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Member since 5/05 8369 total posts
Name: Stephanie
I thought you can't spoil a newborn?
She will be 5 weeks tuesday- she will not sleep in her bassinet anymore, she will only sleep if you are holding her.
So we wait for her to fall asleep to put her in, and she lasts a short time until she wakes up and realizes she is not being held. Any ideas?
Posted 1/1/06 11:04 PM |
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Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: I thought you can't spoil a newborn?
You can't spoil a newborn. We still have to get Miranda to sleep before we put her down and fairly often she comes into bed with me in the middle of the night. Most books will say that your baby needs the security of knowing you are there and that her needs will be met. At 3 months old I still don't let Miranda cry anything out. I really don't plan on starting too much behavior stuff until 5-6 months old. The only thing I am trying to do now is establish routines. I am sure you will get different opinons on this but I truly believe you cannot spoil a newborn. Their brain isn't developed enough to manipulate you yet.
ETA: Think about it too. For 9 months she was tight and secure inside you with all of these sounds that were comforting to her. Then she gets thrown into this world that is loud and cold and overstimulating. Of course someones arms (especially mommy's) are going to feel the most comforting and secure to her right now. It does get easier though. At 5 weeks I thought I was never going to get a night's sleep again but each week you will see her improve and "grow up" a little bit more. Have you read The Happiest Baby on the Block or watched the DVD (much faster this way). He has great tips for comforting and soothing newborns. #1 being a tight swaddle.
Message edited 1/1/2006 11:35:53 PM.
Posted 1/1/06 11:33 PM |
I'm getting old

Member since 5/05 8688 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: I thought you can't spoil a newborn?
Posted by monkeybride
ETA: Think about it too. For 9 months she was tight and secure inside you with all of these sounds that were comforting to her. Then she gets thrown into this world that is loud and cold and overstimulating. Of course someones arms (especially mommy's) are going to feel the most comforting and secure to her right now. It does get easier though. At 5 weeks I thought I was never going to get a night's sleep again but each week you will see her improve and "grow up" a little bit more. Have you read The Happiest Baby on the Block or watched the DVD (much faster this way). He has great tips for comforting and soothing newborns. #1 being a tight swaddle.
This is everything I would say!
Posted 1/1/06 11:36 PM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: I thought you can't spoil a newborn?
I dont care what you call it... I believe you gotta meet your newborns needs...
I agree w/ Monkey aroun 5 months is a good age to start the behavioral stuff...
Ryan was the same way as turns out...he just hated his bassinett....
Ryan slept in his carrier (which was in his bassinett) everynight..up until we moved him in his crib @ 2 months...
I dont know if it was the position...if it tricked him into thinking i was holding him OR it was that secure feeling that babys look for...
Try the crib...or even the carrier....Everyone told me it would be a hard transition but it wasnt...
When we finally moved Ryan over to his crib...he wanted to spread out and move around!
Message edited 1/1/2006 11:38:44 PM.
Posted 1/1/06 11:37 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: I thought you can't spoil a newborn?
Posted by KPtoys
Posted by monkeybride
ETA: Think about it too. For 9 months she was tight and secure inside you with all of these sounds that were comforting to her. Then she gets thrown into this world that is loud and cold and overstimulating. Of course someones arms (especially mommy's) are going to feel the most comforting and secure to her right now. It does get easier though. At 5 weeks I thought I was never going to get a night's sleep again but each week you will see her improve and "grow up" a little bit more. Have you read The Happiest Baby on the Block or watched the DVD (much faster this way). He has great tips for comforting and soothing newborns. #1 being a tight swaddle.
This is everything I would say!
KPToys...I think we agree on a lot of parenting ideas.
Message edited 1/1/2006 11:39:03 PM.
Posted 1/1/06 11:38 PM |
Life is good!

