Since I am tired but cannot fall asleep, I thought this would be perfect! Chat Icon

It's 1:19 a.m. here. What's the time there? 12:50 in the morning

What time did you go to bed last night? 2:30 am

What time did you wake up this morning/ afternoon? 10 am

Where did you sleep? in my bed

Do you always go to bed when you're tired or crash wherever you are? I always go to bed.

Could you sleep with the TV on? we sleep with the tv on every night, very bad habit.

If so, what show is often on when you doze off? 40 dollars a day..rachael ray lol

Do you wake up to turn off the TV or does someone else? we leave it on all night

Do you have a recurring dream? i dream about being in a car i cant control and i always dream about my teeth falling out.

Are your dreams vivid or vague? both

Do you ever search up your dreams' meanings? i used to..i had a book but it never made any sense lol

How many pillows do you sleep with? 2

What's your favorite bedtime snack? cookies and milk..another bad habit

Do you sleep with stuffed animals? i used to..bill more though.

Do you sleep talk? My dh says I do

Do you sleep walk? I think I have in the past.

Do you wake up hungry or thirsty? most time thirsty.

Where is your room located in your house? first floor in the front

Do you sleep with a night light? the tv..if that counts

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom? when i was pregnant, ALL THE TIME!

If so, do you often run into objects and hurt yourself? not usually

Do you snore? again, my dh says i do but i dont know how he hears me over his snoring!

Do you toss and turn? constantly

Do you sleep on your back, stomach, right, or left side? I fall asleep in my stomach but wind up on my side usually..cant sleep on my tummy since being pg and then the c section..i miss it

Do you sleep stretched up or curled up in a ball? stretched

When is your bedtime? usuallly between 12-2

What time do you set your alarm for? i dont anymore

Are you a morning person? HECK NO!

How do you react when a family member comes to wake you? LIKE A MAD WOMAN! lol

How do you react when a friend comes or calls to wake you? like im still sleeping lol

When you wake up, what are your first thoughts? I cant wait to see my little girl

When you wake up, what's the very first thing you do? brush my teeth

Are you a heavy sleeper? very but since the baby, not as much

What could rouse you from your sleep? my dogs barking, the baby crying, pain

Do you ever turn on music to fall asleep by? no

What's a nightmare that you remember? being chased by some wacko

What's a good dream that you remember? my stepdad was alive again :(

How many hours of sleep do you need? A LOT!

What do you do when you get less than the required amount of time? im cranky all day

Do you believe too much sleep is counter-productive? now i do

What puts you to sleep? staring at the tv

Do you own a twin sized, double, queen, or king sized bed? queen

What do your sheets look like? different kinds

Do you sleep under one sheet or a lot of covers? lots of covers

Do you have the fan on high or low in the summer? HIGH

Do you count sheep? NEVER

Are you an insomniac? hardly

Have you tried the Serta mattresses? no

What is your alarm clock like? LOUD AND ANNOYING!