I wanted to say happy thanksgiving...
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Member since 11/05 6870 total posts
Name: Maureen
I wanted to say happy thanksgiving...
Many of us won't be around tomorrow and will be in the throes of thanksgiving craziness...
I am a little down today, so thought maybe posting some things we're thankful for would help if anyone is interested. Too many times I feel sad that my son has special needs but I can honestly say I feel very thankful...
I am thankful for Johnny's health, his happiness, his continued progress...which to some may be trivial who woudln't understand that just 5 months ago he wasn't saying much..but now is repeating everything! I am thankful for my wonderful husband...who even though we bicker a lot more lately due to stress, continues to be a dedicated Dad and does so much for our little family.
I am also thankful for this new life growing inside of me. I am thankful for my friends and family and for so much good that has come our way.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! May you have a great day filled with too much turkey and apple pie!
Message edited 11/26/2008 12:34:06 PM.
Posted 11/26/08 12:33 PM |
Member since 12/06 16001 total posts
Name: *
Re: I wanted to say happy thanksgiving...
Happy Thanksgiving I think we all have a lot to be thankful for
Posted 11/26/08 1:07 PM |
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