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I really do not feel like cooking on these HOT days

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LIF Infant

Member since 10/11

330 total posts


I really do not feel like cooking on these HOT days

Does this hot weather bother anyone else while cooking? I would eat hot dogs & hamburgers every single night until fall if it means that I don't have to slave in the hot kitchen & prepare actual meals.

Posted 5/29/12 10:47 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 10/07

1476 total posts

Rose Ann

Re: I really do not feel like cooking on these HOT days


We have a kitchen the size of a closet complete with full-size appliances, so it's unbearable on hot days. Before DD, I wouldn't even bother and I would be able to live off of Italian ices and ice cream and let DH fend for himself.

Posted 5/29/12 10:53 AM

. . . . .

Member since 3/09

8268 total posts


Re: I really do not feel like cooking on these HOT days

DH and I did a major food shop on Sunday, stocked up on fresh veggies, fruit, chicken and some prepared salads.
I absolutly love Fairway in Douglaston !

Last night we had lemon grilled chicken (on the stovetop, no backyard for me) with corn on the cob, string beans and a big salad. Strawberries and blueberries with cream for dessert.

I made extra chicken that we can eat cold this week.

Tonight I'll put together a veggie pasta salad, make hamburgers and corn on the cob again, cucumber salad.

Sandwiches with fixings and leftover ziti round out this week's dinners.

It gets really hot in my galley kitchen.
I keep a small fan on the floor so it keeps my legs cool while I cook or wash dishes.

Posted 5/29/12 11:43 AM


Member since 7/10

8027 total posts


Re: I really do not feel like cooking on these HOT days

yesterday it was so hot we werent even really hungry.
we made fresh guacamole and a cold salad of corn, black beans, onions, tomatoes and cilantro and ate it with tortilla chips.

Posted 5/29/12 12:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/10

4657 total posts


Re: I really do not feel like cooking on these HOT days

We use our indoor Cuisinart griddler (best gift we ever got), or bbq. Or something on the stove top. We try and avoid the oven.

Posted 5/29/12 12:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

4971 total posts


Re: I really do not feel like cooking on these HOT days

Posted by cateyemm

yesterday it was so hot we werent even really hungry.
we made fresh guacamole and a cold salad of corn, black beans, onions, tomatoes and cilantro and ate it with tortilla chips.

Same here, I have much less appetite when it's hot and just crave fruit, water and veggies (mostly Chat Icon)!

Posted 5/29/12 2:30 PM

No one sings like you anymore.

Member since 7/10

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Petticoated Swashbuckler

Re: I really do not feel like cooking on these HOT days

I'm the same way. We're all about the salads when it gets this hot and muggy out. We'll grill, too.

Sometimes I'll pop a couple of yogurts in the freezer for a couple of hours and have that with fruit salad Chat Icon

Posted 5/29/12 3:06 PM

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