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My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05 5777 total posts
Name: Melissa
I'm a little worried ladies...
Maybe this is why having a doppler is bad at some times. This is the first time the doppler has worried me. This is the second time I "think" I heard something weird this week. I am worried now that something is wrong with the baby's heart. I'm hoping it's nothing though. I was listening to the heartbeat and it was beating along normally then it sounded like it stopped for a second, starting beating slowly, then faster again??? What could this be? It's the second time this week I've heard it and it was when the baby was moving all around. It hasn't happened when it's sleeping or anything. Should I worry about it? I've been listening to the heartbeat at home everyday since 8.5 weeks and I've never heard it before. I was thinking that maybe it was from it moving around and since it's bigger now the limbs get in the way for a second and I don't hear it, then when it comes back it's stronger? I don't know what to think. We just had our Level II anatomy scan on Thursday and everything looked beautiful. Can anyone help??? I'm also hoping that the baby's heart is still growing so it'll do weird things sometimes. Thanks!
Message edited 4/22/2006 11:11:23 AM.
Posted 4/22/06 11:09 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05 1955 total posts
Name: Jodi
Re: I'm a little worried ladies...
R u sure at 8.5 weeks its not your own heart you hear? Its so hard to detect a HB that early with doppler. I have a doppler too and couldnt hear anything till about week 10. When is your next apt? Im sure everything is fine.. if it concerns you that much maybe go to see your doc..
Posted 4/22/06 11:30 AM |
My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05 5777 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: I'm a little worried ladies...
I'm actually 18 weeks. I know it was the baby's heartbeat, but what I was thinking what might of happened was that I was listening to his heartbeat and since he was moving around so much that he moved and I heard my heartbeat, and then he moved back and it was his. There have been many times when I was listening to it that he moved all around and I had a hard time finding his and only found mine until he moved back. Maybe it was just the timing that it sounded weird because it was switiching between mine and his. I'm a little concerned but the more I think about it, that's probably what happened..... I hope!
Posted 4/22/06 11:41 AM |
Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05 1955 total posts
Name: Jodi
Re: I'm a little worried ladies...
ohh sorry for the wrong dates...
Yea I agree the doppler although so wonderful to have can drive ya crazy.. We arent doctors so we hear things and get all freaked out when it could make perfect sence to a doctor.. I wouldnt stress to much but if it really bothers you that much.. give your doc a call..
Posted 4/22/06 11:50 AM |
My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05 5777 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: I'm a little worried ladies...
That's the problem, I think I've been listening too much that I'm just catching everything possible. I'm going to chill with the doppler a bit. I have a doctor appt on Wednesday so I'll bring it up then. Again, hopefully it's nothing. Thanks again!
Posted 4/22/06 12:10 PM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: I'm a little worried ladies...
Maybe the baby is moving around so much that you can pick up the HB. I know someone posted about the baby not liking when she used the doppler. she would move, so maybe that is what is happening.
Message edited 4/22/2006 12:18:37 PM.
Posted 4/22/06 12:17 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: I'm a little worried ladies...
Posted by Diane
Maybe the baby is moving around so much that you can pick up the HB. I know someone posted about the baby not liking when she used the doppler. she would move, so maybe that is what is happening.
I agree with Diane I had a doppler too and at that time, the baby HATED the noise of the doppler and would move around and away from it.
Posted 4/22/06 1:53 PM |
Balancing act on a highwire

Member since 5/05 1292 total posts
Name: a
Re: I'm a little worried ladies...
It could be that you've got the baby's HR, then it moves and you hears yours, then it moves back.
You can bring it up to your doc if you're really worried.
The doppler is causing you stress - do you need it?
Posted 4/22/06 2:06 PM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: I'm a little worried ladies...
I'd try not to worry. It's probably your little bean moving around. It could be a million possibilities. This is the exact reason I chose not to get a doppler because I knew I'd eventually hear somethign weird and I'd worry myself. Try not to worry, I am sure everything is fine. Maybe lay off the doppler for a few days, though
Posted 4/22/06 2:08 PM |
My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05 5777 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: I'm a little worried ladies...
Thanks ladies!!!
I'll ask my doctor about it on Wednesday. I was thinking that it's because it was moving around or maybe it hiccuped or something. I'll try not to worry about it.
Posted 4/22/06 2:37 PM |
Where it all began....
Member since 5/05 24065 total posts
Re: I'm a little worried ladies...
Stop using that thing and making yourself crazy!!! This is why Dr's/nurses use them, they are trained. Your baby is just fine
(ETA: I mean this nicely, I hope it doesn't read harsh )
Message edited 4/22/2006 3:14:01 PM.
Posted 4/22/06 3:13 PM |
just the girls

Member since 5/05 9461 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: I'm a little worried ladies...
I dont know anything about the doppler but wanted to give you
Posted 4/22/06 3:25 PM |
where's winter?

Member since 11/05 2209 total posts
Re: I'm a little worried ladies...
this is precisely why i opted not to get one...i would be driving myself crazy!
hope everything's okay ...
Posted 4/22/06 4:11 PM |