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Is it possible to have LH surge but not get a positive OPK?

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My 3 Blessings

Member since 3/06

6551 total posts


Is it possible to have LH surge but not get a positive OPK?

quick history: I have not had AF since April, except for a light one forced at the end of August by Prometrium, so obviously I am not ovulating.

My temp for a month has consistently been around 97.8

This morning it FINALLY dropped to 96.4, and I DO HAVE EWCM

I was extremely excited and took an OPK, which quickly dashed my dreams because it was negative

This OPK is past the recommended use date may-be...

Obviously I will just BD for the heck of it anyway, just wondering if anyone ever got a negative OPK, yet still ovulated? completely frustrated by my body, grrr

Posted 10/11/06 1:39 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Is it possible to have LH surge but not get a positive OPK?

Not everyone gets the surge..have you in the past? I would still BD if you have EW and a temp rise.

Posted 10/11/06 1:52 PM

My 3 Blessings

Member since 3/06

6551 total posts


Re: Is it possible to have LH surge but not get a positive OPK?

I've never had a surge because I don't ovulate...was just hoping this month might be a fluke, and that the Prometrium did in fact kick me back into gear (Prob. Not, LOL)

A Temp rise?...doesn't that happen after you ovulate, i thought I was looking for the dip, and then BD til right after it rises again?

I am REALLY hoping the CLOMID next month will help my body do SOMETHING! Anything besides NOTHING

Posted 10/11/06 1:57 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Is it possible to have LH surge but not get a positive OPK?

Are you seeing an RE or your regular gyn? I meant a tmp drop in my previous post sorry. I don't know alot about lack of ovulation but it seems strange that you would have EWCM with no O_I have to look this up ..hang on

Have you been tested for PCOS? That seems like the most common cause.
Have you had your FSH level tested? This shows your egg quality.

Interesting article on Clomid

Lesson 3: Your Doctor, Your Options
Ovulation and Clomid
In order for pregnancy to be possible, a woman must release an egg each cycle. There is more to conception and pregnancy than just the release of an egg, but, if there is no egg to be fertilized, nothing else can happen. In Lesson 1, section 5, we discussed the differences between Fertility Charting and OPKs. Most women can detect ovulation using one or the other method.

When ovulation cannot be detected, one of the first things a doctor will evaluate is the woman's hormones for a cycle, and the following cycle, if ovulation did not happen, will be started with Provera, and followed with Clomid. Clomid is the first low-tech fertility medication that doctors will turn to. It is used for the following.

Lack of ovulation
Irregular ovulation
Late cycle ovulation
Early cycle ovulation
Luteal phase defects
Weak ovulation
Clomid, Serophene, and Clomiphene Citrate are all different names for the same medication. To keep confusion to a minimum, this drug will be referred to as Clomid throughout this course. The dosage of Clomid used should always be started at 50mg daily for five days. The dosage can be increased by 50 mg if it did not result in ovulation the previous cycle. The maximum dosage is 200 mg.

This medication works by binding to estrogen receptors. This causes the pituitary and hypothalamus to assume that there is not enough estrogen being developed. These two glands then produce higher levels of FSH and LH, which in turn causes the development of eggs in the ovaries. When the LH surges, one and sometimes two mature eggs are released. It is rare for a double or higher ovulation to occur with Clomid.

Clomid is usually started on day 3 or 5 of the woman's cycle and is taken for five days, as was stated before. About 5 to 9 days after the last dose is taken, ovulation should occur. A woman must be monitored with ultrasound while on any fertility medications, Clomid included.

The reason for monitoring any medicated cycle is to help prevent Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome, or OHSS for short. Hyper stimulation occurs when the ovaries develop and release too many eggs. When the eggs are released during ovulation, fluid is also released into the abdomen. If too many eggs are released, too much fluid will also be released and the abdomen will swell. This is a serious health risk, and can cause death if not treated properly. This is rarely seen in women that take Clomid.

Some side effects of Clomid that should be immediately reported to your doctor include:

Seeing spots
Blurry vision
Seeing flashes
Severe migraines
Other side effects of Clomid include:

Hot flashes
Breast tenderness or swelling
Lack of EWCM
Mood swings
These other side effects are annoying, but are not severe enough to warrant stopping the medication.

Message edited 10/11/2006 2:40:16 PM.

Posted 10/11/06 2:37 PM

My 3 Blessings

Member since 3/06

6551 total posts


Re: Is it possible to have LH surge but not get a positive OPK?

Just seeing regular Gyn at this point. She ran bloodwork last month, and had me try the Prometrium. She said to wait another 3 months to see if anything happens, if not on to CLOMID (which is next month)

If CLOMID doesnt work, on to RE.

