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Jacob's 1st Birthday Review

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2922 total posts


Jacob's 1st Birthday Review

We celebrated Jacob's 1st Birthday on Sunday at Shishkebob in Plainview. I can't believe he is a year old and how fast this year has gone by..

We had about 95 people there for the brunch so it was a little crowded but I think it worked out great. I know Jacob was a little overwhelmed with all people but I felt we needed to celebrate this day..

For anyone looking for a good place to have a party, I would definately recommend Shishkebob. I think everyone enjoyed the food, the manager was so nice to work with and it is very easy to get to for people out of town. The price for the brunch was very reasonable too..

Here is a lowdown on what I did at the party:

We did a Sesame Street Beginnings theme-so there were the centerpieces from Party city on the table with 1 balloon centerpiece ( 1 mylar and 3 regiular balloons at each of the 7 tables) . I really wanted to do the customized MMS however it would of cost too much money so I comprimized and came up with something just like it--- personalized Hershey nuggets. On Ebay, I found someone who does personalized candy wrappers with the Sesame street 1st Birthday theme and on it said, Happy BIrthday Jacob... I put the wrappers on the nuggets and I then sprinked them on every table...

We had personalized cheerio holders and sport bottles for the favors. The person I used did a great job... I added another touch of putting a favor tag with the same theme as the chocolates saying- Thank you for coming to Jacob's party. ( Again I found someone on Ebay to do this)

We had a music person come in for the kids. I think it was very age appropriate for the 27 kids I had, but I wished there was more room for her and the kids..

My husband created a poster through with the pictures of every month of Jacob.. on Top were pictures from month 0-6, in the middle it said-- "Jacob, What a year" and below was months 7-12. It was on an easel when people came in...

Lastly, Again, my talented husband creat a t-shirt from for Jacob to wear..
It said "the BIrthday boy" with a picture of him that we used on the invites and on the back it said #1.

Oh, the cake, I got at Waldbaums. I got a sheetcake with the same picture I used throughout... I think the cake was good.. Definately an option for people who don't want to get a Costco cake...

We had a wonderful time and I can't believe a year has gone by...

Everyone who is having 1st Birthdays coming up, whether it is a large gathering or a small one,, enjoy every minute of it since it goes by so quick!!!!Chat Icon

Posted 9/5/06 6:58 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: Jacob's 1st Birthday Review

can I post a review too since we were there?? Chat Icon

We had a GREAT time Hill...
You and Ron (and Jacob of course) really know how to throw a party.
I will send you the pics later - I got a cute one of Jacob covered in frosting.
The food was great, the company was great - we just had a blast.

And because I will be in flight thursday - I will tell you now to please give Jacob a million birthday hugs and kisses from Talia and me...

Love you guys and so glad we got to spend a majority of their first year together!

Posted 9/5/06 7:01 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2922 total posts


Re: Jacob's 1st Birthday Review

Thanks Jen, We are really glad you had good time.

We are looking forward to Talia's in a couple of weeks...Chat Icon

Posted 9/5/06 8:03 PM


Member since 4/06

2784 total posts


Re: Jacob's 1st Birthday Review

Sounds like Jacob's 1'st b-day was a blast. I loved all the personal touches that seemed to make the day extra special. I will have to check out some of those web site you recommended. I hope you took tons of pics.

Happy 1st Birthday JacobChat Icon and congrats on making it through the first year!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 9/5/2006 8:12:26 PM.

Posted 9/5/06 8:10 PM


Member since 5/05

4729 total posts


Re: Jacob's 1st Birthday Review

Sounds great!!!

Posted 9/5/06 8:30 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Jacob's 1st Birthday Review

Happy 1st birthday JacobChat Icon Chat Icon

It sounds like a wonderful party. I am so glad you had a good experience wiht your vendors. Your ideas are so creative!!

Mazel Tov Chat Icon

Posted 9/5/06 8:33 PM


Member since 10/05

4796 total posts


Re: Jacob's 1st Birthday Review

Sounds like a great party!!!! All of your hard work w/ the planning paid off!! Chat Icon

Happy Birthday Jacob!! Chat Icon

Posted 9/5/06 9:57 PM

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