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If you didnt want to know the sex of your baby and had the 20 week anantomy scan??

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LIF Adult

Member since 2/07

1147 total posts


If you didnt want to know the sex of your baby and had the 20 week anantomy scan??

Did you have to turn away at a certain point to not accidentally see something? Someone I know found out when they didnt want to. My husband wants to know, but I dont and I know he will be looking for it...

Posted 6/13/07 4:33 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: If you didnt want to know the sex of your baby and had the 20 week anantomy scan??

Before they begin, they ask you if you want to find out. My DH wanted to know, but I did not. So, when the tech asked, I said no quite flatly. If she showed us the goods, we absolutely saw nothing that resembled his "package." Even at subsequent sonos, while his bum was plastered across the screen, I couldn't figure out what I was looking at exactly (much less if it was male or female). I realized after the fact when she would double check if I had wanted to know and then clear the pic immediately. Chat Icon

After waiting the 9 months, DH finally got to see what my point was....the joy of learning the sex at birth. He wouldn't trade that moment of his birth for the world now.

Posted 6/13/07 4:39 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

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Re: If you didnt want to know the sex of your baby and had the 20 week anantomy scan??

They asked before they started. I never turned away and had no idea what I was looking at!

Posted 6/13/07 4:42 PM

Life is good.

Member since 1/07

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Re: If you didnt want to know the sex of your baby and had the 20 week anantomy scan??

They will ask you up front if you want to know the sex. When you tell them no, they won't specifically show you.

I have always needed detailed explaination of what I was looking at. So, even if the parts did flash before my eyes, I had no idea what I was looking at! Spent a lot of time saying "I don't see it, where's the leg!" or "Where's the arm?"

Now, if I were someone who looked at ultrasounds regularly and didn't want to know, that might be a different story!

Posted 6/13/07 4:44 PM


Member since 2/07

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Re: If you didnt want to know the sex of your baby and had the 20 week anantomy scan??

Initially my DH didnt want to know the sex of the baby...There was really no denying what sex the baby was..(look at my baby album) we would of known...BUT this isnt our first child so we kind of knew what we were looking at.

Posted 6/13/07 4:48 PM


Member since 3/06

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Re: If you didnt want to know the sex of your baby and had the 20 week anantomy scan??

Posted by dawnie

They asked before they started. I never turned away and had no idea what I was looking at!

Me too...

Posted 6/13/07 4:50 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

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Re: If you didnt want to know the sex of your baby and had the 20 week anantomy scan??

The image looks like a hurricane. I don't think you'd be able to tell just by looking at the screen without the technician telling you what was what.

Posted 6/13/07 6:14 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: If you didnt want to know the sex of your baby and had the 20 week anantomy scan??

They just told us when they were going down to that area and we looked away.

Posted 6/13/07 7:20 PM

Love my sailor

Member since 6/05

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Re: If you didnt want to know the sex of your baby and had the 20 week anantomy scan??

I would agree to not know or know between you and your DH, JMHO.

We didn't find out and never turned away. Unless you're a tech it's hard to tell what you're looking at, especially if they don't stop down there to pause and let you have a good look.

Message edited 6/13/2007 7:34:49 PM.

Posted 6/13/07 7:34 PM

Then there was 2

Member since 3/06

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Re: If you didnt want to know the sex of your baby and had the 20 week anantomy scan??

they did not go in that area for me. Not to worry just make sure the sono tech knows b4 she begins

Posted 6/14/07 10:52 AM

GO YANKEES!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 4/07

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Re: If you didnt want to know the sex of your baby and had the 20 week anantomy scan??

Posted by JustBrowsin

Did you have to turn away at a certain point to not accidentally see something? Someone I know found out when they didnt want to. My husband wants to know, but I dont and I know he will be looking for it...

We just went and had it done and i told the sono tech that we didnt want to know so when it came time for that part she turned the screen around so that we wouldnt be able to look

Posted 6/14/07 11:21 AM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: If you didnt want to know the sex of your baby and had the 20 week anantomy scan??

We went to Madonna for our Level II. The tech asked me before we even got undressed if I wanted to know. I said I did not. DH said but what if I do & the tech told him"Sorry if Mommy does not want to know then Daddy is S.O.L." Chat Icon

I never had to look away for a second, the tech was very quick to move over certain areas and even though DH was looking for it, we saw nothing through the whole test (about an hour).

Posted 6/14/07 12:20 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/07

1147 total posts


Re: If you didnt want to know the sex of your baby and had the 20 week anantomy scan??

Posted by MsMBV

We went to Madonna for our Level II. The tech asked me before we even got undressed if I wanted to know. I said I did not. DH said but what if I do & the tech told him"Sorry if Mommy does not want to know then Daddy is S.O.L." Chat Icon

I never had to look away for a second, the tech was very quick to move over certain areas and even though DH was looking for it, we saw nothing through the whole test (about an hour).

Thanks! That would totally be my situation. Im glad the tech was on your side, I hope mine is too!!

Posted 6/14/07 7:58 PM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

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Re: If you didnt want to know the sex of your baby and had the 20 week anantomy scan??

Dh told them before my sono even began. So they just didn't go over the area. We watched our whole sono and still have no idea what we are having. Enjoy your sono!

Posted 6/14/07 8:10 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: If you didnt want to know the sex of your baby and had the 20 week anantomy scan??

Nope - both times we didn't look away and still had no clue. Sono tech said she knew. I always warn the tech even before they ask that we don't want to know!

Posted 6/14/07 10:00 PM

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