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I want to change my doctor

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My life is complete!

Member since 1/07

2494 total posts


I want to change my doctor

The other day I had an appt. with Dr. Brenner, LI IVF called me that morning to say Dr. Brenner had a family emergency and they had to schedule me with another doctor (Dr. Kenigsberg). So now I feel more comfortable with Dr. Kenigsberg and I kinda like him better. I want him to do my 2nd IUI next month. What should I do? Can I switch doctors???

Posted 5/23/08 9:47 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 2/07

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Re: I want to change my doctor

I don't see why not. I see Dr. K and really like him as well. From what I heard Dr. B is having some familiy stuff (not sure what) that is his top priority right now - (a patient of his mentioned it at the IVF orientation class the other night) and I believe he's going to be out for a while (or at least limited- because I 'think' she said August or around then that her IVF was going to have to be because he was going to be out). HTH!

Posted 5/23/08 9:53 AM

Need to find some hope!

Member since 2/08

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Beth -Ann

Re: I want to change my doctor

Wow, you guys actually have your RE do the IUI. My place was whom ever was on call that day. My RE has only seen me about 4 times (maybe). Also, that is my fault b/c I monitor in the LI office. But, I don't think one RE is better than the other. It all comes down to the lab that spins the deposit. And its the same with IVF. My RE has never perform a procedure on me, not that he doesn't do them, but my timing has always been when he's not on the schedule. But, he is the one that makes the decisions and prescribes protocols for me.

You should switch if you want, its your decision.

Posted 5/23/08 11:50 AM

Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05

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Gerty ®

Re: I want to change my doctor

LI-IVF is very good about switching RE's...if you like Dr. K better, then just tell them you'd like to stay with him.
They don't seem to have any problems with it.

Posted 5/23/08 11:52 AM

My life is complete!

Member since 1/07

2494 total posts


Re: I want to change my doctor

Thanks you girls for your helpful responses.

Posted 5/23/08 12:14 PM

Waiting patiently for baby sis

Member since 8/06

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L-Diddy EDD 11/11/11 :)

Re: I want to change my doctor

I switched from Dr. K to Dr. B, no problem Chat Icon

Posted 5/23/08 1:02 PM

Beyond Blessed <3

Member since 2/08

1482 total posts


Re: I want to change my doctor

l would say definitely switch if you are more comfortable with Dr. K but I have had 2 IUIs at LIIVF and both were done by NPs. Good luck!

Posted 5/23/08 1:02 PM

lovin' my 2 little ladies!

Member since 5/05

7401 total posts


Re: I want to change my doctor

at LI IVF my IUIs were always done by the NPs, but I don't think a switch would be a problem.

Posted 5/23/08 4:09 PM

Onward and Upward!

Member since 2/08

3210 total posts


Re: I want to change my doctor

It's perfectly OK to switch docs. Best of luck!

Posted 5/23/08 6:58 PM

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