Member since 5/05 8369 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: I thought you can't spoil a newborn?
I never let her cry- I don't think I ever will. She does like being swaddled. It is just getting hard to never be able to put her down!
Message edited 1/2/2006 12:03:23 AM.
Posted 1/1/06 11:48 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: I thought you can't spoil a newborn?
Posted by sunny
I never let her cry- I don't think I ever will. She does like being swaddled. It is just getting hard to never be able to put her down!
I sympathize, I really do. Have you tried co-sleeping at all? I never wanted to do it because I was too afraid but at some point I had to get some sleep. Oh we also used a snuggle nest in the bed until about 6 weeks and Miranda also only sleeps elevated because of her reflux but I wonder if maybe Catherine might light sleeping on a bit of an angle since she seems to like sleeping being held which is kind of angled instead of flat.
Posted 1/2/06 12:06 AM |
Life is good!

Member since 5/05 8369 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: I thought you can't spoil a newborn?
I sympathize, I really do. Have you tried co-sleeping at all? I never wanted to do it because I was too afraid but at some point I had to get some sleep. Oh we also used a snuggle nest in the bed until about 6 weeks and Miranda also only sleeps elevated because of her reflux but I wonder if maybe Catherine might light sleeping on a bit of an angle since she seems to like sleeping being held which is kind of angled instead of flat.
Co sleeping means having her in bed with us, right? I would do that but I am afraid of rolling over on her- I feel like she is still to small for that. What is a snuggle nest? I sometimes sleep with ther on the couch all propped up with pillows (dh does this a lot at night) but I would really love for her to sleep for a few hours not being held! I just said to dh I do not think she likes sleeping flat on her back- how do you elevate Miranda?
Posted 1/2/06 1:01 AM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: I thought you can't spoil a newborn?
You could try getting an inclined positioner...
Posted 1/2/06 1:02 AM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: I thought you can't spoil a newborn?
Posted by sunny
I sympathize, I really do. Have you tried co-sleeping at all? I never wanted to do it because I was too afraid but at some point I had to get some sleep. Oh we also used a snuggle nest in the bed until about 6 weeks and Miranda also only sleeps elevated because of her reflux but I wonder if maybe Catherine might light sleeping on a bit of an angle since she seems to like sleeping being held which is kind of angled instead of flat.
Co sleeping means having her in bed with us, right? I would do that but I am afraid of rolling over on her- I feel like she is still to small for that. What is a snuggle nest? I sometimes sleep with ther on the couch all propped up with pillows (dh does this a lot at night) but I would really love for her to sleep for a few hours not being held! I just said to dh I do not think she likes sleeping flat on her back- how do you elevate Miranda?
Yes co sleeping is having them sleep with youl. I was afraid of the same thing but now I do it quite often but usually not an entire night. She sleeps in the crook of my arm and while its not a great nights sleep its sleep and by being in my arm I don't really move while I am sleeping. If you google co-sleeping there are a lot of tips on this.
As for propping there are sleep positioners that are inclined but what we did was get the snuggle nest (its a little bed that goes in your bed, look it up on babies r us). We would fold sheets under the head of the snuggle nest so lat it was elevated quite a bit and she would sleep in there once she was put down asleep. As for the pack n play we have a Graco and DH dropped the front of the mattress so that its lower than the top of the mattress so that's on an angle as well. We also invested in an AMBY bed (google it). Its a hammock swing bed and when you put them in there they are not flat and she sleep almost through the night in there now most nights. I just sometimes have to give her the pacifier if she wakes up. I had been bringing her in bed with me at the slightest peep because I was just too tired to have her wake all the way up but I have found just giving her the pacifier puts her right back to sleep. They also sell a crib wedge that goes under the sheet which will incline them if you are anywhere near having her sleep in her crib. I'm not quite there yet but I will get one of these when the time comes because Miranda cannot sleep flat at all. Hope this helps. Let me know if I can answer anything else. I have spent many a days and nights holding my baby just so we could both get a little sleep.
Posted 1/2/06 1:34 AM |
Happy New Year

