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Is there a mandatory amount of time that you have to stay in the hospital after giving birth?

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Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

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Is there a mandatory amount of time that you have to stay in the hospital after giving birth?

DH and I were just talking about when I deliver. I'd like to just stay over one night as long as things go well with the delivery. Will they release me and the baby after just staying just one night or is there a mandatory amount of time that we have to stay? I just want to get home to DH and DD with the new baby.

Posted 12/28/08 8:00 PM
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Re: Is there a mandatory amount of time that you have to stay in the hospital after giving birth?

I believe with a c-section it's a min. of three nights. I have no idea about a vaginal birth! Chat Icon

Posted 12/28/08 8:20 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Is there a mandatory amount of time that you have to stay in the hospital after giving birth?

I am 99.9% sure with a vaginal birth you have to stay 24 hours. I am not sure with a c-section.

Posted 12/28/08 8:21 PM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

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Re: Is there a mandatory amount of time that you have to stay in the hospital after giving birth?

i was told 24 hours minimum for a v-birth and 96 for a c-section. but i don't know if it depends on the hospital or your insurance policy at all.

Posted 12/28/08 8:39 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Is there a mandatory amount of time that you have to stay in the hospital after giving birth?

My doc was willing to release me the next day but the ped wanted the baby there another day.

Posted 12/28/08 8:40 PM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

12683 total posts


Re: Is there a mandatory amount of time that you have to stay in the hospital after giving birth?

Thanks ladies!Chat Icon I am going to ask my ob when on my next appointment but DH and I were curious if anyone new or remembered from their delivery. I seem to have CRS (can't remember sh!t) syndrome these daysChat Icon

Message edited 12/28/2008 8:57:14 PM.

Posted 12/28/08 8:56 PM

My Loves!

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Re: Is there a mandatory amount of time that you have to stay in the hospital after giving birth?

I had a C Section and had a choice of 3 or 4 nights...I opted for the 4.
This time around, If I feel good, I'll opt for the 3.

Posted 12/28/08 8:59 PM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

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Re: Is there a mandatory amount of time that you have to stay in the hospital after giving birth?

Posted by headoverheels

i was told 24 hours minimum for a v-birth and 96 for a c-section. but i don't know if it depends on the hospital or your insurance policy at all.

I had a c/s and only stayed about 76 hours total...

I think with v birth its about 24 hours

Posted 12/28/08 10:14 PM


Member since 2/07

15928 total posts


Re: Is there a mandatory amount of time that you have to stay in the hospital after giving birth?

For a vaginal birth it's 24 hours....

There is some criteria with the circumcision too but I dont know what exactly it is though...

Posted 12/28/08 10:16 PM

Team Pink!

Member since 12/06

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Re: Is there a mandatory amount of time that you have to stay in the hospital after giving birth?

In ct its 48 hours for a v-birth and 96 hours for a c/s. Not sure if its the same in Ny. I had a c/s and was tearing my hair out I wanted to go home so bad. Next time around I am def not staying that long, I already told my doc. She said she has no prob releasing me early if I'm up to it and CT then requires the balance of hours to be completed by a visiting nurse at home. Talk to your OB!

Posted 12/28/08 10:35 PM

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Re: Is there a mandatory amount of time that you have to stay in the hospital after giving birth?

I think it's 24 hours for a vag birth, but I was there for 48 and honestly couldn't have left earlier... my nether regions and hips were so messed up Chat Icon

but, if you feel good, I could see why you would want to leaver earlier....

Posted 12/28/08 11:14 PM

<3 my family

Member since 1/06

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Re: Is there a mandatory amount of time that you have to stay in the hospital after giving birth?

I left the next morning after I had the babies (with my second and third delivery).

Posted 12/28/08 11:17 PM


Member since 12/05

10281 total posts


Re: Is there a mandatory amount of time that you have to stay in the hospital after giving birth?

Im not sure, but I had a c-section and was discharged 42 hours after (I requested it)

Message edited 12/28/2008 11:24:01 PM.

Posted 12/28/08 11:23 PM


Member since 5/05

13535 total posts


Re: Is there a mandatory amount of time that you have to stay in the hospital after giving birth?

To get technical, anytime you are hospitalized, you can check out against medical advice (AMA) unless it becomes an involuntary commission. You would just sign AMA papers. However, I have heard that insurance does not have to cover your stay if you leave AMA. Ask your doctor at what point it would not be considered AMA. It might only be after 24 hours for a routine vaginal delivery.

Posted 12/28/08 11:36 PM

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Re: Is there a mandatory amount of time that you have to stay in the hospital after giving birth?

IMO.. i know you want to get home to your DD and Dh but remember every birth and recovery are different...

I was in the hospital when I had the twins for a week.. 4days bedrest and 4 days/3 night to recover from my c-section

DD was allowed to visit me everyday

Posted 12/28/08 11:37 PM

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Re: Is there a mandatory amount of time that you have to stay in the hospital after giving birth?

Posted by Kerie-is-so-very

To get technical, anytime you are hospitalized, you can check out against medical advice (AMA) unless it becomes an involuntary commission. You would just sign AMA papers. However, I have heard that insurance does not have to cover your stay if you leave AMA. Ask your doctor at what point it would not be considered AMA. It might only be after 24 hours for a routine vaginal delivery.

I was going to say that. NOBODY can force you to stay or do anything. BUT you have to realize that because of the liability with the hospital, insurance may also not cover your stay if you leave the hospital before they consider it safe for you to do so and discharge you. I would ask my OB/insurance/hospital to make sure what that time frame is.

Posted 12/29/08 7:16 AM

family is all that matters

Member since 6/06

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Re: Is there a mandatory amount of time that you have to stay in the hospital after giving birth?

Posted by hbugal

For a vaginal birth it's 24 hours....

There is some criteria with the circumcision too but I dont know what exactly it is though...

my DS had his circumcision about 3 hours before i was discharged.

i chose to stay another night because i loved the hospital and wanted that extra time to recover. i'm so glad i did, even though the doc only required me to stay one night (i gave birth early in the morning)

Posted 12/29/08 8:11 AM

Big brother to be!

Member since 9/06

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Re: Is there a mandatory amount of time that you have to stay in the hospital after giving birth?

i gave birth at 10am on friday morning and left by noon on saturday. my OB didn't care (i had an uncomplicated vaginal birth), so once the ped cleared it for the baby we were on our way!

Posted 12/29/08 8:27 AM

Beyond Compare

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Re: Is there a mandatory amount of time that you have to stay in the hospital after giving birth?

For a v-birth I had to stay a min of 24 hours...I was released after 36 hours.

Posted 12/29/08 8:50 AM

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