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LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/05 733 total posts
I may be jumping the gun a bit....
But I have now been TTC for several months now with all BFN coming my way...I went to the Dr. (regular Gyno) about 2 months ago and she said to keep trying...but never ran any special tests on me. She just does a regular exame and says "everything looks good"
This is my problem...I had a LEEP procedure done over a year ago (they found pre-cancerous cells on my uterus and had to remove them.) I was told there is a 10% chance I may have problems getting prego...or holding the baby.
My question is this....I KNOW some women take months and years to have a baby...when exactly should I be concerned and say...o.k. it's not happening...time to see a specialist?
This whole TTC is really stressing me's to the point I'm not even enjoying sex the way I's just work, work, work.
Posted 9/21/05 9:03 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |

Member since 5/05 15952 total posts
Re: I may be jumping the gun a bit....
I wouldn't be satified with her answer. If you are under 30 and have been TTC, charting etc. for one year it's time to investigate this, at least bloodwork. If you are over 30 and TTC for 6 months it's time to go to plan B.
Talk to her again and/or seek a second opinion.
Are you charting?
Posted 9/21/05 9:05 AM |
me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05 12013 total posts
Name: Shana
Re: I may be jumping the gun a bit....
dos the dr know about that procedure???
I know normally they say if you don't conceive in 1 yr of trying, they start all the testing, but since you had this procedure, maybe you require a bit more attention.
Good Luck
Posted 9/21/05 9:09 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/05 733 total posts
Re: I may be jumping the gun a bit....
well I charted for a while...but my temps are too up and down to really get a normal chart. (I was told it's normal if your hormone levels are off-which mine are).
I have always had regular cycles though.
I am over 30 and have been trying for more than 6 months.
There is a possibility that I may be prego now (just went into my 2 weeks of waiting...but I don't "feel" I am...
I'll see what happens...if nothing...I think I need to go to plan B...but what is that? Go to a specialist?
Posted 9/21/05 9:11 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/05 733 total posts
Re: I may be jumping the gun a bit....
Posted by btrflygrl
dos the dr know about that procedure???
I know normally they say if you don't conceive in 1 yr of trying, they start all the testing, but since you had this procedure, maybe you require a bit more attention.
Good Luck
yes, she is the one who did it.
Posted 9/21/05 9:13 AM |
Turning a new page

Member since 5/05 9731 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: I may be jumping the gun a bit....
I guess it depends on the doctor.
All my friend's doctors say try for 1 year then come in.
My doctor said try for 6 months (maybe b/c I was 29? i have no idea).
I think you have to do what is comfortable for YOU- don't let doctors dictate to you what should/shouldn't be done.
If the doctor isn't giving you the level of care you want- get another one.
Posted 9/21/05 9:30 AM |
Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: I may be jumping the gun a bit....
I would strongly recommend reading "Taking Charge of Your Fertility". It shows you what to look for, how to chart (even if your temps are all screwy, like mine) and is so informative, it helps YOU to understand your body better, and so when you go back to the Dr., you can say what you have observed.... Unfortunately it seems Dr. are very eager to give the pills necessary to get us regular, or to ovulate, or whatever, when maybe there isn't a problem, it may just be that you don't O when you think you do....And if you bring charts, even screwy ones, it shows you are pro-active and aware of what your body is doing....
Posted 9/21/05 9:35 AM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: I may be jumping the gun a bit....
I had a LEEP (or LEAP - not sure how it is spelled) ... The only reason that a LEEP would make it harder to get pregnant or to keep a pregnancy is if the scar tissue develops heavily. It is actually not very likely that you would develop thick scar tissue. What happens is the scar tissue basically closes the cervix which is shaped like a donut with a little hole in the middle. If that little hole is closed, nothing can get little swimmers. If you are getting your period and bleeding, then the hole is most likely open. Your Dr. should have done a follow up to see how you were healing and they let you know if there were any concerns.
Posted 9/21/05 9:48 AM |