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If you started solids at 6 months

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Secret Agent

Member since 8/06

1087 total posts


If you started solids at 6 months

What's your feeding schedule? How did you introduce each new food? Did your baby take it well? How much would they eat at a sitting? How long did it take for them to 'get the hang' of eating?

Thanks.. having a hard time...

Message edited 12/12/2006 10:45:59 AM.

Posted 12/12/06 10:45 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: If you started solids at 6 months

Well we started at 4 months. Had a gassy reaction at first so we stopped and tried again 2 weeks later. We started with Rice Cereal. I made it very liquidy and only gave him 1 tsp a day. Then afther two days of that I went to 1 tbsp a day and then increased it more and gradually I made it more thicker as well.

Now at 6 months he is taking 6 tbsp of cereal (3 in the morning 3 at night) Every week I alternate between Rice, oatmeal, and barley. He has half a jar of stage 2 fruits with his cereal in morning and same thing at night. In the aftertoons he has a half jar of stage 2 fruits as well with veggies. The amount of veggies varies right now cuz I am still in the process of introducing them to him...

Now water that's a whole other issue. Will not drink for it beans!
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Posted 12/12/06 11:24 AM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: If you started solids at 6 months

I would say it took DS weeks to get used to it...

Posted 12/12/06 11:25 AM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: If you started solids at 6 months

I started Jackson on solids at 6 months - cereal with some fruit in the morning and veggies at night. He's 7 months and STILL is not really interested in solids. He only eats a few spoonfuls, and I pretty much have to force him to open his mouth Chat Icon
I sometimes try to get him to laugh, or when he goes to stick his hand in his mouth I'll pull it away and quick shove the spoon in!
I keep trying with him though....he's got to get the hang of it sooner or later.

Good luck@

Posted 12/12/06 11:39 AM

Secret Agent

Member since 8/06

1087 total posts


Re: If you started solids at 6 months

Posted by Anniegrl
He only eats a few spoonfuls, and I pretty much have to force him to open his mouth Chat Icon
I sometimes try to get him to laugh, or when he goes to stick his hand in his mouth I'll pull it away and quick shove the spoon in!

Good luck@

I do the same thing!

DD has been on solids for 2 weeks (started at 6.5m) and I think last night was the first sign of real hope! I introduced her to sweet potatoes (homemade) and she ate all of it! And just before, she had cereal with bananas and she finished all of it too!

Hmm, what to try next? Carrots? Pears? Apples? DD will be 7 months next Monday.

Posted 12/12/06 12:33 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: If you started solids at 6 months

Posted by Anniegrl

I started Jackson on solids at 6 months - cereal with some fruit in the morning and veggies at night. He's 7 months and STILL is not really interested in solids. He only eats a few spoonfuls, and I pretty much have to force him to open his mouth Chat Icon
I sometimes try to get him to laugh, or when he goes to stick his hand in his mouth I'll pull it away and quick shove the spoon in!
I keep trying with him though....he's got to get the hang of it sooner or later.

Good luck@

The same here.

We started at 6.5 months. She gobbled it up at first, then got sick and we just got her at 7 months to start to finish a stage 1 jar, and that has been within the last 2 days.

So far here's our "sched", at least that's today, i put sched in quotes cause i still feed on demand, i refuse to put her on a rigid schedule. We eat/drink when we're hungry, same for her.

She gets up at 7am
6 oz bottle
10am-6oz bottle
12-Jar of fruit
1:30-6oz bottle
3:30-6oz bottle
5:00-Jar of fruit
6:00-6:30-6oz bottle

We are still making our way through the stage 1 fruits. So far she's done okay with applesauce, pears, and we are on day 2 of peaches. She likes peas, but that was pre-vomitting reaction episode to possibly carrots.

She also refuses cereal now, so i am not forcing her to eat it. She used to eat 2 tbls mixed with formula, and with some fruit or veggie.

Hopefully we are making some progress!

Posted 12/12/06 1:14 PM

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