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I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

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Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

I think there seriously might be something wrong with meChat Icon I used to be so sharp and ontop of things, and now, I can barely remember to get Ava dressed. Forget about remembering things I have to do. I can never remember, and I even write them down, but then I can't remember where I put my planner. It's such an awful feeling, I honestly feel like there's something wrong with me. I walk around in circles trying to remember what it was I was doing, I stop mid-sentence because I can't remember what I was saying, etc. It's really bad. I'm just so upset over this, and I feel like I've just kept saying to myself, oh, it's just because I have a baby now, when really, I think it's so much more than that. I feel like it affects my job, too. Not that I'm working now, but during the year, when I'm teaching, if I don't write every, single thing I want to say down, I can't remember it. Like I said, mid-sentence, I'll stop and have no recollection of what I was just saying. Hell, I have to go back read what I wrote when I freaking post because I can't remember. Anyway. I just needed to vent about that because I feel crazy some daysChat Icon

Posted 7/20/07 12:50 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My Precious Angel

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Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

I do the same things, DH is always yelling at me, because he always tells me things and then 2 days later, he will say remember I told you and Im like NO.

You are not crazy lol. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 7/20/2007 12:53:21 PM.

Posted 7/20/07 12:52 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1977 total posts


Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

Im sorry you're feeling upset about this, I know exactly what you mean... it's like sometimes I feel like how can 1 person rember eveyrthing I need to remember...glad to see i'm notaloneChat Icon

Posted 7/20/07 12:52 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

It's hitting me now so much because I'm trying to pack for our weekend away, and seriously, I must have made 6 lists of what I need because I keep misplacing them. I feel like I'm going crazy todayChat Icon

Posted 7/20/07 12:55 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

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Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

I am so forgetful, I tried to "organize" into one place. All appt are on biz cards and on the fridge. I write all To Do on lists and put them in the same spot.

Posted 7/20/07 1:03 PM

My princess!

Member since 5/05

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Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

Rach, I feel EXACTLY the same way!

Sometimes I feel so lost and literally it makes me sick because I feel like I am losing my mind. Makes me sad because now I know what my grandmother must feel like. Chat Icon

Its really hard, especially when I know how on top of things I was before. We, once again can be here for each other. Each others' reminders LOL Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/07 1:15 PM

it's me

Member since 5/05

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Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

I could have written this myself. I've even started looking into my diet to help as well.

Posted 7/20/07 1:50 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

I can't tell you how many times I've put something away so "I wouldn't forget where it as".....and now have no idea where I put it. It drives me nuts! I do it all the time. Plus my short term memory is shot. Ask me what I did yesterday and I would have to sit and think for about 5 minutes.

Posted 7/20/07 2:11 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

You are not alone. In my first 5 months coming back to work, my boss came into my office, closed the door, looked at me and said, "Beth, what is going on???"

I think all new mom's go through this - the question is, when do you start to transition back to your "good memory". For me, it happened around the 14/15 month mark. That's when I felt like I was back in my groove, so to speak.

Cut yourself some slack - give it a little more time. The first year of having a child is mind-altering - give it the credit it deserves Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/07 2:27 PM

Ready for the sun!

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Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

Completely Normal...well at least in Moe and Animal world. I am only now starting to see the light at the end of the forgetful tunnelChat Icon

Posted 7/20/07 2:44 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/06

432 total posts


Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

I'd love to tell you that it comes back....but it hasn't for me and Taylor is 2 1/2Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/07 2:47 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

I'm using every possible excuse I can. I had a baby. I'm working full-time. We just moved. We're searching for a house to buy. The excuses never end. I'm just worrying more than usual because when I go back to work in September, I have a new boss, and I, of course, have to make an impression, and feeling this way is leaving me with horrible anxiety that won't go away.Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/07 3:07 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

Posted by prncss

I'm using every possible excuse I can. I had a baby. I'm working full-time. We just moved. We're searching for a house to buy. The excuses never end. I'm just worrying more than usual because when I go back to work in September, I have a new boss, and I, of course, have to make an impression, and feeling this way is leaving me with horrible anxiety that won't go away.Chat Icon

It doesn't sound to me like you're making excuses - it sounds like you have A LOT on your plate, which would naturally affect your stress levels, and spill into other areas. I know, for myself, when I have a lot going on, I hae a difficult time concentrating on anything.

