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Isla Grace

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Isla Grace born on 11/15/13 <3

Member since 6/12

1021 total posts


Isla Grace

My due date was 11/2. But according to my LMP and my supposed ovulation date I was CONVINCED that it should have been 10/31 and that I would go early... Plus I had been getting contractions since mid- October but just a bunch of Braxton hicks and false alarms! I was 3 cm dilated for nearly a month!

Then on 11/14 I started having contractions all day but they were random, and then I went to to bed getting woken up about once an hour from a contraction, but they were still really far apart. So I told my husband to go ahead and go to work the next day.

Then they started getting worse and worse and closer together. I texted him around noon and said COME HOME NOW! And he did... and then we rushed to the hospital- I was screaming in pain the whole way there.

They had to give me a wheelchair because I could barely walk. When I finally was admitted and wheeled up to L&D... I was already 5 cm dilated!

My doctor was actually away for the weekend and not on call. But they had another doctor filling in from another office... it happened to be my old doctor who I LOVED but I had to leave her due to my insurance changing! She was with me through my miscarriage and did my salpingectomy surgery last year. I felt like it was fate.

I quickly went to 7 cm and the contractions were so painful I couldn't even handle it anymore. So I gave in and got the epidural. At first it worked amazing... but then the pain kept coming back. Suddenly the epidural stopped working on the left side of my body so I could feel everything on that side.

Then after about 7 hours of watching Seinfeld and How I met your mother reruns, I was 10 cm and it was push time!

I started pushing (feeling EVERYTHING on the left side of my body) and then suddenly the baby's heartrate dropped... from 150/160 to 70! I was FREAKING out. It turned out she was sitting on the cord and cutting off her oxygen.

So the doctor said we should do a C-section. After ALL that!!

So they did the c-section and I was just lying there, completely numb and exhausted. My husband next to me holding my hand and the doctor who did my epidural was on the other side talking to me and asking me questions about my job to try and distract me.

Suddenly I hear the doctors say "there she is" and my husband looked over the sheet and then looked at me and said "aww she is so cute! I can tell already!"

Then I heard her cry. I will never forget hearing that sound as long as I live. I am in tears right now just thinking about it!!

They cleaned her up and put her face next to mine... eyes wide open! She was so perfect with a full head of dirty blonde hair and blue eyes (looked nothing like me!) I was in love.

Isla Grace was borh on 11/15 at 10:34pm 8 lbs, 10 oz, 20 1/4 in.

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Posted 12/3/13 10:31 AM

She's here :)

Member since 4/07

3238 total posts

Mrs. Yank

Isla Grace

She's gorgeous! CONGRATS :)

Posted 12/4/13 2:43 PM

Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07

4521 total posts


Re: Isla Grace


Posted 12/18/13 10:51 PM

Thank you, St. Gerard!

Member since 2/11

5043 total posts


Isla Grace

she's beautiful!!!!!!!!!! did they give you something else for the csection since you felt everything on your left side?

Posted 12/19/13 1:22 PM

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