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Member since 5/05 12578 total posts
It's official my "sleep through the night baby"
has been replaced by one that likes to eat at 3am!!!
I think it started with the ear infection - she was up every 2 hours. Do you think getting up at 3 is now habit? or do you think I should start cereal? She drinking about 40 oz of formula a day.
She's just about 4 months and 2 weeks and has slept through the night since 6 weeks old and stopped since her ear infection
Message edited 4/11/2007 10:06:56 AM.
Posted 4/11/07 10:05 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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too excited for words

Member since 10/05 18538 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: It's official my "sleep through the night baby"
I would definitely start her on cereal. I started Luca at 4 months and it made all the difference- and as you know, he was anever a good sleeper before that. I don't even think at this point he takes 40oz of formula.
Posted 4/11/07 10:08 AM |
I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06 2333 total posts
Re: It's official my "sleep through the night baby"
I'm hearing this a lot from mommies who have babies around this age. Mine is waking up more, too. I think it's developmental. It will go away, eventually...
Posted 4/11/07 10:13 AM |
She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05 14624 total posts
Re: It's official my "sleep through the night baby"
Jordana is goign through this now- between 4:30 and 5:30. Mommy is not pleased.
Posted 4/11/07 10:16 AM |
Turning a new page

Member since 5/05 9731 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: It's official my "sleep through the night baby"
Maddie wakes up fussing between 4-5.30 as well. I think it is something that they go through.
Posted 4/11/07 10:23 AM |
My babies
Member since 6/05 5229 total posts
Name: f
Re: It's official my "sleep through the night baby"
Ava has been waking up ready to play at 4am. I have to go back in to give her butt pats and her nuk about 3 times but she usually goes back down until 6:45. Can you give her a pacifier and settle her back down? Maybe it's a growth spurt? I'm hoping Ava stops the 4am thing soon!
Posted 4/11/07 10:24 AM |
Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05 9300 total posts
Re: It's official my "sleep through the night baby"
DS like t wake up at 4:00 am and sing in a high pitch voice until we get him and bring him into our bed..the minute his head hits the pillow,,,he is out!!!!!!!!
Posted 4/11/07 10:25 AM |
Member since 5/05 12578 total posts
Re: It's official my "sleep through the night baby"
She doesn't take the pacifier, I try patting, rocking, rubbing...she just wants FOOD!!!!
Posted 4/11/07 10:26 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 4189 total posts
Name: Doreen
Re: It's official my "sleep through the night baby"
Molly used to do this also....3am wide awake and ready to play. I would give her a little bottle since it was the only thing that would get her back to sleep and keep her asleep until about 6:30 or 7. Then I changed my routine a little and it is working fantastic:
She goes to bed between 7:30 and 8. At 10pm before I go to bed, I dream feed her about 5 or 6 oz and she never wakes up. I put her back in the crib and we don't hear a peep out of her all night. She sleeps until about 7:30 or 8.
Also, you may want to consider giving her a small amount of cereal once a day since she is drinking so much formula. That may help keep her satisfied also.
Posted 4/11/07 10:33 AM |
Life is good...

