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I just called my Dr.'s office and spoke with the Nurse...

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

703 total posts


I just called my Dr.'s office and spoke with the Nurse...

....and asked if Prima Care One makes you gain weight/bloated looking? And she said no, prenatal vitamins don't have anything in there for you to get bloated.

I told her when I was on Calnate I gained some, but not as much as I did while I was Prima Care. She said that's strange, but if you still get gain weight/bloated looking, it might be something else and we have to look into further.

I told her I haven't been to a gym in a long time -- maybe that's a factor too (I think I'm going to go back to the gym and try to loose some of this weight).

She's mailing me a new prescription for Calnate.

Posted 8/22/07 10:07 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 10/06

2938 total posts


Re: I just called my Dr.'s office and spoke with the Nurse...

It could be intestinal bloat. When I started prenatals I was uncomfortable from all the iron in them. Even with the stool softener I still had stomach issues. No constipation but I did have bloating and gas Chat Icon .

Posted 8/22/07 10:16 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

703 total posts


Re: I just called my Dr.'s office and spoke with the Nurse...

Yeah that's what she said too.

But my face was puffy and my mom said I looked PG.

edited to add--I thought I was PG, and I'm not a breakfast eater, so I started eating breakfast. Maybe it was combo of things?

Message edited 8/22/2007 10:19:27 AM.

Posted 8/22/07 10:18 AM


Member since 5/07

1532 total posts


Re: I just called my Dr.'s office and spoke with the Nurse...

I swear that my prenatals made me gain weight.
I am up 8lbs ( I was pregnant and had a m/c so that contributed to a few lbs but I can't lose it!!!!)

I am taking Citrical w/ DHA suplement.

Posted 8/22/07 10:40 AM

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