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I know i am posting a lot about this.. i have a million questions about my interview tomorrow.. please read!

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I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


I know i am posting a lot about this.. i have a million questions about my interview tomorrow.. please read!

I only went on one teaching nterview EVER it was for the school i am at and it was so informal i didnt even realize the interview started. I was waiting for the principal and this lady who was sorting papers starts askiong me about myself. I tell her. By the time the proncipal came in she told her shes hired. Turns out the lady sorting papers was the head of the special ed department and it was a special ed position.

Anyway heres my questions...

1) I am wearing a suit, its beige not black is that ok?

2) If she asks me what was the last book i read, does she mean like educational, or for fuun., Honestly i cant exactly tellher the latest Nora Roberts book can i? LOL

3) Do i send a follow up thank you card or email?

4) If she asks what my weakness is what do i say so its not sometign OOO weak that it will prevent me from gettng tehjob?

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Message edited 5/20/2007 8:46:01 AM.

Posted 5/20/07 8:42 AM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: I know i am posting a lot about this.. i have a million questions about my interview tomorrow.. please read!

1) I think that should be fine- I have seen teachers interview at my school in blouses and skirts, not matching suits, and there's never been an issue. A suit of any color (unless it's day-glo pink) is neat and professional.

2) What grade do you teach? I'd choose a title of something your kids read, and you can say that it's important to you to keep up with children's literature. I love young adult lit, so if I were to go on an interview I'd mention that because it's relevant.

3) I don't know- that used to be the norm, but I haven't been on an interview in a long time. I never sent a TY.

4) This is a hard one- I used to say that I tended to overcommit myself or had trouble asking for support from higher-ups, which is true. Very much a trick question!

Posted 5/20/07 8:57 AM

Becoming a Big Brother!

Member since 5/07

2541 total posts


Re: I know i am posting a lot about this.. i have a million questions about my interview tomorrow.. please read!

1. I doubt the color matters. I never even wore a suit to an interview. I'm sure either one is fine.

2. Hmm...I always hated those questions. Go with something educational. I like what the person above wrote about a children's book. Or you can list an article instead of a book.

3. No. I don't think people really do thatmuch any more. I mean, I guess it's not going to HURT your chances if you want to do it. But lots of schools on LI have so many interviews that they don't want to bother with follow-ups, etc. But like I said, it won't hurt you if you feel strongly about it.

4. Those questions suck too. I was always told to use a positive as a negative. Like, "I tend to reflect too much." But sometimes I've been honest, though carefully choosing my words. You could say that having only taught in one school is automatically a negative because you have to get used to a new reading program, staff, etc. But add that you WILL be able to do that.

Posted 5/20/07 5:47 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/07

2179 total posts


Re: I know i am posting a lot about this.. i have a million questions about my interview tomorrow.. please read!

First off..CONGRATS

1) I don't think the suit color matters.

2) I remember the superintendent asking me what book I was reading and I told him the Da Vinci COde because that was what I was reading. I think they just want to make sure you are an avid reader. (Just make sure it is something appropriate.)

3) I personally would send a TY.

4) This was mine: "My weakness when I was student teaching was classroom management. I can't wait to have my own classroom and instill my own rules to a class. I didn't agree with some of the ways the cooperating teacher I worked with let the kids do things. I felt they needed more structure and I can't wait to have my own students to have more of a mutual respect occur."

After three years I just got my tenure so it worked for me!


Posted 5/20/07 7:47 PM
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