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Is my son the only 1 year old..

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Member since 5/05

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Is my son the only 1 year old..

That is so not into any form of TV, video tapes, DVD movies???

I put noggin on for him every morn at like 7am and he watches it for the most 10 min and is then off and running getting into everything he isnt supposed to.

I hear of so many kids that watch noggin, or barney, or arthur or baby einstein... and my son??? Nothin.

Not interested one bit. When i went to take him for xmas pics at penney's the girl was like, "whats his favorite show on tv?? i'm like.. ummm.. none..
"OK, does he have a favorite song, ummmmm, NO.... Nursery Rhyme?? ummmm.. NO....

He does not sit still for one minute unless he is captured and confined in his highchair. Forget reading to him, he grabs the books and rips the pages.. and tries to leap off my lap.

Anyone else's DC like this?? Or is my son from Bizarro world??? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/26/06 10:42 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Is my son the only 1 year old..

Here here... I feel your pain... this is EXACTLY why I fear for my life taking Alex on a confined airplane ride to Israel for 12 hours Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/26/06 10:43 PM

My Everything

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Re: Is my son the only 1 year old..

Nope. Not alone. Miranda has little to no interest in TV. She used to watch Teletubbies but could care less now. If I get her to watch TV for 10 minutes that's a lot. She will usually stop when Elmo's World comes on Sesame Street but that's about it.

Posted 12/26/06 10:47 PM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: Is my son the only 1 year old..

Posted by Bxgell2

Here here... I feel your pain... this is EXACTLY why I fear for my life taking Alex on a confined airplane ride to Israel for 12 hours Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Oh bless your little heart beth if you survive that!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon You would truly be Mom of the Year in my eyes!!Chat Icon

Posted 12/26/06 10:49 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Is my son the only 1 year old..

My son, who's 2-1/2 now, never watched any TV. DVD or any type of video until very recently. And I think that is only because he recenly got a new sister Chat Icon that takes up more of mommy's time. Even now, he watches about 1 hour or so a day (2 30-minute shows) and then he is off to play with his toys instead!

Posted 12/26/06 10:54 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Is my son the only 1 year old..

Posted by CheeChee

Posted by Bxgell2

Here here... I feel your pain... this is EXACTLY why I fear for my life taking Alex on a confined airplane ride to Israel for 12 hours Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Oh bless your little heart beth if you survive that!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon You would truly be Mom of the Year in my eyes!!Chat Icon

the key word there is IF... doesn't help that my mom stopped by this weekend and spent time with us. After about 30 minutes, she looked at me and asked, does she always run around like this? Yes mom, all day, all long. Her response? Ohhh, you and your brothers were SOOOOOOOOO good. I could just put you down on the floor with a toy and you would play for hours by yourself.

Thanks mom, that's just what I needed to hear right about now Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/26/06 10:54 PM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: Is my son the only 1 year old..

Posted by Bxgell2

Posted by CheeChee

Posted by Bxgell2

Here here... I feel your pain... this is EXACTLY why I fear for my life taking Alex on a confined airplane ride to Israel for 12 hours Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Oh bless your little heart beth if you survive that!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon You would truly be Mom of the Year in my eyes!!Chat Icon

the key word there is IF... doesn't help that my mom stopped by this weekend and spent time with us. After about 30 minutes, she looked at me and asked, does she always run around like this? Yes mom, all day, all long. Her response? Ohhh, you and your brothers were SOOOOOOOOO good. I could just put you down on the floor with a toy and you would play for hours by yourself.

Thanks mom, that's just what I needed to hear right about now Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Thats also what I hear from my MIL.. how my DH and his two brothers NEVER got into mischief, they were just content with playing with their toys quietly. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Well aren't I just the LUCKY ONE????

Posted 12/26/06 11:02 PM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

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Re: Is my son the only 1 year old..

My mom says similar things about me and my sibs.... I think parents just ignored their kids back then. I don't remember being as good as she remembers..... Chat Icon

Posted 12/26/06 11:05 PM


Member since 5/05

3116 total posts


Re: Is my son the only 1 year old..

Chat Icon I just say that I'm glad to read that Nicholas is not the only one. He doesn't watch TV. I dont like to turn it on that much, but when I do, he just watches 5-10 minutes of Sesame Street or a Baby Einstein DVD and that's it.

He likes to walk around, climb on things and he doesn't stay still long in one place. That's when I get my work out... running after him.

Posted 12/26/06 11:47 PM

Mommy to 2 boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Is my son the only 1 year old..

My son is 13 mos and is the exactly the same. He watches TV for 10 mins tops.

Posted 12/27/06 12:09 AM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: Is my son the only 1 year old..

Noah is just getting interested in TV (thank goodness) he won't sit still to watch it, but he will stand in front of the TV to watch it. He likes anything on BabyTV, Fifi & the Flowertots, Teletubbies, The Tweenies, The Fimbles, Pingu...but only for maybe 5 minutes at at time.

He also likes destroying my house!
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/27/06 4:38 AM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: Is my son the only 1 year old..

Hayley doesn't sit very long to watch it but she will play and then stop to see what is on then goes on playing. The only show she really stops and watches more is Backyardigins, she absolutely LOVES Pablo!!!

Posted 12/27/06 8:10 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: Is my son the only 1 year old..

My son never liked tv when he was younger - well except for baby einstein videos - which he used mostly for napping or when he was sick. Like you said before then if I put on Elmo or Barney - he'd watch for 5-10 minutes and then move on.

I think around 16-18 months he started to develop more of an attention span for tv. Now at 22 months he has a few shows that are his favorites and will only watch those and often won't even sit thru the entire show (unless he isn't feeling well, tired or is eating breakfast) - more rather play and look up at it from time to time. He never and still doesn't watch noggin - he watches a few playhouse disney and PBS shows and that's it.

Posted 12/27/06 8:23 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Is my son the only 1 year old..

He will watch laurie bekner over and over if I let him. Other wise I put Noggin on and he only sits still for the commericals. He actually likes any commerical.

Posted 12/27/06 10:40 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Is my son the only 1 year old..

Alyson watches for a bit (like the duration of Elmo's World) and then is into her toys. I leave it on for background in the AM and late afternoon before bedtime. Between nap 1 and 2 NO TV.

Posted 12/27/06 10:50 AM

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