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The Merlster

Member since 10/06 2540 total posts
Name: Cathie
Insanity & the 2WW - Cornflake recipe on last post
It's not that I'm not used to it (the 2ww) after trying for 6 years, clomid, multiple IUI's etc. But I think I might be going quietly & slowly nuts over here. I suppose as it is my first IVF and we did transfer 4 embryos my expectations are higher.
I spent all day yesterday doing needlepoint after an unsuccessful attempt at knitting on Friday. If I make anymore chocolate cornflake cakes there is going to be a shortage of cornflakes - aside from the fact no one else gets a look in - I'm eating them all.
I am pretty positive overall, but I keep thinking one minute - yes I'm sure it worked my boobs hurt more now than this morning/last night/ 5 minutes ago to wondering why I bother going through all of this. I keep imagining symptoms - even though I am pretty sure it is too early. I think the nausea this morning was more due to the cat breathing in my face wanting her breakfast than anything else.
Do you think it is worse cos we did IVF and I have higher expectations? I am wrong to have those expectations? See what I mean - I'm going a bit doolally over here!
OK I feel a bit better getting that off my ever growing & sore chest.
Message edited 2/11/2007 8:13:21 PM.
Posted 2/11/07 10:45 AM |
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Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Insanity & the 2WW
AHHHH, those days STINK!
yes, in my opinion its worse with IVF. I know for me the stakes were SOOO much higher, That the 2ww was nuts!
Mine though did go kinda fast, but I was testing at 8dpo and so well duh , thats what I did..tested a lot.
I also read like 15 books in a matter of 7 days , I kid you not.
And sleeping..Sleeping kills sooooo much time! Try it
In all seriousness....
Posted 2/11/07 10:51 AM |

Member since 5/05 2536 total posts
Re: Insanity & the 2WW
Good Luck!
Posted 2/11/07 10:52 AM |
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Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Insanity & the 2WW
The 2ww after our IVF was by far the worst one ever in almost two years of trying.
You're totally have higher expectations because it's "supposed" to work.
I would alternate between thinking "This is it, I definitely feel pregnancy." and "I know it didn't work this time."
My house was spotless because I clean when I'm stressed. I made dinner everynight (which is unheard of for me!!) and tried knitting (unsuccessfully).
That's all you can do. Keep busy. Try to stay positive.
I also did the guided imagery CD and that helped whenever the anxiety was getting too high.
Oh and if you get really desperate, you can mail me a cornflake cake, because those sound yummy!!
Hang in there!!!
Posted 2/11/07 10:52 AM |
Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05 20046 total posts
Name: Gerty ®
Re: Insanity & the 2WW
Awwww.....I feel for you, I really do. The worst part of IVF is that all the meds you are taking, particularly the progesterone, mimic all the symptoms. I have a good feeling for you, though...I think you are going to get your BFP! Hopefully, those boobies keep hurting more and more!!!!!!
Posted 2/11/07 10:53 AM |
Member since 8/06 13103 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Insanity & the 2WW
Hey leave some cornflakes for us
I think the 2WW for IVF is more stressful than any other 2WW because IVF is the most drastic procedure we can take to get preggo.
I'm sending you tons of and for a BFP.
Posted 2/11/07 10:54 AM |
spring is in the air

Member since 11/05 2688 total posts
Name: helen
Re: Insanity & the 2WW
I think its partly vecuase you have so much invested int this one as opposed to the IUIs
If you need any help with those cornflake cakes, you know where I am
Posted 2/11/07 10:59 AM |
Texting king

Member since 10/05 5289 total posts
Name: Suzy
Re: Insanity & the 2WW
IUI 2ww over here.
Since this is my firs IUI, I can't relate, but the 2ww is torture none the less. A few day ago I told myself that I will NOT let the 2WW get to me but that was a load of cr@p!!
...and did I hear something about cornflake cakes?? Send those suckas over here, girl!!
Posted 2/11/07 11:06 AM |
C & J are 10!

