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I'm running on empty

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Member since 5/05

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I'm running on empty

Well, I had a glimmer of hope from Alex's sleep strike a few nights ago when she slept for 5 hours. But ever since then we went back down hill. It takes at least 2 hours to get her to sleep, and every night she's sleeping less. Last night she went down at 9pm. Woke up at 11:45pm, 1:30am, 3:30am, 5:30am (and STAYED AWAKE for 2 hours!) and 7:30am. At least she isn't crying or screaming anymore. I feel like she has been in a permanent growth spurt for the last 3 weeks, give or take a few days. I don't know, could it have any relation to developmental spurts? She has changed literally over the span of one week. She's playing with toys, with her feet, laughing, holding her bottle, etc... it all started last week. Could that be why she can't sleep anymore???

Posted 1/3/06 2:40 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My love.

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Re: I'm running on empty

Beth - this is exactly what I am going through with Talia!! Its been 3+ weeks already!!

My. dr. thinks its because of teething - Who knows....all I know is I hit a point that I was so exhausted I was having conversations with my husband while I was sleeping - cause I didnt remember them at all in the morning - so I decided now I do what I have to do to get some sleep - which usually means taking her into bed with me. Its not the most ideal - but I feel half human again.

I just tell myself again and again - its a phase and it will pass...hopefully as quickly as it came.

eta: Talia changed overnight! from 6 weeks on she was sleeping from 9:30pm-7:30 am - then when she was 12 weeks she just stopped sleeping through the night and has been up every three hours since!!

Message edited 1/3/2006 2:49:35 PM.

Posted 1/3/06 2:43 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: I'm running on empty

Don't babies need sleep???!! Why have our little ones gone on strike???! I can't even bring her to bed with me - the only way she'll stay asleep is in my arms as I rock her in the rocking chair, IF THAT. And that doesn't make for a very productive attorney the next day. I swear, I'm going to lose my job soon if this keeps up!!

Posted 1/3/06 2:56 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: I'm running on empty

IM so sorry ladies...lots of Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/3/06 3:29 PM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

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Re: I'm running on empty

I'm joing the club girls.. (beth - we KNEW I'd be here sooner or laterChat Icon ) Joseph wasn't ever nearly as good as Talia or Alex but I was getting 5 hours for his first stretch and for the last 3 nights he's waking every 2.5 - 3Chat Icon He is going right back to sleep but it's still so much!! I've tried everything...more food - more sleep / less foo0d - less sleep, etc... nothing helps! And he's turning into a little freshie!! He's getting such an attitude..sometimes it seems like he's yelling at me!Chat Icon I also have seen a big change in his development...he's actually beginning to crawl a I know he's teething...

If you find a remedy ladies, clue me in!!!

Posted 1/3/06 3:32 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

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Re: I'm running on empty

omg Danielle - Talia is TOTALLY having temper tantrums!! She yells at my husband-its sooo funny.

Truthfully I think it's a phase a ot of babies go through at the three month mark.

Posted 1/3/06 3:37 PM

My Everything

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Re: I'm running on empty

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I don't go through what you ladies go through nearly as often but lasts night was horrible so I really sympathize.
I do cosleep much of the time because its the only way I can get some rest.
I have found though that when Miranda wakes up if I quickly get a pacifier in her mouth she goes right back to sleep. I don't know if that would work for any of you.

Posted 1/3/06 3:57 PM

my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


Re: I'm running on empty

can we join too? we are a little older but still want to join...ant is 4 1/2 months. Honestly i feel like i have watched your babies grow. After a rough night u girls would post inthe morning and it would be what i experienced.

Posted 1/3/06 4:13 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: I'm running on empty

Ahhh yes, Alex has the temper tantrums as well... she has such a fierce personality these days!

No pacifiers for my baby... she only wants the real deal! Chat Icon

Posted 1/3/06 4:14 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: I'm running on empty

Posted by aja

can we join too? we are a little older but still want to join...ant is 4 1/2 months. Honestly i feel like i have watched your babies grow. After a rough night u girls would post inthe morning and it would be what i experienced.

Hey, the more the merrier (or shall I say, the more the sleep deprived, right?! Chat Icon ). So, I'm guessing that if your little one is 4 1/2 months and it's still going strong, there may not be an end to this phase anytime soon, eh?

Posted 1/3/06 4:15 PM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

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Re: I'm running on empty

Joseph always sleeps w/ us and much like Alex only wants the real deal when he wakes up.... OMG - I hope this doesn't last for a whole month more!!!Chat Icon

Posted 1/3/06 5:40 PM

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