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LIF Adult

Member since 12/07 2197 total posts
Name: Mia
I'm very happy my kitten uses the litter box....
but no one ever told me how bad cat poop smells How often do you change the litter. I changed it 3 times in a week I can not take the smell or the idea of poop being in there.
Posted 1/4/08 10:55 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05 20046 total posts
Name: Gerty ®
Re: I'm very happy my kitten uses the litter box....
We scoop the litter box every day, add litter as needed and completely change it out once a month. If you change the litter every three days you will spend a small fortune on litter. Either scoop or buy the litter pan liners that are perforated so you can remove them and let the clean litter drain back in.
Posted 1/4/08 11:03 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/07 2197 total posts
Name: Mia
Re: I'm very happy my kitten uses the litter box....
i do scoop the poop but its still gross! i smell it and she doesnt cover her poop either which i dont get. i thought they were supposed to do that
Posted 1/4/08 11:45 PM |

Member since 2/06 5285 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: I'm very happy my kitten uses the litter box....
wow, 3 times per week. That's dedication. Like AP said, we also scoop every day, add litter, and change around once per month. In addition, arm and hammer makes a powder that goes in the box that you can get to deodorize a litter (you can find it near the kitty litter at the store). Also, maybe try and consider a litter box with a cover if you don't already have one. We have one like tat and barely notice the smell (unless we've just become accustomed to it).
Posted 1/4/08 11:45 PM |
The Merlster

Member since 10/06 2540 total posts
Name: Cathie
Re: I'm very happy my kitten uses the litter box....
We scoop every day also. Are you feeding her kitten food? If so it is the food that is making her poop smell so bad, it is very high in vitamins & calories and kitten poo smells gross, she should start to cover it - how old is she? Maybe get a box with a cover as mentioned - as they get older and you start to feed her regular cat food it honestly won't smell so bad. Try "The Worlds Best Cat Litter" it is expensive, but good.
Message edited 1/5/2008 2:25:13 AM.
Posted 1/5/08 2:23 AM |
Re: I'm very happy my kitten uses the litter box....
Joe calls Daisy the atomic kitty, and he RUNS gaging form the room after she goes. I know it stinks, but whatever, get over it and spray some air freshner or light a candle. To answer your question I scoop every other day and if her "atomic bomb" is just to much I scoop it then.
Posted 1/5/08 4:41 AM |
I'm a PANK!!!

Member since 5/05 22334 total posts
Name: Professional Aunts No Kids
Re: I'm very happy my kitten uses the litter box....
we us the little Yesterdays News and there is NO smell!! Instead of clay litter its pellets of old newspapers.
we love it and dont have to scoop at all....
Posted 1/5/08 8:48 AM |
I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05 20105 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: I'm very happy my kitten uses the litter box....
Yeah my cats have really stinky poop. We scoop the litter boxes once a day and completely change the litter about once a month. We would go through 2 or 3 bags of litter if we changed 3x a week!! If you scoop it all out it shouldn't stink. You can also try using a deodorizer.
Posted 1/5/08 10:30 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/07 2197 total posts
Name: Mia
Re: I'm very happy my kitten uses the litter box....
Posted by CAT215
We scoop every day also. Are you feeding her kitten food? If so it is the food that is making her poop smell so bad, it is very high in vitamins & calories and kitten poo smells gross, she should start to cover it - how old is she? Maybe get a box with a cover as mentioned - as they get older and you start to feed her regular cat food it honestly won't smell so bad. Try "The Worlds Best Cat Litter" it is expensive, but good.
Yes I give her kitten food. She is only 9 weeks old. I think we are feeding her too much. The first few days she was here she wouldnt eat that much so we left her food out but now we have been taking it away after a half hour. Thank God, this morning dh took the poop out!!!!
Posted 1/5/08 2:57 PM |
LIF Zygote

Member since 12/07 36 total posts
Name: Andrea
Re: I'm very happy my kitten uses the litter box....
We scoop the litter every day, and change it completely about once a week.
Posted 1/5/08 5:14 PM |