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I'm taking a break for a while.....

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She's my dancing queen!

Member since 5/05

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I'm taking a break for a while.....

I have just gone off the deep end! I broke down last night and this morning and I can't take it anymore! I need my life back and I think that since I'm so consumed with TTC, it's preventing me from conceiving.

My DH and I had a very bad fight this morning and I've been miserable all day. He said things to me that I never thought I'd hear him say. I am very upset still even though he told me he didn't mean it and that he was sorry.

I've tried to explain to him that women are so emotional and that we just need someone to listen, hug us and tell us everything will be ok. We don't need to be told that we are being jealous, selfish and we need to grow up. Perhaps I was at the time, but TTC is very emotional and I just needed an ear to complain to. I guess I should have vented to you ladies or my girlfriends.

Anyway, I will probably be lurking and checking in on everyone. I will post from time to time, but I think I need a mental break from all of this. Baby dust to all and hope to see you all on the preg. board soon!

Chat Icon Lora

PS- I'm sure this feeling will pass and I'll be back on here and posting as usual. It's probably just my emotions and hurt feelings by DH. Please don't take this as a "good bye" post. I'm just not feeling very rational now!

Posted 5/25/05 5:07 PM
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Re: I'm taking a break for a while.....

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Posted 5/25/05 5:09 PM

and Dylan too!

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Re: I'm taking a break for a while.....

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Posted 5/25/05 5:11 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: I'm taking a break for a while.....

I know what you are going through. If you need to talk...please FM me.
It takes a toll on the both of you in ways you never realize. The same thing happening here. He has said things to me that he would never ever say, and it killed me. I know he didnt mean it, but it is very stressful, and he doesnt mean it.
You two do what you have to do, whether it is taking a break.Im here if you need to FM me.
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Posted 5/25/05 5:16 PM

I'm Gonna be a Big Brother

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Re: I'm taking a break for a while.....

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Posted 5/25/05 5:17 PM


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Re: I'm taking a break for a while.....

I know how difficult it must be for you, and emotions run high during this process
Take all the time you need, we're all always here for you!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat IconChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/25/05 5:28 PM

Welcome to the World!

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Re: I'm taking a break for a while.....

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Posted 5/25/05 6:46 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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The cure IS worse!

Re: I'm taking a break for a while.....

Keep your chin up...this is a VERY hard road to be on! People who have never had to face problem TTC have NO idea.
I will miss seeing you on this board but you should take ALL the time YOU need.
FM if you need someone to talk with.
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Posted 5/25/05 7:11 PM

I love my Katie Bug

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Re: I'm taking a break for a while.....

Oh Lora I'mm so sorry it's come to this, but I can completely understand. Take time off and get back to normal. Even one month off can be such a nice break and get things back on track for you and DH. I'll be thinking of you! This is the best thing you can do, for your own sanity and your marriage. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Kathy

Posted 5/25/05 7:29 PM


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Re: I'm taking a break for a while.....

I SO understand Lora and I havent been trying half as long as some of the women here. It so emotional, your right. Take some time to get things back on track with your DH, maybe just not trying so hard will do it for you. I have no other advice, but we will all be thinking about you, wishing you baby dust, and hoping you feel better soon! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/25/05 9:11 PM

We like hanging together!

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Re: I'm taking a break for a while.....

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Posted 5/25/05 9:37 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

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Re: I'm taking a break for a while.....


I've been the same way. I'm on a constant emotional roller coaster and it's very unlike me to be emotional. As I mentioned in a previous post, I literally broke down after my OB/GYN appt., sobbing to the point of not being able to breathe, bc it's just so overwhelmingly emotional. My DH could not understand why I was flipping out. Men just don't get it for the most part. They can want it as badly as us, but they don't understand the emotional wreck that it puts us through. Please know you're not alone in experiencing these emotions and feel free to FM/email me as much as you want for love and support. We're all here for you. Chat Icon Chat Icon


Posted 5/25/05 9:48 PM

She's my dancing queen!

Member since 5/05

1752 total posts


Re: I'm taking a break for a while.....

ok- I said I wouldn't post for a while but I do have to say THANKS! You really have made me feel human again! My DH and I talked things out and he thought I was coming from another direction and now understands me. I still need a break but felt I wanted to thank you ladies for always being here and to tell you I'm fine and we are back on track. I am going to take a few weeks off and try to relax. I will be lurking though as I can't stay away.... so best wishes to you all and thanks again!

you all never cease to amaze me!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Lora

Posted 5/25/05 10:18 PM

Peace out Homies!

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Gerty ®

Re: I'm taking a break for a while.....

You are making the right decision by taking some time off. I applaud you for that. This is such a trying time and I think we tend to be extra tough on ourselves while TTC. I wish you the best and hope that you come back with a BFP!
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Posted 5/25/05 11:44 PM

1 year already!!

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Re: I'm taking a break for a while.....

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Posted 5/26/05 8:08 AM

Mommy of 3!

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Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: I'm taking a break for a while.....

Glad you are feeling a little better- I hope you feel lots better soon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/26/05 8:43 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

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Re: I'm taking a break for a while.....


I'm so sorry! You aren't the only one, I had a major meltdown last week. I found out a friend of mine is pregnant with twins and I just lost it. It didn't have anything to do with being selfish or jealous because I am thrilled for her. She had been trying for over 2 years and was going through all sorts of infertility treatments. I found at a friend's house while having a "girls' night out" and they were so supportive. I came home sobbing and my Dh thought someone had died because I was so upset. I couldn't explain to him why I was feeling what I was feeling - it is just there. I think it is hard for them to understand the emotions because I can't even really explain them.

My point is that what you are going through and feeling is completely normal and we are all here for you if you need a shoulder to cry on. I don't think there is one woman on here who hasn't gone through what you are going though so you aren't alone.

Lots of hugs Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/26/05 9:25 AM

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