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its starting to drive me nuts

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Just the 4 of us

Member since 12/06

3554 total posts


its starting to drive me nuts

If another person on my dh side of the family says oh Cadence looks nothing like you... i am going to SCREAM!!!! My family is really smaill I have two cousins thats how small and my dh's family is HUGE... everyone says how great dh is and how Cadence looks just like him... Oh and did I mention how great he is..haha... I know he is but HELLO WHO THE F$(% was pregnant...I am sorry I am just going nuts..

Posted 9/2/07 9:02 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/06

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Re: its starting to drive me nuts

awChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon im sorry they suck!!

Posted 9/2/07 9:25 PM

party of five

Member since 9/06

11343 total posts


Re: its starting to drive me nuts

She is a cutie and I think she looks like u

Posted 9/2/07 9:27 PM

Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05

17988 total posts


Re: its starting to drive me nuts

Everyone always comments on how wonderful DH is with Lucas and in the beginning it used to hurt my feelings that I was never acknowledged...but then I realized...I fell in love with DH for all the reasons people mention now. I expected him to be a great dad and care for our son. So now when people comment on it I tell that "yeah that's why I married him...I expect this from the father of my child." DH actually confided that he appreciates that I say that because he feels like people look at him weird for doing so much for the baby...funny how we each look at something with different perspectives.

Posted 9/2/07 9:29 PM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

29064 total posts


Re: its starting to drive me nuts

Andrea, what did I keep telling you when we were out to lunch that day.....

Candence looks SOOO much like you!!

You can see your DH in her, but she is so much of you!Chat Icon

of course his family is going to say that, I had to hear how much Julia looked like Todd from his parents, and my parents told Todd that Julia is all me--lol

Its just the way it goes in families!!

Posted 9/2/07 9:30 PM

My Boys!!!!

Member since 6/06

14437 total posts


Re: its starting to drive me nuts

DH's family thinks DS looks like him (with the exception of a few), my family thinks DS looks like me. I can totally see some of your features in Cadence. Babies change so often, even certain expressions DS makes looks more like him or more like me. Don't get too upset about it, but trust me, I know how aggravating it can be. They act as if you had nothing to do with helping to create her Chat Icon

Posted 9/2/07 9:49 PM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: its starting to drive me nuts

I think she looks just like you!! Just ignore them. I get that crap too and I just ignore it. Chat Icon

Posted 9/2/07 9:50 PM

Happy Little Girl

Member since 5/05

3830 total posts

Thia (Cynthia)

Re: its starting to drive me nuts

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I know it's annoying. Everyone, including my own mother, says that my DS looks like my DH.

I don't know if this will make you feel any better--- When my sister and I were both babies, we looked completely like my dad's family. But now that I am an adult, everyone thinks that I look like my mom. Even if your DD resembles you DH more now, so much can change as she grows and gets bigger. Plus families always seem to think that babies look like their family because they zero in on the traits from their side.

Posted 9/2/07 9:51 PM

Just the 4 of us

Member since 12/06

3554 total posts


Re: its starting to drive me nuts

Posted by thiadora

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I know it's annoying. Everyone, including my own mother, says that my DS looks like my DH.

I don't know if this will make you feel any better--- When my sister and I were both babies, we looked completely like my dad's family. But now that I am an adult, everyone thinks that I look like my mom. Even if your DD resembles you DH more now, so much can change as she grows and gets bigger. Plus families always seem to think that babies look like their family because they zero in on the traits from their side.

That is sooo true

Posted 9/3/07 11:54 AM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: its starting to drive me nuts

In the beginning all I ever heard from his family and mine is how DS looked liked DH. Everyone said how DS was all DH. Now that he's older I'm starting to hear how they are seeing a little bit of me in him. So kids change...I still hear that my son looks like DH but he is now showing signs of me...Chat Icon They are always changing...

Posted 9/3/07 12:07 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: its starting to drive me nuts

I guess I'm the oddball. DD looks like DH and his side of the family and people tell me quite often and it doesn't bother me. It doesn't make her any less my daughter. She just looks like her daddy. Chat Icon

Posted 9/3/07 1:22 PM

My girls

Member since 5/05

7027 total posts


Re: its starting to drive me nuts

Posted by monkeybride

I guess I'm the oddball. DD looks like DH and his side of the family and people tell me quite often and it doesn't bother me. It doesn't make her any less my daughter. She just looks like her daddy. Chat Icon

same here... People are constantly telling me what a clone to DH Sydney is, and I know she looks just like him, it's ok!

Posted 9/3/07 1:31 PM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

26792 total posts


Re: its starting to drive me nuts

It's a genetic, survival tactic that most DC look like the father when they are young. The mother obviously knows that DC is hers. If the DC looks like DH when they are infants, the father is inclined to stay and raise the child. If DC looks like the mother, the father may not be sure it is his, and possibly leave. After the father connection is established, DC is "safe" to change to look like the mother.

This is from caveman times, when passing on genetic material was vital, and men weren't willing to raise a child that wasn't their own. Times, cultures, and people have changed, but genetics still follow caveman paths.

Posted 9/4/07 7:52 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/06

754 total posts


Re: its starting to drive me nuts

Can you reply something like, "I Know.....poor child." to try to shoch them a little?Chat Icon

Posted 9/4/07 8:12 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/07

790 total posts


Re: its starting to drive me nuts

I hate when people say that Charles' looks nothing like me it really bothers me.... I go into a store and they look at him (total strangers) and they always say he must be all dad.... I was the one who carried him for 9 months does that count!!

Posted 9/4/07 8:25 AM

Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06

8069 total posts


Re: its starting to drive me nuts

I hear all the time how much my DD looks like DH, but I'm used to it now. Some people say they see me in her too. But it really doesn't bother me so much. I could understand why you're annoyed though. As she grows, I bet she'll look more like you. And hopefully she'll have your beautiful voice (you're a singer, right?) Chat Icon

Posted 9/4/07 8:29 AM


Member since 8/05

4987 total posts


Re: its starting to drive me nuts

Try not to let it upset you. Lots of babies look just like their dads when they're young. My DS looked just like my DH for a long time and I heard those comments all the time, but it didn't bother me because I knew it was true. Now he's a good mix of us and the same people that were saying how much he looked like DH are now saying how he looks like me.

Posted 9/4/07 8:39 AM

party of five

Member since 9/06

11343 total posts


Re: its starting to drive me nuts

Posted by Ang-Rich

Everyone always comments on how wonderful DH is with Lucas and in the beginning it used to hurt my feelings that I was never acknowledged...but then I realized...I fell in love with DH for all the reasons people mention now. I expected him to be a great dad and care for our son. So now when people comment on it I tell that "yeah that's why I married him...I expect this from the father of my child." DH actually confided that he appreciates that I say that because he feels like people look at him weird for doing so much for the baby...funny how we each look at something with different perspectives.

wow...this is so sweet

Posted 9/4/07 8:52 AM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Re: its starting to drive me nuts

It can get annoying. What got me once, was a cashier in Kohls said straight out to me:

"Wow, he must be all daddy, he looks nothing like you". I wanted to jump the counter and slap her a new one!

I answer "Yea, all I did was carry him for 9 months, take care of the two of us during pregnancy, get sick at times and all daddy had to do was have fun".Chat Icon

Posted 9/4/07 9:02 AM

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