It seems like such a slowwww pace, i have been TTC since Feb.(well not really because if I am not ovulating, I cant be trying..duh) I'd rather they just start running tests and figure out WHY am not ovulating...that just makes more sense to me....but who am I? LOL

Posted 10/11/06 2:50 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Is it possible to have LH surge but not get a positive OPK?

Actually you're right and if you'll let me climb up on my horse goes:

YOU must take control of your medical care. Your body is not acting normally-you should be ovulating and getting your period. If I were you I would run to an RE and get some tests done. You may be putting chemicals into your body you don't need. I don't know if you are into natural medicines at all but I highly recommend the Infertility Cure by Randine Lewis.

How old are you?

Message edited 10/11/2006 2:57:09 PM.

Posted 10/11/06 2:56 PM

My 3 Blessings

Member since 3/06

6551 total posts


Re: Is it possible to have LH surge but not get a positive OPK?

I will be 31 next month...I am definitely into natural things, and I am realizing this is REALLY a problem. I think I just kept hoping my body would straighten out. I did give it some time because i was on the pill since I was 17, so who knows what is normal for my body anymore.

Posted 10/11/06 3:06 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Is it possible to have LH surge but not get a positive OPK?

If I was you I wuld go right to a specialist. Check with your insurance and see who is covered-I would start there. I am going to Dr. Braverman in Garden City but I have very different issues from you(mine are implantation issues-I get AF and O just fine) He is an RE. I have also heard good things about NSUH. Please go see someone. I am surprised yoru Dr is so lackadaisical about this?

Check out Dr. Lewis' website:


Message edited 10/11/2006 3:34:51 PM.

Posted 10/11/06 3:34 PM

My 3 Blessings

Member since 3/06

6551 total posts


Re: Is it possible to have LH surge but not get a positive OPK?

Thanks Melijane, I agree it's time for me to take this seriously! I think my doc wants to be a little bit more agressive next month

All the bloodwork she ran came back in normal limits

but I don't want to wait and wait...not getting any younger you know!

Posted 10/11/06 3:38 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Is it possible to have LH surge but not get a positive OPK?

Read this from Dr. Lewis' website

Is There an Herbal Clomid?

Q. I'm a 32-year-old woman. I have two girls, ages 14 and 13 years. I would like to restart my family. In May of 2002, I had a tubal reversal. My doctor put me on the birth control pill for three months. Then when I was taken off the pills, I stopped having periods. I'm using a drug called Provera 5 mg. to start back up. Is there an herbal drug that will act like clomid, so I can ovulate each month so I can get pregnant?

A. The answer to your question, "Is there an herbal drug that will act like Clomid so I can get pregnant?" is no.

Although herbs can be potent and may stimulate ovulation, the most important aspect about taking herbs is to address the underlying pattern of imbalance, rather than addressing lack of ovulation, which is what Clomid does.

Herbs like wild yam and vitex have been found to encourage ovulation, but only if you have the imbalance known as kidney yang vacuity (which includes luteal phase defect and low progesterone levels,) according to the pattern differentiation of Chinese medicine. If you are deficient in yin energies (like estrogen), taking wild yam and/or vitex will make your scenario worse.

I stress that the most important thing you can do to return your body to fully functioning reproductive help is to address the underlying pattern of imbalance. For example, women who are not menstruating because of low estrogen levels will not ovulate or menstruate until their follicles start producing estrogen. If low body fat is the reason for the low estrogen, then weight gain will be the only effective initial remedy. Then we can use the appropriate herbs to help restore balance to the hypothalamic-pituitary ovarian axis. Herbs tonify only what is deficient, address and remove any obstruction, and then the body does what it is supposed to do - ovulate on its own.

Yin deficiency symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats, dry eyes, mouth, vagina, lack of cervical mucus, etc. Herbs like angelica and asparagi would be appropriate here to restore reproductive balance.

Yang deficiency symptoms include low back pain, cold hands and feet, nighttime urination, low libido, etc. Herbs like vitex and wild yam will help this scenario restore endocrine health.

Posted 10/11/06 3:38 PM

My 3 Blessings

Member since 3/06

6551 total posts


Re: Is it possible to have LH surge but not get a positive OPK?

Thanks again! I think I should try and make an RE appt....your Doc is kinda far away, hoping to find someone around here, so I can run out or lunch or something if necessary...Port Jeff/Setauket, etc....

Posted 10/11/06 3:46 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Is it possible to have LH surge but not get a positive OPK?

I think Lauren EXP is going to a doc in Stony Brook or some people here have had luck with LI IVF. I'm glad you're taking these steps! Your Doc is doing you a disservice right now. GL!

Posted 10/11/06 3:51 PM

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