Member since 9/05 18504 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: It's official my "sleep through the night baby"
Posted by Charly
She doesn't take the pacifier, I try patting, rocking, rubbing...she just wants FOOD!!!!
This was happening with Steven for about a month or so. Now, finally for the last two weeks, he will wake up once, take the paci and go right back to sleep.
I was at my wits end because he was such a good sleeper, so I too thought he was just eating out of habit.
What I thought differently was giving him more cereal during the day and none at night. He also just started drinking MORE formula . IMO, 40 oz is a LOT. You can try the cereal and if it doesn't work, you can stop.
Is it possible she is waking up from teething and just wants the bottle for comfort? That is what was happening with Steven, I think.
Posted 4/11/07 10:45 AM |
Member since 5/05 12578 total posts
Re: It's official my "sleep through the night baby"
I guess I can try to dream feed. She drinks a full 7oz bottle in seconds at 3am so I'm not sure if it's just for comfort
Posted 4/11/07 11:21 AM |
My babies
Member since 6/05 5229 total posts
Name: f
Re: It's official my "sleep through the night baby"
Posted by Charly
I guess I can try to dream feed. She drinks a full 7oz bottle in seconds at 3am so I'm not sure if it's just for comfort
She must be hungry - I would introduce cereal
Posted 4/11/07 11:24 AM |
Re: It's official my "sleep through the night baby"
That stinks! Hopefully she goes back to sleeping through the night ASAP!
Posted 4/11/07 11:32 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/07 557 total posts
Name: Marci
Re: It's official my "sleep through the night baby"
I think it is just a phase, mabye a growth spurt she is going through. Have you tried just letting her cry a bit or is she totally awake and won't got sleep at all.
Posted 4/11/07 11:39 AM |
Member since 5/05 12578 total posts
Re: It's official my "sleep through the night baby"
Posted by Hershey
I think it is just a phase, mabye a growth spurt she is going through. Have you tried just letting her cry a bit or is she totally awake and won't got sleep at all.
We try letting her be. Its starts as a whine so that slowly progresses to a full crying. She has her mouth wide open trying to suck everything - her hand, the blanket, etc.
She looks like a little bird opening her mouth waiting for mama bird to drop the worm!!!
Message edited 4/11/2007 11:42:32 AM.
Posted 4/11/07 11:42 AM |
My babies
Member since 6/05 5229 total posts
Name: f
Re: It's official my "sleep through the night baby"
Posted by Charly
Posted by Hershey
I think it is just a phase, mabye a growth spurt she is going through. Have you tried just letting her cry a bit or is she totally awake and won't got sleep at all.
We try letting her be. Its starts as a whine so that slowly progresses to a full crying. She has her mouth wide open trying to suck everything - her hand, the blanket, etc.
She looks like a little bird opening her mouth waiting for mama bird to drop the worm!!!
How cute . Feed the little porkchop! She is probably going through a growth spurt!
Posted 4/11/07 11:55 AM |

Member since 5/05 18599 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: It's official my "sleep through the night baby"
Jodi, I am no expert but to me 40 oz of formula a day seems like a lot. I would try Hannah on some cereal and see if that makes any difference..
She also could be going through a growth spurt... sometimes during that spurt they need a bottle in the middle of the night, and then the spurt is over and you have your good sleeper back!
I had a great nighttime sleeper in Nikolas from 8 weeks on, but then about a month 1/2 ago he just STOPPED sleeping through the night. He's not waking to eat, he is waking up crying and needing comfort.. sometimes the paci works, but most times he just wants to be cuddled and held and yes we have resorted to bringing him into our bed because he will sleep like a champ with us and honestly, DH and I need our sleep too 
I will be honest, though - in our case I did not notice that introducing solids/cereal made Nikolas sleep any better.. I do think that it works for some babies, but not for others. However when Nikolas wakes in the middle of the night, he is not hungry.. he is waking from teething and just sleeping poorly for whatever reasons (developmental milestone, whatever.. i sure can't figure it out )
Maybe since you said Hannah is downing a bottle at 3am and is obviously waking up due to hunger, the cereal will help her not wake for that feeding? Just a suggestion..
Posted 4/11/07 12:03 PM |
Life is Good
Member since 6/06 2135 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: It's official my "sleep through the night baby"
My girls starting doing this about a week ago. I thought they may be teething. They are chewing on everything. I feed them, but not a full bottle. I started with a 7 ounce, but they were only drinking 4. so now i just give them 4.
Posted 4/11/07 12:08 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: It's official my "sleep through the night baby"
Posted by Charly
She doesn't take the pacifier, I try patting, rocking, rubbing...she just wants FOOD!!!!
She might be going through a growth spurt and is more hungry. Gianna did the same around that age.
Give her the bottle, it won't last forever
Posted 4/11/07 12:40 PM |