Tell me some tips that i havent tried, ok im doing OPK's bd every other night.....I tried preseed....i started us on a multi vitamin one for him and one for me plus extra vitamin C for both of us.....what else have you guys done.....I will try anything
I totally hear you. I so determine that this month has to be the month, that I will seriously be crushed if its not, but this is what I have done and will continue if this month is not the month.
Evening Primrose Oil - one a day til "O" Baby aspirin - 81mg daily carrots - a bunch everyday til "O" Omega 3 fish oil - One a day for me and DH Vitex - One a day til "O" but I haven't found a lot of research saying it would be bad to take all month, so far now it's til I "O". B6- Only because I have a short luteral phase every day Prenatals - Every day Preseed when I get a positive OPK. and everyday for three days after. Haven't tried this yet, but if there is a next month the cough syrup with exportarnt once a day starting at CD10 til "0"
Good luck, take what you want and leave what you don't want.
I am with you all too! As a teacher I have been going the whole summer. I am convinced this is our last month and after this we are done for a while until spring GOOD LUCK TO ALL TTC!!! This has been my aquired regime over the summer: Prenatals Preseed Temping charting many POAS tests and lots of GOOD LUCK!