Member since 5/05 17334 total posts
Re: I thought you can't spoil a newborn?
I think this is more about the bassinet than spoiling. Jake hated his bassinet also and even if he fell asleep in my arms and we tried to transfer him there, he would wake up. He didn't like to be swaddled but he did like to be warm and snuggled. The solution? The car seat! I think he loved that enclosed feeling so that's where he slept for the first 6 weeks or so. Then it was off to the crib once he started sleeping longer than 3 - 4 hour stretches because I was more worried about his positioning in there.
Amazingly, the transfer to the crib went very smoothly. We used a positioner and elevated his head and he was fine. I think putting him in the crib was alot harder on me than it was on him.
Anyway, I would definitely try swaddling very tightly or the car seat.
Posted 1/2/06 7:49 AM |
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Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: I thought you can't spoil a newborn?
Another option if you really need to get them in their crib/bassinet (which it sounds like you're doing just fine) is to roll a towel into a thick roll and position it along side of them. They did this in the hospital in the special care unit. They used first aid tape to hold them so they didn't unravel.
The car seat is a good option - since it does keep them inclined. We used to do that for Joseph & Maddie when they had colds. I did want them to be able to move around more though.
The bottom line is whatever is going to work for you. There is no such thing as spoiling a baby, but if you can get them to fall asleep on their own it does make it easier for you in the long run.
Message edited 1/2/2006 8:13:54 AM.
Posted 1/2/06 8:13 AM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: I thought you can't spoil a newborn?
Alex had some of the same issues in the beginning, but once we started using a sleep positioner they disappeared. We lay her on her side in the positioner (she's gassy, and she seems to prefer her side when it's bad). Both sides lean up against her so I guess ina way it feels like she's nice and secure and being held... either that, or we put her in the swing
Posted 1/2/06 8:29 AM |
I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05 6905 total posts
Re: I thought you can't spoil a newborn?
We had a similar problem with our daughter too. She hated her bassinette. I feel that the mattresses for the bassinette's are much thinner than a crib matress and she never got a good nights sleep in the bassinette. As soon as we moved her to the crib it was much better.
Good luck
Posted 1/2/06 9:57 AM |
I'm getting old

Member since 5/05 8688 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: I thought you can't spoil a newborn?
Posted by monkeybride
Posted by KPtoys
Posted by monkeybride
ETA: Think about it too. For 9 months she was tight and secure inside you with all of these sounds that were comforting to her. Then she gets thrown into this world that is loud and cold and overstimulating. Of course someones arms (especially mommy's) are going to feel the most comforting and secure to her right now. It does get easier though. At 5 weeks I thought I was never going to get a night's sleep again but each week you will see her improve and "grow up" a little bit more. Have you read The Happiest Baby on the Block or watched the DVD (much faster this way). He has great tips for comforting and soothing newborns. #1 being a tight swaddle.
This is everything I would say!
KPToys...I think we agree on a lot of parenting ideas.
Posted 1/2/06 10:47 AM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: I thought you can't spoil a newborn?
Posted by BabyAvocado
I think this is more about the bassinet than spoiling. Jake hated his bassinet also and even if he fell asleep in my arms and we tried to transfer him there, he would wake up. He didn't like to be swaddled but he did like to be warm and snuggled. The solution? The car seat! I think he loved that enclosed feeling so that's where he slept for the first 6 weeks or so. Then it was off to the crib once he started sleeping longer than 3 - 4 hour stretches because I was more worried about his positioning in there.
Amazingly, the transfer to the crib went very smoothly. We used a positioner and elevated his head and he was fine. I think putting him in the crib was alot harder on me than it was on him.
Anyway, I would definitely try swaddling very tightly or the car seat.
this was Ryan exactly!
Posted 1/2/06 12:10 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3372 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: I thought you can't spoil a newborn?
IMO you can't spoil a newborn. Molly went thru this for a while too. Who doesn't like to be cuddled. Remember she was inside a nice cuddly space for many months.
I never did CIO with Molly so I can't comment on that, but I can say that IMO 6 weeks is WAY to young to do it.
You could move her to the crib and see if that helps. Some babies don't like the bassinet very much.
Posted 1/2/06 10:08 PM |