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Its a darn good thing he's so cute!

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My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Its a darn good thing he's so cute!

Because he did not let me sleep more than an hour at a time all last night and this morning... now he's fast asleep!

Reminds me of the Friends episode when Rachel and Emma were living with Joey, and Emma was asleep in the morning, and Joey says, "She's probably tired from all that adorable screaming she was doing last night!" Chat Icon

Posted 4/20/07 9:32 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/06

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Re: Its a darn good thing he's so cute!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon its so true the first few weeks...Chat Icon it gets better!

Posted 4/20/07 9:34 AM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: Its a darn good thing he's so cute!

Thats motherhood!!

I always say that Noah's saving grace is that he is so cute! Otherwise, he would be out the door!!!

Posted 4/20/07 9:36 AM

Our family is complete

Member since 6/06

16494 total posts


Re: Its a darn good thing he's so cute!

Awww! You will look back one day and miss that because it means he is still a baby!! Hope you catch some Chat Icon Chat Icon at some point today!

Posted 4/20/07 9:36 AM

My Boys!

Member since 5/05

5498 total posts


Re: Its a darn good thing he's so cute!

I remember one night the first few weeks when Charlie woke us up for the 10th time and DH was practically in tears asking if we were being punished for something. Chat Icon It seemed like it was never going to get better. Now it seems like that was so long ago. He still wakes up twice during the night, but I love that time with him.

Posted 4/20/07 10:08 AM

Fun in the Snow!

Member since 11/06

4512 total posts


Re: Its a darn good thing he's so cute!

It will get a little better, after 6 weeks, we are usually up around 11pm, 3am and 6 am....but, it always seems subject to change

Posted 4/20/07 10:29 AM

it's me

Member since 5/05

11234 total posts


Re: Its a darn good thing he's so cute!

ahh... the good ole daysChat Icon

Posted 4/20/07 10:38 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Its a darn good thing he's so cute!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Ah yes adorable screaming. I'm going on 5 years of that. I agree they are lucky they're so cute.

Posted 4/20/07 10:48 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Its a darn good thing he's so cute!

You must sleep then! I know it's hard to sleep when they sleep but you've gotta do it! Chat Icon Hope you get some rest.

Posted 4/20/07 10:54 AM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: Its a darn good thing he's so cute!

Posted by monkeybride

You must sleep then! I know it's hard to sleep when they sleep but you've gotta do it! Chat Icon Hope you get some rest.

We usually both take our 3:30 nap at the same time!!!

Posted 4/20/07 11:35 AM

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