Interview/Job Search Update
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The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05 18163 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Interview/Job Search Update
So with your lovely wardrobe advice, i told you I got a 2nd interview for the great job that I love. I went today and the woman I met with barely asked me anyt questions. She told me the first interviewer had mostly filled her in, and she thought I would be a great candidate because of my past experience, which she asked about. Then she asked if I had any questions and told me more about the job, benefits, work environment, etc.
Then she said "you're in school now? How will 9-5 work with your school schedule?" And I said I thought it was for AFTER graduation, since it was posted on my school recruting website to recruit seniors. Also, all along my resume has said "BA in may 2006" and when I filled out the application I put my work date. So why the confusion? I told her that there are some things I can work around, but I have one class that I defintiely cannot switch at this point which I need to graduate. She still invited me back for the 3rd and final round, which is just spending a few hours at the office.
She said they wanted someone right away (it's a new position), but the original job posting is up until may 1 on the site, and I could start mid-may. do I play this? I really want the job! What does it mean that they invited me back anyway?
Posted 3/28/06 1:03 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Interview/Job Search Update
May 2006 on your resume doesn't necessarily indicate that you are taking classes during the day to a potential employer.
They invited you back because you're still in the running. By your next interview, you should have a game plan on how you can feasibly work 9-5 and go to school, if you want the job. I doubt they would be willing to hold the job open for another 1.5 months unless it's a highly specialized field.
Posted 3/28/06 7:08 AM |
The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05 18163 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Interview/Job Search Update
The part of it that was misleading to me then was the fact that teh application deadline was May 1. And also that it was posted in a system mostly used by seniors looking for post-graduation jobs, and when it listed who they were looking for it said seniors and grads, so if by "seniors" they meant they wanted to hire people still in school, why not put all grades? I don't know. Since the application deadline is may 1, there's a chance they wouldn't have found anyone else until may 1, and by the time they went through the process it would be mid-may anyway, which is when I can start, so maybe they'll take that into consideration. Also, maybe I could work there part time until I graduate, which might even be more efficient for them to get someone to work NOW at least part time, rather than waiting to find someone else. It's not very specialized, but I am really very highly qualified for this job. I have 4+ years of very varied experience in the field.
I'll be so upset if I don't geet the job bc of time frame!
Posted 3/28/06 9:23 AM |
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