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If you were team Green the first time...

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LIF Adult

Member since 12/07

1360 total posts


If you were team Green the first time...

Would you (or did you) find out the second time, or be surprised again? My daughter is pregnant and she has a girl. She didn't find out and it was a great and happy surprise. She's trying to decide if she should do the same this time. Last time she had all neutral newborn clothes and the dAy after the baby was born I ran out and exchnged a lot for girly stuff! My granddaughter was born in Niv. And this baby will be born in Apr. and the clothes will probably not even fit if it's a girl. so she's thinking maybe (a big MAYBE) that she should find out so we will be prepared. And I think it will be nice for my granddaughter to know whteher she will have a baby brother or sister.

Posted 9/15/14 4:14 PM
Long Island Weddings
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mahna mahna!

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If you were team Green the first time...

There are pros and cons to either one and people will never agree which is "better" (obviously they're both equally good).

Honestly, if the only reason she wants to find out the gender is for the clothing colors, I'd say to stay Team Green. If she didn't like something about being Green the first time around, then she should switch.

For the record, I am not Team Green. I want to find out the gender so that I can "bond" with the baby - I find it hard to bond with an "it" - it's just too abstract for me. Obviously many many people will disagree with me but that's my opinion Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/14 4:23 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/14

80 total posts


Re: If you were team Green the first time...

I did not find out the 1st time around and it was torture not knowing, lol!! I really felt it was a boy the whole time and it wound up being a boy so I wasnt so surprised, plus I had an emergency C section so that kinda took the fun and surprise aspect away from me since I was delirious when they told me the sex! LOL... This time we both agreed that we want to know so I figured I would do a gender reveal party so its like a surprise when we find out with our family and friends! I think I will feel better knowing ahead of time so I can paint the baby's room etc..

Posted 9/15/14 4:25 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

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Re: If you were team Green the first time...

I was Team Green all three times and wouldn't have it any other way. My first two were girls born in different seasons (fall/spring) and my third was a boy. If she's worried about having no clothes for the new one, trust me, that will NOT be a problem. I was inundated with tons of pink and blue after each was born!!

Posted 9/15/14 4:29 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/12

1789 total posts


Re: If you were team Green the first time...

I was team green for #1. We found out for #2. I was worried it wouldn't be as exciting not knowing, but I'm not the least bit disappointed now that we know.

Posted 9/15/14 5:52 PM

mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06

11426 total posts


Re: If you were team Green the first time...

I was/am team green all 3 times.

First 2 were boys. Different seasons. It was fine. I wouldn't have had it any different way.

Our 3rd team green baby is due in about 2-4 weeks. I realized that IF this one is a girl, i don't have many newborn clothing for her. So i ordered 3 tops from Carters today for newborn size. I have plenty of pants i can use (white, grey, etc).

I'm sure if it's a girl, there are quite a few waiting to buy girl clothes for us so i wouldn't be surprised if some bring some to the hospital. I'm not counting on it, but a few have already said they would. ha. Otherwise i have enough gender neutral clothes to tide us over until i can get more. Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/14 8:05 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/09

3672 total posts


Re: If you were team Green the first time...

We were team green the first time and LOVED it - my DH really really wanted to find out but agreed to stay team green for the first one and find out if/when we have another. Now he wants to stay TG for the second one as well. It was really fun!

Posted 9/15/14 8:27 PM

Love my little girls!!! <3

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Re: If you were team Green the first time...

We will be Chat Icon again

Posted 9/15/14 10:12 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/14

328 total posts


Re: If you were team Green the first time...

I was Team Green both times....first a DS, then a DD.
I felt it was one of the only times in life to be truly surprised Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/14 10:39 PM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17795 total posts


If you were team Green the first time...

I was team green both times.

The first time - DH insisted on it (I could've went either way) but, we were pretty sure it was a boy (it was).

The second time we were thinking we would find out and then thought about it a bit and decided to stay team green and were extremely surprised when it was another boy.

For the clothing - even though the seasons are different, they wore the same types of outfits in the beginning anyway. We had boy clothes and a relative gave us some hand me down girl stuff since she had just had a girl.

Posted 9/16/14 8:24 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/10

4657 total posts


If you were team Green the first time...

Crashing. I was team green both times. Both girls. Dd1 is may and dd2 is March. The seasons of clothes don't always match up but I dd2 does wear most of dd1's clothes. I do still buy for dd2.

I wouldn't have had it any other way. I was convinced dd2 was a boy so it was such a shock. I had to ask if they were sure lol.

I didn't really bother me not knowing. And for dd1 we would just say we don't know. Could be a boy or girl and we would play around with her.

Posted 9/16/14 9:31 AM


Member since 1/12

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Re: If you were team Green the first time...

i was Chat Icon with both babies and i would do it again. the thought crossed our mind about finding out #2 because it would be easier...but its more fun not knowing imo.
we had gender neutral stuff from my first (a girl) so we washed and prepared that for #2 arrival (which turned out to be a boy). we also had gender neutral nursery decor so we used that for the nursery and took the opportunity to give dd "big girl" room decor. it saved us a lot of money being Chat Icon
once ds arrived everyone that came to visit ended up bringing an outfit or two so between gifts and dd's clothing we were prepared

Posted 9/16/14 9:39 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

22665 total posts


Re: If you were team Green the first time...

Crashing... we were Team Green for both boys. Loved not knowing. Think it makes it easier once you get past the 20 week sono appt. If you can say no to knowing the gender then it's worth the wait and surprise. Especially since DS2 was a scheduled c. We already knew the date he'd be born. Fun not knowing the sex and then getting to tell everyone the name we picked out.
I am Jewish so never had a Shower anyway. Between my mom and MIL they were ready to go out and shop for either clothes.

Posted 9/16/14 9:52 AM

My Life. My Everything.

Member since 10/07

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Re: If you were team Green the first time...

Will be team Chat Icon again. Finding out what our baby was on that day as they put him in my arms was the most amazing day of my life. Well worth the 40 week wait. Best surprise ever.

Posted 9/16/14 10:57 AM

I think I got this

Member since 11/10

1523 total posts


If you were team Green the first time...

I found out the first time and have already announced that if I have a 2nd, I will not be finding out. I felt cheated knowing the whole time. Also, even though I knew and my delivery was an emergency situation, I still asked what it was when he was born.

Posted 9/16/14 12:26 PM

5,000 Posts!

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If you were team Green the first time...

We didn't find out first time and won't again.

I feel you get less opinions the less people know Chat Icon

Posted 9/16/14 2:45 PM

Love baby feet

Member since 2/09

2894 total posts


Re: If you were team Green the first time...

I did not find out with #1 or #2 and it was such a great surprise each time! My husband is actually the one who did not want to find out and I am so glad I went along with it.

Posted 9/16/14 3:47 PM

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