But, with that said, KNOWING you're stressed, doesn't eliminate the symptoms. If this really does worry you and make you anxious, you should try to do something about it. Maybe, while you're off for the summer, talk to a therapist? Start exercising? Pilates/Yoga? Journaling? Whatever it is that you do that helps you ground yourself and become more centered, so that you're refreshed and more in-tune with yourself by the time the school year rears its ugly head

Posted 7/20/07 3:12 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

You are definitely not alone. I was supposed to go to a book club meeting on Monday night at 8, it was only Monday night at 11.30 that I realised it was actually Monday.

I am completely forgetful all the time.

Posted 7/20/07 3:17 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

I am not sure what you are talking about because I remember everything all the time. But I wanted to give you some hugs...

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On a serious note, I also have a serious problem with this - esp. short term memory. You can tell me something and 2 minutes later I totally forget.


I am famous for this. I will get in the shower in the morning - hmm..Im running low on conditioner...I need some more. I'll get it later.

Next morning..hmm..I am running low on conditioner...etc..etc...

it's scary.

I started taking a multivitamin lately thinking it might help that and a few other issues (always being tired) but I wonder if it is just that I am really not exercising my brain enough.

Posted 7/20/07 3:55 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1977 total posts


Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

Did I mention that yesterday I found a pair of scissors in the freezer?????? I'm NOT KIDDING!!!

Posted 7/20/07 3:55 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/07

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In Love with my Child

Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

OMG..i also feel i have lost brain cells..i'm constantly putting on something backwards or forgetting to do something.

Posted 7/20/07 7:17 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Thanks, girls. I think it's becoming more and more apparent now that we're staying with my parents and my mom will ask me to run an errand for her, and I say yes, then when I see her again that night, she'll be like, "Did you get the milk?" And I'll have no idea what she's talking about. People think I'm just being lazy and ignoring them, and that really is beginning to frustrate and infuriate me. I made an appt. to go speak to someone because I also feel like my brain is constantly running at 100mph, and I almost feel like I have ADD. Forget about phone conversations. I hear maybe every fifth word someone says to me.
Anyway, love you girls, I really mean it. Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/07 7:20 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 6/06

402 total posts


Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

Posted by LInative

Did I mention that yesterday I found a pair of scissors in the freezer?????? I'm NOT KIDDING!!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/07 7:23 PM


Member since 5/05

2730 total posts


Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

I felt like this for the longest time....I'm finally starting to feel like myself again!

Posted 7/20/07 7:26 PM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

Posted by Taylorsmom

I'd love to tell you that it comes back....but it hasn't for me and Taylor is 2 1/2Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Me either and Nicholas is 8! I can't even talk either..and I feel like I have ADHD these days Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/07 7:46 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/06

583 total posts


Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

Rachel- I have ADD and that is exactly how I feel. Its so frustrating, and its definately gotten worse since I had Maddy. I was taking medication that helped alot, but I didn't like the side effects, plus I had to stop taking it to get pregnant. There are some holistic things you can do- feel free to FM me if you want more info.

Posted 7/20/07 8:33 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

Rachel, as I was reading this I said STORY OF MY LIFE ! I know EXACTLY how you feel, and this happens to me ALL the time.
I can NOT sit still for long periods, my mind is racing and going at all times. I tell John Anthony to remind me of things, I lose lists and forget to update my "TO DO" spreadsheets (so I can compile ALL that is going on in my busy head into 25 different lists Chat Icon)

I was going to say ADD also, and didnt want to offend you and then you also mentioned it.

I was looking into getting tested a couple of months ago, and was given the run around, then was also told, YOU HAVE 3 CHILDREN ages 4 and under! Chat Icon Chat Icon

But Im going with my gut and seeing what I can do to help myself.
It's gotten to the point like you said, where I cant concentrate at times because Im doing and thinking of 18 things at once.

I can totally understand how you feel.
FM me if you need to talk Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/07 10:21 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: I know it's common to become forgetful after you have a baby, but...

Posted by Summerrluvv

Posted by Taylorsmom

I'd love to tell you that it comes back....but it hasn't for me and Taylor is 2 1/2Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Me either and Nicholas is 8! I can't even talk either..and I feel like I have ADHD these days Chat Icon

ME too I have lost the ability to talk. Thinking , forget it, I say I hope my son is smart cause he made ms tupid...LOL

I start sentances with...uh over on the uh, the thing that uh goes in the uh, the thing, ya know the uh .....OH forget it!!

I cannot stand it and your right Rach its scary. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/21/07 1:38 AM

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