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is she colic or just gas

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Cold go away

Member since 10/05

1265 total posts


is she colic or just gas

Ever since DD was like 2-3 weeks old she would cry almost non stop for like 15 to 30 minutes starting at 8pm. It wasn't eveyr niight at first but, now it is. She was haivng only BM for like a month and now is on BM and formula. So could she jave mild colic or just gas? She does have alot of gas too.

Posted 1/30/09 10:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: is she colic or just gas

how old is she? DD #2 had a crying period for her first 2 1/2-3 months.

AT first she was doing BM and soy formula and had TERRIBLE gas and was SO uncomfortable almost all the time. She had to poop but it was very painful for her I guess.

She wasn't getting formula consistently--she'd get 1 bottle here or there, not 2 or 3 every day for her to get used to it.

We took her off formula and she went back to pooping several times a day as most BF babies do. Then about 2.5 weeks ago, she went down to pooping once a day just before we started her on cereal/solids.

Posted 1/30/09 11:14 PM

Weekend Warrior

Member since 3/08

2530 total posts


Re: is she colic or just gas

Does your baby look like she's in pain or is uncomfortable while crying?

Mine spits up, arches his back from tummy pains and is pretty gassy in the late afternoon and evenings so I know he has a combination of acid reflux and gassiness.

You may want to read this article... I've done some research on fussy babies so FM me if you need more information...

evening fussiness

Posted 1/31/09 12:28 AM

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