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Jardine Crib Recall

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Party of 5

Member since 4/08

6489 total posts


Jardine Crib Recall

Anyone successfully get through the Jardine Crib recall escapade? I just realized my sons crib was on the list.....I guess somehow I just missed it. I am really beating myself up about it, but thats besides the point! Right now it is a day bed, DS is 2+ so i'm not overly concerned that he will get hurt by the crib, but I just can't believe I didn't know about this. I just read all these nightmare stories people had trying to get their vouchers and was wondering if AYONE had a decent experience? It really boggles my mind that they want you to send in the hardware before they send the voucher.....where is my child supposed to sleep?????? I was thinking of taking off the hardware and taking it to Home Depot or a hardware store and seeing if they can match it so I can put the crb back together until I get the voucher and can get a new crib.

Posted 10/8/08 4:25 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Fun in the Snow!

Member since 11/06

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Re: Jardine Crib Recall

I still haven't done it, but I called and they told me that I can lay out the money for the new crib and after I send in the hardware, they will send the voucher and I can get a reimbursement on what I paid

Posted 10/9/08 9:31 PM

Time flies!

Member since 1/06

5698 total posts


Re: Jardine Crib Recall

I did it. It was no trouble at all. I bought the new crib and then went back with the voucher - I must have been the first one to do so at the BRU near me because they could not figure out how to reimburse me.

Posted 10/9/08 9:33 PM

My loves

Member since 5/06

19150 total posts


Re: Jardine Crib Recall

I have a Jardine Crib that wasn't recalled. But the guys that assembled it in my home did it while I was in the hospital. When we went to lower his crib when he got older, we had none of the hardware. They forgot to give us the rest of the package. (Innocent enough) I called Jardine and they sent it pretty dang quick. So if you're not too worried, since you have switched it to daybed, that's an option. They can send you new hardware.

Posted 10/9/08 9:37 PM

April Baby Girl is Here!

Member since 12/07

1077 total posts


Re: Jardine Crib Recall

Uh oh... I have a jardine crib.

What recall. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/9/08 10:29 PM

Party of 5

Member since 4/08

6489 total posts


Re: Jardine Crib Recall

Posted by LadyH

Uh oh... I have a jardine crib.

What recall. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/10/08 10:12 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/08

63 total posts


Re: Jardine Crib Recall

I called them as soon as I heard about the recall. It took a bit to get the voucher so I didn't want to wait and went out to Babies R us and bought a new crib and once the voucher came the credited my credit card. Jardine definately made a big mistake because they have sent me 3 total vouchers for a crib!!! I only used the one, but thats a $500 mistake someone made! All in all the process wasn't too bad, just timely! Good luck!

Posted 10/10/08 10:23 AM

The Merlster

Member since 10/06

2540 total posts


Re: Jardine Crib Recall

My crib was recalled, I wondered the same thing - what does your child sleep in whilst you are waiting to get the voucher? I went out bought a new crib and it took about 3 weeks to get the voucher, I was really annoyed as I had bought the changing table & chifferobe to match the crib, I found one that "almost" matched but it was $150 more expensive than the original crib. Anyway I found the level of customer service at Jardine was pretty much non existant, but I did get the voucher and babies R Us were very helpful Chat Icon and refunded the money on to my card

Posted 10/10/08 10:30 AM

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