James Brown died back in December as a result of pneumonia. Unfortunately people are still trying to get money from him. One of Brown’s former workers tried to bring charges of rape against the late singer.

Brown’s former public relations assistant Jacque Hollander alleged he raped her at gunpoint way back in 1988. She was seeking $106 million in damages. Are you kidding me? Something that happened 20 years ago should have been taken care of 20 years ago. I’m not saying he didn’t do it, but I am saying that it’s pretty convenient that she is coming forward now, when he is not able to defend himself.

A federal judge dismissed the claim in 2005, saying the two-year time limit for such cases had expired. An appeals court upheld his ruling last year.

Ms Hollander’s original legal action claimed she was attacked in the back of a van off a South Carolina highway, where she was forced to undress at gunpoint. She also alleged Brown battered her and slammed her head against the vehicle’s interior for several hours. She sought compensation for a neurological disorder she claims was caused by her “rape and torture”.

With the legal system in its present state, I’m actually surprised this chick didn’t get millions of dollars for this false claim. I guess the law actually works sometimes!