I drove to work in plastic toddler aviators with mirrored lenses
I can't even IMAGINE what people were thinking sitting in traffic next to me.
My own kid was even laughing at me!!!
I left my prescription sunglasses in DH's car last night and I'm lost without them. I don't even own a regular pair! Logan's glasses were the only option.
Re: I drove to work in plastic toddler aviators with mirrored lenses
Posted by Shelleybean11
How did they fit around you head though LOL
they're already stretched and scratched from him playing with them... i really should take a pic.
OH EVEN BETTER, i pulled up to the gas pump and asked the attendant to "fill it with regular" with them on. I didn't even say anything when he looked at me funny.
Re: I drove to work in plastic toddler aviators with mirrored lenses
Posted by Shorty
Posted by Shelleybean11
How did they fit around you head though LOL
they're already stretched and scratched from him playing with them... i really should take a pic.
OH EVEN BETTER, i pulled up to the gas pump and asked the attendant to "fill it with regular" with them on. I didn't even say anything when he looked at me funny.