Thankfully, not inside my house!!

In spring, we had gone to the town dump to get bags of wood mulch. We didn't use it all yet and today while I was out gardening, I went to move a bag of it from the side of the shed.

There had to be hundreds of termites, ants, and spiders underneath that one bag. Chat Icon

It was one of those things where you just can't look away. I recognized the little white shapes immediately. The smaller sacs - I guess they were eggs or something - were being carried off by the ants to safety. I guess they eat them?

My first instinct was to get those bags the h3ll out of there. But it's a nice little feast for the little bastards right now, till I can investigate termite bait stations. I guess you could consider those bags the poor man's bait station in the meantime. Chat Icon I wish there was a safer, non-chemical way to do this but I'm having a hard time finding information on "green" alternatives.

I've done some reading on the subject and all mulch is going to provide safety and shelter for termites. Even stones, plastic, whatever. I know we were termite free six months ago and we routinely search the basement for mud tubes and such. No danger signs yet.

I still have the creepy-crawlies thinking about them out there. Do you, after reading this? Chat Icon Have you ever had this happen?