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Welcome 2010!
Member since 2/06 8879 total posts
Initial Meeting Tomorrow with Special Needs Coordinator for School District
Okay, I have the initial meeting tomorrow with the special needs coordinator for my son's school district. Is there anything in particular I should prepare for this meeting?
I have the paperwork she needs including a form from his pediatrician requesting neurological, psychological, and OT evaluations. He had speech services through EI and "graduated" in July of last year, so I'll bring that paperwork, along with his initial special education evaluation, which didn't show areas of concern other than speech.
I definitely think he has sensory issues, possibly PDD-NOS or Aspergers, but that remains to be seen. Have to say, I didn't think he was on the spectrum until recently, the more I read the more I see my son.
Thanks for any input! I am guessing this will be a quick meeting, but I'm not sure what to expect.
Message edited 3/21/2011 12:51:16 PM.
Posted 3/21/11 12:50 PM |
Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05 13973 total posts
Name: D
Re: Initial Meeting Tomorrow with Special Needs Coordinator for School District
Good luck today! Give us an update afterwards.
Posted 3/22/11 9:31 AM |
Welcome 2010!
Member since 2/06 8879 total posts
Re: Initial Meeting Tomorrow with Special Needs Coordinator for School District
Thank you! There wasn't much to yesterday's meeting after all, I just needed to explain my concerns. DS will be evaluated soon, and the coordinator is making sure the district looks for signs of autism. I think you had said they need to do it within a month, and that is indeed the case, so things are moving along quickly.
And now I need to stop reading for a bit--I keep second-guessing myself and thinking maybe it's this, maybe it's that. Time to let the evaluators examine him and see what they come back with. Then I'll read more when I know more, but now I feel like I'm making myself crazy with all the possibilities.
Posted 3/23/11 3:30 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 6/06 568 total posts
Name: Elizabeth
Re: Initial Meeting Tomorrow with Special Needs Coordinator for School District
Don't worry so much about the diagnosis (easier said than done). What you need to always focus on is your son, and what his individual needs are. It's truly more about the therapies and therapists that best fit your child, then some "label". But you could always "use" a diagnosis to get more. (kind of sad but that's the game right now).
Posted 3/23/11 11:39 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 9/07 212 total posts
Re: Initial Meeting Tomorrow with Special Needs Coordinator for School District
I didn't even have an initial meeting. I have 2 evaluations and then the meeting on 4/12 when they will tell me what they are offering Zoey.
Posted 3/24/11 8:28 AM |
Welcome 2010!
Member since 2/06 8879 total posts
Re: Initial Meeting Tomorrow with Special Needs Coordinator for School District
Posted by sapphire
Don't worry so much about the diagnosis (easier said than done). What you need to always focus on is your son, and what his individual needs are. It's truly more about the therapies and therapists that best fit your child, then some "label". But you could always "use" a diagnosis to get more. (kind of sad but that's the game right now).
Thank you! This meeting reminded me of the initial one I had with a social worker from EI--basically they explained the process and wanted to know what my concerns were about my child (and to see if they should spend time and money having tests done). I found describing his behaviors wasn't enough, I needed to say I'm concerned my son may have autism and use the label to move forward.
Need to remember that, because many of his behaviors or socialization issues alone are not a problem, it's the collection of behaviors and issues that concern me.
Posted 3/24/11 9:36 AM |