We put back 2 day5 blastocysts!! There are at least 4 more blasts to freeze plus a bunch more they will watch. He expects I will have about 8 to freeze by Wed!! So now the dreaded 9 day wait begins!! What's the earliest you IVF ladies have tested and gotten a BFP? I know I will not be able to resist testing
We put back 2 day5 blastocysts!! There are at least 4 more blasts to freeze plus a bunch more they will watch. He expects I will have about 8 to freeze by Wed!! So now the dreaded 9 day wait begins!! What's the earliest you IVF ladies have tested and gotten a BFP? I know I will not be able to resist testing
CONGRATS!!!!!! Best of luck hope you get a baby!!! or BABIESSS!!! XOXOXO BOTB