Member since 6/05 5914 total posts
Name: Stacey
Re: Insanity & the 2WW
The 2WW is the worst! I solved this waiting problem by shoping! And of course, we all know how dangerous that can be!
Here's to hoping the 2 weeks fly by and that there isn't another cornflake incident!
Posted 2/11/07 11:41 AM |
Best Friends

Member since 6/05 10228 total posts
Re: Insanity & the 2WW
the 2 weeks after IVF SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How many days left Cat?
Posted 2/11/07 2:16 PM |
spring is in the air

Member since 11/05 2688 total posts
Name: helen
Re: Insanity & the 2WW
she has until a week Monday - they pushed her test past the weekend
I would have begged to be tested on the Friday
Posted 2/11/07 2:40 PM |
Best Friends

Member since 6/05 10228 total posts
Re: Insanity & the 2WW
they did the same c rap with me
Oh the dreaded NSUH 2 WW that is more lilke 3 weeks.
Posted 2/11/07 3:11 PM |
Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05 20046 total posts
Name: Gerty ®
Re: Insanity & the 2WW order to kill some 2WW time, can you give us the cornflake recipe?!
Posted 2/11/07 4:12 PM |
The Merlster

Member since 10/06 2540 total posts
Name: Cathie
Re: Insanity & the 2WW
My blood test is the 19th - ho hum just another 8 days and it's my Birthday on Thursday the 15th - I did ask if I could go earlier and either get an early present or at least a glass of wine to celebrate the fact that I am fast approaching 40 but they said no. (bah humbug)
Cornflake Cakes
100g bar of cadbury chocolate (or any choc) 2oz butter 1 tablespoon golden syrup (don't know the US form of this would be, but Red might? - they may have in Stop & shop?) 1 tablespoon of cadbury drinking chocolate (Stop & Shop - Irish section) 4oz cornflakes. about 15 little paper cases (if the mixture makes it that far.....)
Break up the chocolate and melt in saucepan with the butter & syrup & drinking chocolate until smooth - take off the heat and mix in cornflakes, make sure you mix well so cornflakes are coated. At this point you have 2 choices - the Cath method which is to eat most of the mixture hot out the pan or spoon mixture into little paper cases - press down lightly so it will stick and then chill in fridge. SHOULD make 15 - I usually manage about 7.
Ok so thats it they are totally yummy - whole thing including eating all the mixture usually takes about 20 minutes.
Message edited 2/11/2007 4:59:37 PM.
Posted 2/11/07 4:59 PM |
Our prayers were answered:)

Member since 6/05 4919 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Insanity & the 2WW - Cornflake recipe on last post
try to say sane, this 2ww has to be especially nuts-
hoping for the best and for the time to fly!!!!!!
Thanks for the recipe- looks GOOD!
Posted 2/12/07 8:19 AM |
Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: Insanity & the 2WW - Cornflake recipe on last post
Posted by CAT215
My blood test is the 19th - ho hum just another 8 days and it's my Birthday on Thursday the 15th - I did ask if I could go earlier and either get an early present or at least a glass of wine to celebrate the fact that I am fast approaching 40 but they said no. (bah humbug)
Cornflake Cakes
100g bar of cadbury chocolate (or any choc) 2oz butter 1 tablespoon golden syrup (don't know the US form of this would be, but Red might? - they may have in Stop & shop?) 1 tablespoon of cadbury drinking chocolate (Stop & Shop - Irish section) 4oz cornflakes. about 15 little paper cases (if the mixture makes it that far.....)
Break up the chocolate and melt in saucepan with the butter & syrup & drinking chocolate until smooth - take off the heat and mix in cornflakes, make sure you mix well so cornflakes are coated. At this point you have 2 choices - the Cath method which is to eat most of the mixture hot out the pan or spoon mixture into little paper cases - press down lightly so it will stick and then chill in fridge. SHOULD make 15 - I usually manage about 7.
Ok so thats it they are totally yummy - whole thing including eating all the mixture usually takes about 20 minutes.
Hey I love those! I have a recipe for them too, get into car, drive to Asda, buy pack of 16 Cornflake Cakes for £1.34. Eat most of them in car on the way home. Tell husband the pack was faulty. Let him eat the crumbs.
And Bobs yer uncle!!!
Posted 2/13/07 5:53 AM |
Waiting patiently for baby sis

Member since 8/06 11613 total posts
Name: L-Diddy EDD 11/11/11 :)
Re: Insanity & the 2WW - Cornflake recipe on last post
Just wanted to say I know the 2WW s ucks, although I haven't done an IVF 2WW (yet). I just wanted to wish you good luck and I hope the time goes fast for you.
Posted 2/13/07 7:57 AM |