off at daycare
That's annoying. How is the place where your favorite teacher went? Can you look into switching? Or do you think it will get better once school starts?
Posted 8/28/07 11:43 AM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: I am pizzed off at daycare
Posted by SuzyQ
That's annoying. How is the place where your favorite teacher went? Can you look into switching? Or do you think it will get better once school starts?
She moved to a school 30 mins away so it's not a possibility.
I heard they are bringing in a new, young teacher to co-teach with her current teacher, so maybe it will get better, but I'm just getting so ticked off here. I think we're going to schedule meetings with the two other synagogues in our area that have a reputable daycare.
When we were in the infant center we heard grumblings from other parents who had removed their children from this school at the point they graduated the infant center, for similar reasons, and placed them at one of the other synagogues. I think it's time to check those places out.
Posted 8/28/07 11:45 AM |
Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06 8069 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: I am pizzed off at daycare
It sounds like a good idea to check out the other places. It's too bad it went downhill like that. Maybe the new teacher will be better.
Posted 8/28/07 11:47 AM |
Where does time go?
Member since 12/05 9747 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: I am pizzed off at daycare
Oh Beth, that stinks Totally acceptable on many levels... how dare they question you? how dare they lose her stuff? and how dare they practically lie to you about closing?
I think it's time to explore new places with the thought that perhaps the new teacher will be better...
I know how hard it is to find good care
Posted 8/28/07 12:03 PM |
Re: I am pizzed off at daycare
um - NO F-ing way - whats THAT about????
DEFINITELY speak to the director!!!
Posted 8/28/07 1:02 PM |
Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05 2391 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: I am pizzed off at daycare
omg, i am hyperventilating just reading this ... the food thing is REALLY bad ... what about the children that have allergies???
Posted 8/28/07 1:03 PM |
She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05 14624 total posts
Re: I am pizzed off at daycare
There are so many things wrong here!
Definitely talk to the director!!!
Posted 8/28/07 1:04 PM |
Proud Mommy
Member since 3/06 1745 total posts
Name: Kerri
Re: I am pizzed off at daycare
I hope things work out. All of this (plus that terror biting her) is too much
Posted 8/28/07 1:12 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/07 161 total posts
Re: I am pizzed off at daycare
OMG. I am so never sending my kids to daycare. I can't believe that. I would be irate too. Def. call the director. What gall.
Posted 8/28/07 1:34 PM |
Where it all began....
Member since 5/05 24065 total posts
Re: I am pizzed off at daycare
If it doesn't get resolved I would call their state licensing rep. I hope you can find a place you are comfortable at.
Posted 8/28/07 1:35 PM |
Where it all began....
Member since 5/05 24065 total posts
Re: I am pizzed off at daycare
Posted by Twinzers
OMG. I am so never sending my kids to daycare.
There are excellent day cares out there
Posted 8/28/07 1:36 PM |
My girls

Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: I am pizzed off at daycare
I hope you get some answers, that is just wrong!
Posted 8/28/07 2:18 PM |

Member since 5/05 28602 total posts
Name: Me
Re: I am pizzed off at daycare
Posted by Susan
omg, i am hyperventilating just reading this ... the food thing is REALLY bad ... what about the children that have allergies??? That is the first thing I thought of. And how DARE they question you as to what you feed your child. Big no-no in my book.
Sorry you are having problems with them.
Posted 8/28/07 2:58 PM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: I am pizzed off at daycare
Posted by Susan
omg, i am hyperventilating just reading this ... the food thing is REALLY bad ... what about the children that have allergies???
The stupidest part of it all is that in response, the woman said, well no one else has complained about the lunch - I guess you're the only one who misunderstood. Everyone knows that lunches end when camp ends.
Oh really? Everyone knows? Apparently NOT, and how would we know unless you told us the nice little calendar of lunches that you provided is WRONG and should end at 8/17 instead of 8/31?
And about the time school ends on Friday - she had the gall to say, well, no one else complained -everyone else said they were going to pick up their child at that time anyway.
Um, yeah, and so? We PAY you an extra $3000 a year for early care and late car. What exactly am I paying for then?
Posted 8/28/07 3:06 PM |
Rest in Peace baby Rogan

Member since 6/07 1122 total posts
Name: Jessica
Re: I am pizzed off at daycare
Wow that is ridiculous! Definitely talk to the director, and if you don't get a satisfactory response (or maybe even if you do), start looking at those other day cares! That is crazy, I mean they need to respect your choices for your daughter. And if you pay extra for late care, you should expect to be provided that care!
Sorry you're going through this, with everything you're going through, you need to feel comfortable that your daughter is in a safe and nurturing environment.
ETA: Just saw your update, I'm glad the diector addressed most of your issues. I guess if she's new you can cut her some slack, but I agree still start looking in case this new assistant teacher isn't any better. I think the fact that they're losing so many of her things worries me a little, although I guess it's understandable, as they get older they get into more things and are more independent in feeding themselves, so they probably leave things all over. I guess just be vigilant about labeling everything, keep track of what you bring in every day, and if anything else goes missing definitely talk to the teacher.
Message edited 8/28/2007 3:50:35 PM.
Posted 8/28/07 3:15 PM |
wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06 6689 total posts
Name: D
Re: I am pizzed off at daycare - UPDATE
thats crazy! where does she go to daycare? (I ask b/c we have a great one where dd goes out in miller place!)
Posted 8/28/07 8:12 PM |

Member since 5/05 15952 total posts
Re: I am pizzed off at daycare - UPDATE
Oh Beth
As if you need any more aggrevation this week or ever at this point.
I'm glad the director is addressing your concerns but I think looking at other daycares wouldn't hurt at this point.
Posted 8/28/07 8:25 PM |
Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06 8069 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: I am pizzed off at daycare - UPDATE
It sounds like you're doing the right thing by checking out the other places. I'm glad the director responded properly at least.
Posted 8/28/07 8:54 PM |
Re: I am pizzed off at daycare - UPDATE
Posted by wowcoulditbe
thats crazy! where does she go to daycare? (I ask b/c we have a great one where dd goes out in miller place!)
I'm kinda curious, too, as I was looking at a kosher daycare.
That is all so crazy!
Posted 8/28/07 9:23 PM |